Madison SCV Tourney #8 Results 4/8/12

Should we create another tourney to allow one of our league members to get paid entry fee to EVO?

  • No, our Tier 2 league members do not deserve a chance to get a paid entry fee for EVO.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


[10] Knight
OK, so the frame data tourney will be held off til Tourney #9, meaning, that by the end of that tourney, everyone will have to have completed their test in my presence. There was one member that was awfully brave in getting it over with right away. You know who you are, Fafnier, so great job. I will correct all the tests by the end of next week.

For this tournament, since there were not as many ppl, I decided to change the format of the tourney. We ended up doing a 10 man, super round robin tournament, with a ladder tourney right after the the RR. In the round robin, all 10 fighters played each other best 3/5 games. The one with the most number of games won would get the highest seed in the ladder tourney. The 2 with the lowest numbers would be seeded 9th and 10th and begin the ladder tourney.

Final Results:
1. (1)jimmypikachuchoi (Leixia, Xiba) 10-0
2. (2)Outlaw (Patroklos) 7-4
3. (3)iKotomi (Pyrrha) 6-5
4. (6)Fafnier (Maxi) 8-5
5. (4)Phil Bond (NM, Sieg) 5-5
6. (5)Battousai (Mitsu) 6-4
7. (7)Roger Vang (Hilde, Sieg) 6-5
8. (8)Nick R (Maxi) 4-7
9. (9)Orange (Mitsurugi) 2-9
10. (10)Metallix (Raph, Omega, Mitsurugi) 0-10

RR Results:
Seed 1: jimmypikachuchoi 27 pts
Seed 2:Outlaw 22 pts
Seed 3: iKotomi 20 pts
**Seed 4: Phil Bond 19 pts
**Seed 5: Battousai 19 pts
**Seed 6: Fafnier 19 pts
Seed 7: Roger Vang 16 pts
Seed 8: Nick R 13 pts
Seed 9: Orange 6 pts
Seed 10: Metallix 2 pts

** interesting to note that Phil Bond, Fafnier, and Battousai all tied with 19 pts each. Phil Bond received the higher seed because he had defeated both Fafnier and Battousai during the RR. Battousai was seeded 5th because he had defeated Fafnier in the RR.


Thus for our final 8-man tourney, the ppl in the qualified 8 spots are:
Phil Bond
------------(just outside the last couple spots)
Nick R
------------(Non-members that better and hurry and become members; remember, once you have become a member, your non-member points at that time will be reduced by half, so hurry up Soul Calibur Warriors)
Battousai (all you need is $14 to pay for the membership)
Roger (all you need is $14 to pay for the membership)
Yellow (all you need is $13 to pay for the membership)
I am sorry for arriving at the time that I did. I was in Beloit with Pouncer's family for Easter. Really wished that I could have arrived back around 5:00pm than 7:00pm. >.> Just haven't been in the mindset to take the frame data exam that evening (got bad news this past week from Konami about YCS-Chicago. Ask Pouncer about what they told both he and I in each of our letters). I had fun with this SRR tourney. :) Even through most of the tourney I got smashed 0-3 by some of you. :( I just don't come up against too much against Nightmare, Patroklos, Maxi, Hilde, Mitsurugi, Leixia when I've played at home. Still getting spooked by those characters. :( Mostly been home alone playing against the computer on "Advanced" level. Still trying to figure out my 2nd character to play in the tourneys, just experimenting with Omega, Mitsurugi, Siegfried, Kilk, Xiba. Got nothing else better to do. :\

I will be honest I am not sure if am making progress at all.
I haven't even played this game yet. Or any of the newer fighters either like sfxt or umvc3 X(
I would but gas prices are outrageous, i don't even make trips to milwaukee anymore
Since SCV Tourney #8, we have collected Madison's SCV League Membership Fee.
SCV League Members(as of 04/8/12):
Aaron Yellow Shirt ($7) scvwk4,6
AkumaKaze ($15)-Wk68
Anduril ($10) wk61
Anthony ($6) SCVWk3 ,4 ,5
Battousai-JOIN!!!!($6) scvwk3, scvwk4, scvwk8
Brady- JOIN!!! ($4)scvwk4, 5​
Butts ($1)-Wk64
Daners Dorkus ($10) wk63
Dark Hogosha- JOIN!!!!
Dr Tom ($12) wk65
Erik Sua ($1) Wk64
Fafnier($10)SCVWk1 (+$2)
Gremlyn- JOIN!!!
iKotomi($20) wk62
jimmypikachuchoi ($330) wk61, winnings wk 1,2,3,4, 5, 8(only $11) plus money match vs. Jaxel
Just Jake
Khzhak ($20) wk69
Kinrogin ($20)SCVWk1
Lokim ($20)-SCVWk1
Mao ($10) Wk 64
Mason ($1) Wk 64
Mateo Galvan ($7), wk 5,6 (+$6)​
Metallix ($10) wk63
MSPLT($20) wk70
MysticBill ($7) wk 65, SCVWk1
Nick R ($20) scvwk6
Ora ($16) wk62 (-$25gas)(-$50hotel)
Orange ($10) wk63
Outlaw ($10) wk62(-$50hotel)
Phil Bond ($10) wk63
Pouncer ($10) Wk64
Rignite ($20)-SCVWk1
Roger Vang: ($6) scvwk3, scvwk4, scvwk8
Shadow ($20)-SCVWk1 (-$47):sc5lei1:meanie!!!:sc5ezi1::sc5vio1:fail to see this payment in the future....
Strakaman ($12)-Wk64
Supa ($20)-SCVWk1
Tomi ($10)-Wk62
Ultimate Ninja
PS3 GAME Little Big Planet 2 ($30)
Entry Fees 10% Take: ($20)wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wk8​
MONEY for ultimate prizes as of 04.08.12($816.00/~$1000.00)
Miltown tourney partial gas/entryfee 2/18/12-$20
MLG, OH Gas/hotel partial payment-$80
MadCatz Stick-$160.00
Other ppl, who are interested in becoming a league member please facebook me. My profile is Jimmy Wingleung Choi
Team Stevens Point: SOLID PLAY OVERALL. Aaron, I remember when you first came to our tourneys a lil over a year ago, and to see your growth and progress is amazing. I'm glad to see you getting to the level that you are capable of. Keep up the good Mitsu work. It's even amazing how much you've improved from the last month to now. Keep up with Mitsu's whore moves. Watch Mateo vids to see how he stomps on me. Roger, keeping it real like always, until you played Hilde. I think you did some really interesting things with her, but I think you shoulda stuck with Siegfried in the ladder tourney. You were stomping on ppl in the super round robin.

Orange-san: You did well despite the results not reflecting your hard work. Sorry I was spacing out for a lil in your match. It was a mental checkout, plus you were my 9th fight, so I was a lil tired, but that's not to take away from your rounds that you were winning against me either. It shows that you've been studying and practicing. I think after casuals at Caleb's on Tuesday, I had to rethink a new strategy against Mitsu. Sometimes it paid off, and sometimes it didn't. Man Mitsu is annoying... More Brave edges and more combos.

Phil Bond: Caleb-chan!!! I don't like NM!!!! Luckily I pulled some Xiba cheese to get a win off of you in the RR. Keep up what you're doing. I don't really need to coach you anymore It just depends on you, your motivation, and drive. I'll still guide you sometimes tho when needed, but you are doing well.

Outlaw: You were the biggest surprise, but not in a bad way. But I had ruled you out of the top 2-3 this week bc of your poor practice sessions. Good thing you proved me wrong bc whatever you were doing, you did well. And you were the MOST consistent outta the bunch this week, so you really earned it. Just improve on your reaction timing and execution and JG and you'll get up there soon. You need to get the guaranteed damage after A+B or at least a followup. You do nothing after it lots of times and that can make a big difference in a win or loss, especially in a close fight.
Natasha: You shouldn't be too discouraged. You always have a fight in you that is contagious. It's what motivates me to wanna do well. No matter how many times you fall, you GET UP. And to be honest I do see improvements in your game, and I have seen that you are better than you have been before, so that's all that counts. As long as you're having fun with the game a win or loss shouldn't matter. Work on the execution part of the game and be honest with yourself and to others about where you stand in the game and with your characters. BTW, awesome green Pyrrha Omega!!!

Nick R: You know the strings and what moves do in which loops. Now you need to contain yourself against higher tiered players and do the boring things. I know it doesn't sound like fun, but once you master the BORING, you can then switch the tempo up and confuse your opp more, when you are being offensive and turtly and mixing it up. You cannot rely on just your strings. 6A+B (BE) is your best friend with Maxi. And in fact your turtly styled Maxi did do better against me. You just gotta work on the defense as well.


Faf: Sorry, I thought Caleb originally got 4th, so I gave him the 2 dollars, but I actually owe you the 4 dollars. So remind me tomorrw that you will only have to pay a $1 entry fee tomorrow. BTW, sorry for not posting the vids from this wk, too much $hit going on internally in the house. Looking for apts at the moment, plus working at the wok, plus working for my dad= no time for fun stuff...IIE IIE. Let's make sure to get in some good casuals this wk.