Maxi General Q&A

Considering LI B and WL it's not very punishable at all, and even players who know the situation won't always settle for whatever weak guaranteed option they get. Instead they might go for some stronger punisher or step back to punish a follow up.

So I recommend PSL2 into guard on block or whiff. You don't get ch'd for looping and it's your quickest way to guard. Then make a note on how they respond and adjust.
6A+B fucks anything from PO so as soon as you see it do it for free damage. other than that just try to remember when you can punish her. i dont think the match up is particularly bad.
ummmm. not quite sure what you mean. He is one of the only ones that completes his CE rather its blocked or not.

elaborate a little please
I dunno, Ive NEVER seen that happen. I actually wish it would.

Unless the first hit whiffs. Thats the ONLY time Ive seen him not complete the whole thing
If any of the hits whiffs then it'll stop
On Guard or even JG it'll continue

For PO K, it's not worth it to use 6A+B BE, the LI A won't hit, unless back is to the wall, CE is the way to go~
6A, B+K:B :B :B :A punishes it too
Who is the 'best' Maxi and are there any vids of high level players that I can watch? (Already seen the video thread and watched for the last few pages)
Fhoworang, kvasir, krayzieCD, and myself all have vids up and are for sure worth watching. Saitoh has some tourney fonals matches and some great instructional vids. Those can be found in the vid thread that you saw already.

At the sametime you wanna get your own style down to. What i do may not be the best option or what kavsir does may not be comfortable to you yet. Dont try to mimmick what you see. Itll just get you in trouble.

Ive watched your vids closley and i see where you need help. You lack just the basic things that make maxi more scary. Ive gone over that with you already.

For someone that just recently taken up maxi, id say your on the right track to having a really nice maxi. You just need to work on your basics & mix ups and broaden yourself from there. It takes time homes. Just enjoy the ride.
if y'all are doing a maxi lobby i want in as well. good chance to see where i stand against other maxi players
Im just gonna leave this here:


2A, 1K, 1K, 2A, 2A, 6A+B...rinse lather repeat. I HATE MAXI MIRRORS LOL. I just cant get a win on this guy. Who is this Uber asshole?

I vow on everything thats holy, I will never do another maxi EVER
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