Madison SC4 Tourney Results #38 (CURRY) 10/03/09


[10] Knight
Thanks guys that came and actually liked my curry. That made PIKA very happy. Hopefully, I can make another batch b4 I leave to Korea, but that won't happen just yet, since I'm still waiting for my contract. There was no secret condition this week, but I did give out a LUCKY LOSER prize to the person with the most losses:win ratio, and that totally goes to Metallix. I gave her a Sophie gashapon to cheer her up. To qualify, you must have been to at least 10 SC tourneys...

In addition Lokim won the Lokim Fortune Cookie Award, YAY!!!!! Bill ate the most curry in the group, I think?

1. MysticBill (Lizardman, Amy)
2. jimmypikachuchoi (X, Tira, Talim)
3. Outlaw (Yun, Amy)
4. Ora (Sophie, Tira)
5. Anduril16000 (Asta, Yoshi)
5. Phil Bond (Siegfried, NM)
7. Max (Cass, Yoshi)
7. Orange (Mitsu)
9. Lokim (Talim)
9. Dani (Mina, Kilik)
9. Mary-dono (Mina)
9. Metallix (Sophie, Hilde)
13. Pouncer (X)
13. Tomi (Cass)
13. EJ (Yoda)
13. Shadow (Mitsu)
17. Gremlyn (Cass)


I'll post shoutouts later. It was fun seeing ppl play Beattles Rock Band with all those cool songs, HAI HAI. Gave me a nostalgic feeling in my orchestra class back in the days....
The tourney was good, the Curry was even better! GG's to everyone.

Jimmy: Awesome Curry! I don't get many chances to eat curry, so it's always great when I do, and your curry is top tier! You should bring your copy of SC down and play me sometime. BTW I played Sophie and Mitsu as well.

Bill: Good games as always, it's always fun to play you. Way to take the tourney, you deserve it. I hope you keep playing SC when Tekken comes out, even though it can be silly sometimes. I'll give tekken a shot, but I really don't know if I can get into it.

Caleb: You should get there earlier so we can casual it up, sleep is overrated! =P

Lokim: You'd better not quit, but if you do, we should totally trade copies of SC4. But seriously, don't quit.

Amber: You da best! You're an awesome player and have improved immensely since you picked up sophie. You still have the tools to beat me, you just psyched yourself out, maybe partly from last week and maybe partly because I picked up sophie. Don't feel bad either, I didn't just arbitrarily pick sophie up. I've been practicing on the Down-Low, and reading up on her strats. I know, I'm evil =P

Dani: You should play bill's kilik more, it's evil. Asura is a dirty dirty move, and if you can get that down the payoff will be huge
Good times with the curry. Someone should cook every week.

Also, maybe we should have a rock band tournament? Not that i would run it or compete in it, but i would enjoy watching it. And i would play in casuals if there was such a thing. Just throwing that out there.

Jimmy: Probably the best finals i ever played. GGs We should play more next time.

Outlaw: It's good you are learning more characters, it helps you become a better player overall. In the end characters don't win tournaments, players do. We should get more casuals.

Ora: Time to step it up again. You skilled up past everyone and i feel like after you started winning you top learning. You still have a lot to learn. You need better execution for 236B punish and combo'ing in 236B off things like 44B. You need a better plan of attack, not just 6B'ing at mid range. Come up with more setups and use the Amber™ setup again. If we break throws than mix it up more. Don't get so flustered when things don't work. We have played 38 tournaments against each other since the game came out, we are bound to adapt. Now you have to adapt to us. Think of stuff that might work against us and go for it.(And no one in this tournament can read 1k ;) )

Anduril16000: Was the number in your name always that high or have you up graded? It's cool that you're picking up yoshi. Your Asta is way strong though. My Amy was no match. I had to play really safe with Lizardman to beat you, but you still landed a lot of throws and maximized your damage against me every time. Maybe you should increase your depth with Asta instead of practicing JF combos, but maybe you should keep doing what you are doing cause your playing well. ggs

Phil Bond: We keep not playing against each other at these things. I am up for playing any time though. I hope you have not given up on getting better.

Max: Dude, your Zas is a beast. I hope you stick with him. I have started playing him on psp when i am bored and i like him too. Let me know how i can help you.

Orange: Thanks for coming, it was good to see you. Hope you had fun.

Lokim: If you don't like playing calibur, then you should not play. If you REALLY want to quit, i guess thats fine.

Dani: Kilik Kilik Kilik Kilik Kilik Kilik Kilik :sc1kil1: :sc1kil1: :sc1kil1:

Mary-dono: You are really cool for playing in the tournament :)

Thanks to everyone that came. OMG 17 ppl!

We got a nice little calibur community here. Lots of people at different levels of play, trying to improve. Good stuff.

If there is a tournament next saturday, Oct 10th?, i wont be there. Seeya next time.
Good Stuff Good Stuff

...I'm talking about the Curry and the Tira in Finals....

Oh and good job Mystic Bill. And decent turnout and Rock Band on the Side?!?! :O:O
Sorry, bout not posting. I'm trying to keep a low key, but I was just told that I got the contract to go to Korea for a year and teach, so hmmm..yeah, I don't know how to 100% feel at the moment. There will be no tourney this week cuz my family and I are going to Chitown to celebrate my mom's b-day. We are gonna be going to Chinatown, Mitsuwa and then Woodfield, and maybe Ikea. If you guys need anything from Chitown, lemme know,...BTW, since I'm Chinese, it's gotta be cheap...HAI HAI :china:

I'll facebook you guys tho...

Bill: DAMN you ate like all the curry, no wonder why you won. The Curry had a generous amount of msg for you. I didn't eat that much, but I'll remember the next time I cook for you, I won't get you msg'd, so then you won't perform up to your maximum level...:D

Outlaw: You are needed for my Episode 8 of Madison's next top Calibur Player. We'll discuss more on Thursday night, but I got your guys's script, whoops did I say script, I meant all of you guys are gonna be acting naturally with exactly what YOU wanna say....YEAH YEAH...
Lokim:" '' " "
Ora: " '' " "
Phil Bond: " '' " "

Metallix: too bad about your conidition now, but you gotta learn how to take care of yourself better now, hun...I'm glad you liked your Sophie gashapon. It's kinda like a going away present for Madison's undisputed queen of Gauntlet Legends.

Mary-dono: I'm glad you liked my vegan curry I made for you. Ingredients, curry, tomato paste, coconut milk, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, onion, spinach, golden raisins, red pepper, cashews, cantaloupe, and of course... msg!!!!

Shadow: everytime you continure to not pay me my 28$, I'm calling you a tw@T!!!!

Gremlyn: Glad you could make it this time around. Yeah, your peak was sc2, but even then you still don't block, WTF?!?!?!?!

EJ: Glad you liked my curry, better luck next time tho. Tell Selina to come to one. We miss her!!! We need more female players to kick butt in our community.


Orange-san: Thanks for liking my curry. I was worried about what you'd say cuz you are a curry addict, and I've never cooked for you b4, so I was like, please let Sean like this,.... YAY!!!! Sean liked my curry, that made me happy, HAI HAI.

Max-chan: When did you start playing Zas? That took me for a surprise. Good stuff. Keep it up.

Dani-chan: when are you gonna go clubbing with the Gaysian. It's sux not having a regular dance partner. PPL just don't know how to dance at Club 5. Oh yeah, are you coming to Mary's "Coming-out" party on Sunday. Lemme know. I might be there, if I'm not in another guy's Keep it up. Learn Asura. I let you and Amber borrow my PS3, so practice as much as you can. You'll see how filthy Kilik is...
Videos!! It's been a long time since I've seen a Lizzy player win a tourney! (thanx for that Oof!)
My apologies, but ppl were bumping into my camcorder during the finals, causing it to just freeze up, and by the time finals were over, I went to check and NONE of it was RECORDED!!! DAMN!!! I wanted to see my Tira beating up Lizzy...and to see what I was doing wrong vs. Lizzy...
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