MAME - Windows


[10] Knight
How do you go online to play people on like Fighting Games like SF2 or Darkstalkers??

I know about GGPO..but can MAME have online play
Back when was still running and I actually used the program I used the online function, but only for local play at net cafes. There are options built into whatever mame emulator I was using then, but they weren't great. Hell, a few snes emulators had limited online functions. But why does it matter when GGPO does it better for fighting games and there's always 2DF, or the Keillera built into the emulator GGPO uses.
When in doubt, go to youtube. No, seriously! Its got so many how to dos on that site. If it weren't for youtube, I wouldn't have been able to hack my PSP or Wii. Hope this helps. :D
Does MAME support any games that originate on disc-based arcade hardware platforms? Last time I checked, that was where the line was drawn. Everything up to but not including Sega's Naomi GD-ROM, Namco's System 246, and modded PC's. No discs. But then- I recall hearing a friend brag a year ago that they had a glitchy version of SC2 arcade on their PC. Is that something that's out there? Is SC2 emulateable?
Does MAME support any games that originate on disc-based arcade hardware platforms? Last time I checked, that was where the line was drawn. Everything up to but not including Sega's Naomi GD-ROM, Namco's System 246, and modded PC's. No discs. But then- I recall hearing a friend brag a year ago that they had a glitchy version of SC2 arcade on their PC. Is that something that's out there? Is SC2 emulateable?
The ROMs are dumped and everything is there, it's just no one managed or bothered to crack them for emulation. CPS3 has been recently emulated, both CD and No CD versions and works pretty much 100% flawlessly. It's just a matter of someone wanting to crack them now.

And yeah, there's playable versions of Mame. Mame++ and Mame32 are the most popular to play over the kaillera network, and there's also a P2P kaillera client that's a lot better than regular Kaillera, but still isn't as good as GGPO's netcode.