Madison SCV Tourney #2 Results 2/12/12


[10] Knight
This was an interesting tournament to say the least. Some inside drama, which I felt, was for the most part handled well. Before I post the results, i just want to make some new guidelines for our forums, and these WILL be enforced, otherwise I will get Fury or some moderator to take action:

1. Keep the posts to only Soul Calibur-related items.
2. Keep any inside personal drama INSIDE, meaning if you have something to say, let's have those types of comments be sent via email/private messages.
3. Keep a positive self image of yourself. No negativity about yourself bc that is not tolerated; no excuses.
4. Keep it professional, no vindictive behavior towards anyone. Remember, we wanna make sure that ppl think of our community as a positive fun environment.
5. Realize we are a community, and so we should all try to get along or at least be cordial with one another. That does not mean that anyone is obligated to be everyone's friend, and should not be taken as personal, it's just a matter of formality. Some people are private ppl, and some are outgoing. Respect the wishes of others and if they do not add you as a friend, it doesn't mean they don't appreciate having gotten to know your acquaintance.
6. No F Bombs and no C bombs.
7. Good gamesmanship is a must. No whining or bitching at your opponent because you suck. You can only blame yourself for you loss. Nothing is cheap.

1. jimmypikachuchoi (Lex)
2. iKotomi (Pyrrha, Pyrrha W)
3. Strakaman (Maxi)
4. Ora (Pyrrha)
5. Lokim (Viola)
6. Shadow (Ezio)
7. Outlaw (Patroklos)
7. Anduril (Asta)
9. Rignite (Yoshi)
9. Daners Dorkus (Xiba)
9. Phil Bond (NM, Sieg, DJ, Damp?)
13. Rogin (Raph, Mitsu?)
13. Metallix (Raph)
13. AkumaKaze (Zwei)
13. Orange (Mitsurugi, Natsu)

Set 1:

League standings:
1. [10-1]jimmypikachuchoi 54pts (+21)
2. [6-4]iKotomi 30pts (+20)
3. [5-2]MysticBill 28pts
4. [6-4]Ora 24pts (+10)(+$2)
5. [5-2]Dr Tom 22pts
6. [5-4]Strakaman 19pts (+15)
7. [5-2]Fafnier 17pts
7. [3-4]Orange 17pts (+1)
7. [5-4]Outlaw 17pts (+6)
10. [4-4]Anduril 15pts (+6)
11. [4-4]Phil Bond 14pts (+3)
12. [2-4]Shadow 12pts (+10) (-$40, need some partial payment soon)
13. [2-4]Rignite 11pts (+3)
14. [2-4]Lokim 10pts (+8)
15. [1-2]Supa 8pts
16. [1-2]Tomi 6pts
17. [1-2]Mao 5pts
17. [0-4]AkumaKaze 5pts (+1)
17. [1-2]MSPLT 5pts (+5)
20. [1-2]Daners Dorkus 3pts (+3)
20. [0-4]Rogin 3pts (+1)
20. [0-4]Metallix 3pts (+1)(-$40, need some partial payment soon)

Final 8-man tourney ppl's:
1. iKotomi
2. Ora
3. Dr_Tom
4. Strakaman
5. Orange
6. Outlaw
7. Anduril
8. Phil Bond
Everyone, it has been a very stressful couple of days, but let's get past this bc I know we are capable of greatness, and things like this can only help us each grow and get stronger. The truth is out there now, and it's healthy to at least know where everyone stands. Let's just focus on Soul Calibur, OK? I will be posting or interrupting your post, should I feel your comment is inappropriate.

iKotomi: Good stuff. You really did better than the day before, when we went to Baraboo to practice. I do agree that crt's are better for exectution at the moment, so if a player wants to play on an hd lag tv vs another opponent, who requests a crt tv, I will honor the crt request. You dropped a few combos, and that cost you a lil. But this is a great improvement from last week. Let's keep it up in Milwaukee.

Strakaman: Way to redeem yourself. There were a lot of Maxi shenanigans, but you did them well, and you turtled well, when you needed to. I guess you can still boast about your being undefeated against me for another week or two. I will get you.:sc5lei1:

Ora: You were my prediction to get at least 2nd, but we did have a great match this week. I felt your nerves too. You had that fight and could have sent me to loser's. You just need to take a little more risk in your game at times. Crazy matches, Lemme know if you can go to Milwaukee.

Lokim: Norm!!! You're my hero. I'm so glad you did well with Viola. SPAM those lows!!! It was a good turn-around for you and a great improvement from last week. Thanks for always keeping it real. Loved your blue tie, HOTNESS!!!

Shadow: You owe $40 to the league at the moment. Be sure to keep that in mind, as I will not be able to wait any longer for you to pay that debt. On a positive, you also had a turnaround by beating ppl with Ezio. Keep on practicing and studying. Learn what was working and what wasn't, and figure out how to incorporate the good Assassin's Creed dude's moveset.

Anduril: keep it up. Your astaroth is getting better. You just need to play the game more than just once a week(tourney day basically)

Outlaw and Phil bond: I feel your desire to get better and improve. Both of you are just lacking in confidence. It's kinda that point where you got the tools but are still unsure what to do and when to do it. I know you can think of some more creative ways to attack and defend with your characters. I can beat Amber with both Patroklos and Siegfried, so it's doable, but you need to get away from the routine, which is the big thing that Bill used to get me for. We';ll talk more about it on not-Tuesday this week, but maybe another day, OK? Hang in there tho bc your battle auras, although stunted, are waiting to blaze. I believe that.

Rignite and Rogin. Thanks again for coming. it's definitely tough to come into this against seasoned players in our community. It does take some time. But hopefully taking a look at my guide book was useful. That is a crazy good book. If you need more help or wanna practice, give me a ring.

Daners: FOOD!!!! That's all I think of when you play him. You did well and could have gone farther, but it was a tough draw everywhere, so it's up to you to be able to finish off all the close matches.

MSPLT: thanks again for coming. Don't be too hard on yourself. It was your first time playing scv; you shouldn't get frustrated just like that. Think of it as the time to learn the mechanics of the game and to understand your character. You might want to improve your composure as well as it can get poor at times, so just learn how to control your emotions in check. And it's not cheap to bind buttons to A+B+K. There is no real way to do that. If you try to limit yourself, that will only hinder you in the long run. I wanna make sure that I help each individual get better. It's like how your Sifu taught you back in the days, but instead of martial arts it's video games... :)

Akuma: Hope to see you in Milwaukee this week. I should be able to make it. Yeah Zwei is looking hard to play. you might wanna pick Voldo.

Metallix: Good that you were able to maintain your composure. Hopefully, Omari and Tim's assistance in teaching you about frames and inputs will help you improve your game. I ask of you to be sure to be positive in your thoughts. That will help you become a better person and a better player. Do not be afraid of your potential, don't be afraid to play against others. We all care about each other, and we wanna get everyone to improve.
The biggest hurdles I need to overcome are execution and predictability, but most importantly how hard I choke when I'm playing tournament matches. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Either way, I had fun playing, even if I got pissed at myself in the end for losing. Props to iKotomi and Omari for beating me, though. You two are good players and deserved to win.
I think the main reason why I did better with Pyrrha despite playing Omega for the past two weeks is because her B throw is so cute people have to just get hit by it.

Though...if I really did favor B throws against you Jimmy (I still think I mixed it up quite a bit), it's because I learned that you can't combo after A throw on Lex, and I was pretty sure you can hear me buffer the command A throw to help you watch for the animation (doesn't help that I really want to throw you, and you know it already lol).

As far as other notes:
Caleb: Reflecting back, I think the main difference between these games and our previous games is I just used 66K a lot more than I ever did with Cassandra in SC4. We've played so much that you're used to me just running up and throwing you, but since neither of us can duck throws on reaction, you just got hit too many times.

If I had to deal with that kind of mixup, I'd just be terrified (it's why I usually just stay standing and take the 50% throw break instead of taking the launch mixup). As far as playstyle goes, people like us need to figure out how to stop that situation from happening in the first place, and save our concentration for those moments when you really can't avoid taking the mixup.

Aaron: A+B is evil. Jimmy does it every time I feel so pressured that I need to attack and make something happen (usually with a 2A or a BB or a B+K or any number of my favorite moves). You just need to start thinking at that next level and play against your opponent.

Shadow: You need more than just spying and crossbow shenanigans to beat me. Though to be honest, I was so scared of eating random moves I didn't recognize that I just kept doing cheap stuff over and over again to stop you from getting started.

Omari: No offense, but this was the first time I actually thought there was some strategy behind your seemingly random attacks, lol. Can't sleep on Maxi anymore, and need to go figure out when he can do those dumb lows.

On a more general note, until you guys learn to just guard the second hit of Pyrrha's 66B BE, you're making your life much harder than it needs to be. Until you can just guard it, you should seriously consider guard impacting because taking that +10 block stun mixup and guard damage is really not worth it.

I didn't use them much, but you will also need to learn how to just guard certain unblockables and guard breaks, like Pyrrha's WS A+B and 11AA. They're really easy now because the game gives such obvious cues once you commit to the full unblockable. Getting these just guards down is fundamental because there's absolutely no mixup once you have the timing down...just jG and punish. This is also the kind of thing you can practice in a controlled environment, even when you have nobody to play with, so there will be no excuse in the long run to continue blocking these attacks normally.
The biggest hurdles I need to overcome are execution and predictability, but most importantly how hard I choke when I'm playing tournament matches. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Either way, I had fun playing, even if I got pissed at myself in the end for losing. Props to iKotomi and Omari for beating me, though. You two are good players and deserved to win.

Predictability , yes, Execution, not quite. You do your combos, and your supers, more than I can do with my character. You execute well, when you are doing attacks, and that has been something you did well in since SCIV. Predictability and lack of punishment, and lack of creativity are major hurdles you need to overcome. You are becoming less predictable already with me, in that for example with the wake up game you are starting to mix it up with not just lows, but mids that hit grounded.

Your punish, you need to go for max damage and has been something that you could have learned in SCIV, but didn't, and now that is being carried over to this game. But once you realize what damage you can do against your opponents, it'll be harder for them to try and attack you because they'll be tentative in doing their attacks.

Creative and take chances. Sometimes if I have an opponent toward a wall I just go all out on a barrage of attacks, usually safe pokes or attacks that can interrupt. If I'm at a good enough lead, I will take that chance at times to just attack, even if I'm at around -9 frames bc it'll frustrate the opponent when you dumb it up like that after playing solidly and by the book. You'll see me do lots of 9B, 8B or 7B at times. It jumps lows and throws, except against asta and ivy's lick attack, not like Gengar...GENGAR GENGAR. At times when you successfully defend against attacks, don't go for the obvious quick interrupt, unless vs. Bill or Amber. Changing the pace, as you've seeni n SCIV messes ppl up, even against me. Stupid YunSeong 66A+B!!! perhaps after you block, quickly SS5, for a step and then throw or maybe launch or poke. Do different things bc that is something that every person has to work on. Plus, uh oh...sorry anti-Outlaw strategists....your habit of breaking primarily A throws is apparent, except vs. some characters whose B throws are the better option for them, and which you know. You normally break A a bajillion times. After doing about 10-15 B throws on you, I'll throw an A and you still do A for the break, CRAZY!!!! Those are just some observations. Oh yeah and more anticipation of your opponent. You have played some of us for at least 9-10 years, OMG, we are I know you have some notes jotted in your memory about who does what to whom, etc. A little extra knowledge and studying of your opponent is also useful.

Regaining your confidence and creating a pressure game and wall game+pressure will help elevate you to that next level; no excuses, no debby downer comments...OK? You got all the tools. It's just piecing it all together. You don't want to be pulling Jared's all the time. (The Jared is when you have a huge lead, are about to win, but lose, sorry Jared) Just reminiscing back in the sc2 days. I think you one 1 tourney right?
wow, interesting results. Wish I could have made it but work doesn't like to keep paying me if I skip out. Congrats to the placers. I can't wait to play everyone again with all that I'm sure everyone has learned.
Yeah, as far as the next 2 tourneys, there may be a conflict with the tourney 3/3/12, so I may switch that to the next week. like 3/10/12. Hope that doesn't affect your schedule...
Jimmy: Remember Metallix pay $4 to you. If your free on Friday. Metallix would like to give you what she owe's you (fightstick and any fees). You know how to reach me.

Dr_Tom: If you need help on the job front, I have a number to the person who helped me get work again. She was really nice and helpful to me.
iKotomi: your backhanded compliments are always well received. The matches were really good though.

Outlaw: Maxi's a matchup that just has to be learned. He benefits too greatly from the opponent not knowing how to fight him. If we do some matches I can show what the tricks are.

I won't be able to make the next tourney though unfortunately

Metallix: Good that you were able to maintain your composure. Hopefully, Omari and Tim's assistance in teaching you about frames and inputs will help you improve your game. I ask of you to be sure to be positive in your thoughts. That will help you become a better person and a better player. Do not be afraid of your potential, don't be afraid to play against others. We all care about each other, and we wanna get everyone to improve.

::nods slowly::

It's not just in Yugioh I'm afraid to practice against others but in fighting games as well. IE: SC5. Sometimes it's hard to tell. ::the caring part::

Ora - I was so close to turn things around and force a game 3. Great plays as always. :sc5pyr1: vs. :sc5pyr1:

Rignite - ::growling:: Ugh....THAT kick is so annoying! ::shakes my fist at you:: ;)

I was mostly watching everyone else's matches, while at the same time trying to understand the new game book (so much to read over and to understand). At times as I was reading that I was getting lost, my brain shorting out as I tried to understand things about Raph. That was when both Omari and Tim saw me reading were helping me a bit to understand move letters. It helped a little bit the number dial drawing.

FYI, I played Pryyha Q and Raphael. :sc5pyr1: :sc5rap1:
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