Lost Swords Costume Pack from Yamatogawa

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We don't get a lot of SOULCALIBUR news these days. Project Soul is currently putting all of it's efforts into its recent free-to-play single-player title.

So for now, in the meantime; while we wait ever-patiently for signs of SOULCALIBUR VI, we'll have to settle for costume pack trailers for Lost Swords. This month's trailer has the upcoming "Magic Knight" pack, designed by manga artist Yamatogawa... yeah... looks nice.
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sc_ls_manga_08.jpg sc_ls_manga_09.jpg
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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
I don't want to leave any more negativity,so i'll say this:That is one sexy design for Isabella :] .
The Soul series stoops low. Just put a flowwer on each nipple and on the v-thing and there you go, you've got a new costume -_-'

It's really ridiculous, and the fact they charge big bucks for these things is a theft. I'm not even sure I want SCVI if it's to get something of this kind...
Yamatogawa is a Hentai artist, from that point of view is a good armor, from a point of view of a fighting game that have nothing to do with hentai, it's horrible. Hoshino's fault.
Rachels get up is literally skin paint, aside from the shoulder things. I mean just look at that terrible underside boob.
that's just a witchblade rip off, same with the other costume Muffin man posted. Sexy stuff can be also like candy: too much of it can really make you sick.
It's funny, when the Jaxel posted that huge magic knight Ivy splash on the site's main page, the thing that hurt my eyes the most wasn't her costume but her scary ass face. I hope they finally give her a woman's face in SC6.
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