Madison SC4 Tourney Results #37 09/26/09


[10] Knight
Good fun stuff as always. A couple of key players were gone, which kinda sucked, but oh well. We still had some really good fights.

Winner of this week's secret condition is Dani, for having played the least # of tourneys outta all the participants... She won a Tira Gashapon and then gave it to Norman aka Lokim.

1. jimmypikachuchoi (X)
2. MysticBill (Amy, Cass, Sophie)
3. Outlaw86 (Yunsung, Amy)
4. Tomi (Mitsu, Cass)
5. Ora (Sophie, Lizardman)
5. Lokim (Talim)
7. Dani (Kilik, Mina)
7. Link-WI (Sophie)
9. Max (Cass, Yoshimitsu)
9. Exile (Siegfried)
9. Shadow (Algol, Mitsu)
9. Metallix (Sophie, Hilde)
13. Pouncer (X)

Set 1:
jimmypikachuchoi-MysticBill (4-1)
He hates only doing BB and throw against me. Supposedly, he thinks I can block, evade, and go thru all of his attacks, so he only plays Amy, and the sisters, and Hilde, and ....too many other characters to try and counter my X. You should come down to WI. This next tourney, I'm making curry for everybody...:)

Bill: More patience, and more blocking. Don't try to always attack on -, not always the best thing to do. Other than that, I have to say you did play really well. You did everything that most Amy players would do. I just didn't fall for your Amy moves this time around. I'm sure school is affecting your practice too, but I don't practice either. You're busy with school; I'm busy with hot Latino guys at the club... X has insanley crazy range with some of her moves and it even surprised me at times, I was like, WHOA...but I'm due for consecutive wins this time around. You'll get me next week.

Caleb-chan!!! You were missed :(

Amber-dono: You didn't do too bad. I played really well surprisingly against your Sophie this time around, after you bashed me in casuals on Thursday. You'll get in the top 3 next week for sure...

Dani-chan: I'm glad that homophobic Patrick Asshole MGR from the arcade let you have the night off finally to play in our tourney. Kilik is much better than Mina, but you gott learn Asura. Have Bill or me help you practice. Thursday night?

Lokim and Donna: Thx for the chocolate cake. I had to go dance it off at the club later that night. Norm, I believe in your Talim even more and you are my hero for breaking Tomi's throws, ENDLICH MAL!!!

Metallix and Pouncer: Good seeing you guys always. I love your fighting spirit. You just gotta throw out honor and use the filthiness and whore-like capabilites of your characters.

Shadow: Thanks for coming, but you still owe me $28. You better give it back to me b4 I leave Korea or I'll call you TW@t for life... Yeah, good luck with Halo.

Exile: Adam, you could, with practice become a solid player. As Tyra Banks says about her top model wannabe's she calls them diamonds in the rough. So you could with your potential and skill become elite, but do you wanna put in more time with practicing or not. You know I'm always there to help you. Give me a ring.

Max: Tough draw, better luck next time...:)
Oh shit, sorry Aaron, totally forgot to give you your props... Well, I'll make it up to you by making you curry this next tourney wkend... HAI!! Good stuff. Some of us are a little rusty, but you are showing new strats with Yunsung, that can be very effective. I think the only thing that's a problem when using him vs. me is that almost everything he has is telegraphed that I can block most of your attacks on time. I think your Amy does give me a little more trouble because she is so fast and has good moves that are hard to read. Against everyone else tho, you are doing lots of solid things. So keep that up. You just gotta continue thinking outside the box and figure, what new ways or strats can you use to keep pressure on me, so that I freeze. Anyway, you better be there this wk. I'm making my yummy curry and I won't save any extras for you, IIE IIE...j/k.
Oh shit, sorry Aaron, totally forgot to give you your props... Well, I'll make it up to you by making you curry this next tourney wkend... HAI!! Good stuff. Some of us are a little rusty, but you are showing new strats with Yunsung, that can be very effective. I think the only thing that's a problem when using him vs. me is that almost everything he has is telegraphed that I can block most of your attacks on time. I think your Amy does give me a little more trouble because she is so fast and has good moves that are hard to read. Against everyone else tho, you are doing lots of solid things. So keep that up. You just gotta continue thinking outside the box and figure, what new ways or strats can you use to keep pressure on me, so that I freeze. Anyway, you better be there this wk. I'm making my yummy curry and I won't save any extras for you, IIE IIE...j/k.

Haha, no worries. I wish I had the time/inclination to actually practice this game, find some more combos for Yun and Amy. Maybe when things slow down and I finally get the game for PS3, but either way I think things are going well considering. And of course I'll be there, you hyped up your curry pretty good on saturday, plus there will be SC4 as always. What could be better?
You won the PS3 as a grand prize and you still don't have the game for ps3....? Don't get Chinese on me now...there's only room for 1 cheap Chinaman in this community,...HAI HAI:china:

Hajime!!!: You are loved. Too bad you can't fly down here to eat my curry... It's true I can't handle the Yoshi shenanigans, but I think I'd use Tira vs. Yoshi now...
Fun tournament, though not as large as i would of liked. It was nice to get some one on one time with people.

I stopped playing Lizardman after EvO and nationals because i felt he was too limited. Seems like eventually i encounter a player that can read 1K and beat every option in crawl stance so i just have to block, punish and throw. That is a very boring and difficult way to play so i thought maybe i should switch mains. Right when i got back i played Amy and everyone was like, "OMG what do i do?! How do i counterpick Amy?! She is unbeatable?!" I also looked at Cass and Kilik and Hilde and won a lot with those characters in casuals.

Looking back at the past month i realize that eventually people will learn to deal with every characters gimics and fights will be decided by the player who can guard, punish and throw better. It was a good lesson to learn. Right now the character i have the most depth with is Lizardman. I know what it would take to become better with other character, but i also know i am not going to want to put that much time into it. I kind of have one foot out the door, so to speak, with this game. Honestly, Tekken 6 will end Calibur for me.

Jimmy: What was the count of Winner's finals? Was grand finals recorded? I wish we could watch it together and talk about it. You adapted to everything i did on the fly, many things even before hand. If you duck a high in one round you wont get hit by the mid mixup the second. I can't make you do what i want you to do anymore. Nice BB post BB too. Whoever came up with that strat is smart. I may or may not take your advice because i think you want me to stop attacking so you can throw me more. I am on to you. These last couple tournaments have probably been your best performances ever. You improved a lot because you wanted to after your losses. Now i want to get better. You are going down the next FT10 before the tournament.

Outlaw: Solid play from someone who does not play, GGs. You are so close to going up a tier, seriously. Part of getting there is the hunger for it. And if your not that into it, so be it. Be proud of how your playing. I can show you more Amy if you want, but i bet you could come up with stuff on your own if you tried. Cya next saturday.

Tomi: Snuck into 4th, nice! You are becoming trickier and trickier every week with your mixups. Keep at it.

Ora: I'd like to play you more in casuals. Your skill is getting there but i think your mentality against me could improve. Your execution could be sharper too. Think about what i showed you against Amy. I play wow on US Sargeras Horde if you want to come over :) Help Dani with her combo practice.

Lokim: You are playing fine, but fine is not good enough anymore. Realize what works and do it, sometimes you mix it up too soon. (Arnold Voice) You lack discipline! (Normal Voice) All the little things you don't do right add up to you losing, like not punishing and not executing combos. We need a bamboo rod or something, but for now i will keep yelling at you.

Dani: The first step in becoming a good player is execution. Basic/advance movement and performing moves reliably is needed to perform in a tournament setting. Instead of learning basic movement and moves, i want you to learn combos, because i believe that learning combos will teach you both movement and moves at the same time. GJ at the tournament, i will show you more next saturday. Grats on your toy.

Max: There is no such thing as cheap, i hope you learn that some day. Next time we play i will whore out all my wins against you and i wont feel bad. If someone can't block lows you should win, if someone can't break throws you should win. If your in a tournament match and you should win, you should win. If you really don't want to win this way, then keep practicing your game because you could of placed higher.

Next week:
I think Winner's finals was 3-0 or 3-1. I know that it was faster than I thought it would have been. The grand finals are recorded, but as you may know on facebook, my digital camera just died, so I gotta get a new one, in order to record those matches and then put them on youtube...:( On a side note, throwing is not normally part of my repetoire, but it's something that I have to do against you cuz you do block every mid and high attack I do, so it's just lows and throws. Man it was a throwfest tho; I don't think I've seen that many throws thrown out in any of our grandfinals...Anyway, who knows what sneaky tactics I'll throw out next wk. Perhaps my curry will be MSG-free=EVERYONE IS DOOMED!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Haha, no worries. I wish I had the time/inclination to actually practice this game, find some more combos for Yun and Amy.

Lol combos??? This is why u havent gotten better. The game is not really about combos. Thats the ez part about the game. Need mind games and defense punishment and setups. LOL COMBOS
Lol combos??? This is why u havent gotten better. The game is not really about combos. Thats the ez part about the game. Need mind games and defense punishment and setups. LOL COMBOS

Missing guarenteed damage adds up, especially in close games. And more often than not the games are close. I never said I haven't gotten better, I think I've gotten better, and I'm usually very hard on myself. It's to the point where I've got the fundamentals down. To progress any more I need to figure out frame traps/tech traps/combos/wall combos, etc etc. and get the extra damage that I'm missing out on, especially on my new characters like Mitsu Amy and Sophie.

EDIT: Once I get my hands on PS3 Soul Calibur, we should play some games. I need some mitsu mentoring, and I want to try to flesh out my Amy and Sophie more