Maxi Match-up Discussion

Does anybody have any general match-up advice vs Pyrrha, Mitsurugi, and Cervantes? It's absolutely infuriating playing against a good Mitsu or Pyrrha, and playing against a good Cervantes literally feels like I can't win.
I feel maxi may have difficulty against mitsu, pyrrha, and lexia; at least my maxi does all my losses have come from these three and 1 nightmare but thats an outlier. I feel the matchup between maxi and nightmare is actually in maxis' favor. I would like to know how everyone else feels about his matchups, it seems people have trouble with astaroth however I can't give an opinion I've only faced 3 ever and they weren't experienced enough with him.
Mitsu is likely Maxi's worst match-up. A big key to this match-up is being able keep his 4B in check via 11B, B+K, 66B+K, etc. If you don't make him somewhat scared to whore this move then you're screwed.

Pyrrha i don't think is terrible, but maybe I just haven't faced enough good Pyrrhas. I faced one good Pyrrha that liked to whore 22K a lot, but I found I was able to discourage that with WS B+K. Basically just don't do super unsafe things and punish her when she does unsafe things and you should be fine.

Leixa, I don't really know anymore, but I assume its in Maxi's favor. This match-up was pretty even in 1.01 IMO, but I think she got the nerf bat worse than Maxi in 1.02. This is of course all speculation however, because I don't think any good players play Leixia anymore, lol. She went from being the most played character in the game to Zwei usage status.
Leixia is pretty awesome. Mitsu has some scary stuff, but I think Maxi can hang with him pound for pound if you're careful. 1B and 4B are his most annoying defensive tools. He can interrupt in places he shouldn't be able to. The good thing about Mitsu is that you only have a few things to watch for. 2KB BE, 4B and 1B everything else everyone and their mom knows about it already...there aren't any surprises.
Leixia is annoyingly safe, and has some serious defensive tools and strong basics. I haven't played an impressive Leixia yet, but I know she's good
About rugi careful of his annoying 44A and 2A+b as I believe both those moves are either -2 or -5 on try not to attack him afterwards.
Thats exactly the problem I have with Mitsurugi, he interrupts certain attacks that seemingly no one else can. Oh and I'm a bit timid when it comes to stepping mitsu if its someone just bashing buttons then I'll step but more experienced players..I tend to eat a lot of damage from stepping him. He is frustrating I think we need to make a punishment chart on mitsu it seems its easier to step left on P1 side against mitsu, he is frustrating. As far as lexia its the high low safe game if I knew her game better than I think it wouldn't be too bad. On a side note I went up against a crazy nightmare player who stepped all over the place I just froze had absolutely no clue what he was gonna do I was unaware of how fast his step game is I just started laughing it looked like he was on crack moving all over the place like he was just itching to kill me. I couldn't stop laughing if you could tie a behavior to his character this is what I'd imagine a desperate killing machine.
Fellow maxi players I dunno if u guys would agree but I think rugi is just one of the best chars in the game with very few weaknesses he is fustrating. No matter how much u go about this matchup u gotta deal with his 50/50 with 2kb BE i think in just 2hits with this ur already at high life :/ my gripe with rugi so far is his ridiclous tracking espically on 4b and a few other verticals and his overall generally saftey with 44A,2 a+b, and a few other move's....but I agree with Cruznik we should start making a punishment chart for him. It's best if we try to limit and make the bests of that matchup.
Characters with good backstep are all gonna be a problem for Maxi, that's just the bottom line IMO. Rugi is disgusting because he has that excellent backstep plus moves with range, safety, and power like 66A+B, B6, 66BB and A+K. Same deal with Nightmare and Cervantes, both of them have excellent backstep and can punish any whiff that backstep causes with a 3B into combo for excellent damage. You've gotta take your chances with 6A, 66A, and even though it's unsafe as shit.....66B at the right times. 44B also reaches pretty far when you anticipate a backstep, although if you through it and they block it at tip range I wouldn't recommend doing anything but cancelling afterwards in case they backstep again.
Lately I've been having a big issue with Cervantes. I feel he's designed to stop maxi. Especially with his Ab (or Ba I duno which) attack that hits vertical and horizontal at the same time essentially. That move alone cuts through all of my moves and pushes me out of range to do much of any retaliation. Any tips against him?
Cervantes is pretty quick good range and dmg too, pretty good set of tools, however he is unsafe depending on how your opponent plays him. I've played against players who solely used iGDR and that move is super unsafe on block I usually counter with B+K B: B: B: A for free dmg. I approach cervy by spacing him stepping 22_88 A punishment, I also use a lot of 44k to counter his whiffs I actually do not like getting too close to cervy until I have frame advantage, he is fast but predictable, although his maelstrom throw (a+g BE?) is a pain I eat that every time. I actually think it's a fair matchup, his 6B+K is another reason I space him that move is overused along with his CE so I tend to stay back a bit so I can duck both. Although inside 6B+k isn't a threat but if he has any meter I prefer to be within 44B range (tip) until he uses it up then I close the gap. Hmmm what else...33_99 B is punishable by WSB+K after you block it oh and watch out if he is ever in a ducking position WS A+B is pretty fast just step it, I don't see an advantage between which side to step him but I tend to step to the left if anyone does see an advantage on which side to step against cervy let me know.
Actually, Cervy 33B is safe.

But anyways, Cervy can be a bit annoying, but I don't think its really that terrible for Maxi. His aB can beat everything after 1B, so don't use that much if the Cervy knows whats up. He can't really do anything special to mess with 44B, so you can still use that like normal. Make sure that you be careful about your spacing with 4BB on block, and discourage aBing after LO B with occasional LO BKs. Other than that, just watch his backstep. If he gets too backstep crazy, let him have some 66As and 66Bs till he calms down with the stepping.

Lets see, what else.... Punishment:

-1AB is B+K punishable ( or 3B if you cant hit the JF).
-3B is AA punishable if in range
-3A+B is 6A+B punishable
- !GDR is B+K or backthrow punishable
- if they throw 22AA and it hits NH, block second hit and punish with 2B.
-aB should be punished with 6A+B (BE), CE, or 4BB
Cerv is about whiff punishment, so don't whiff and pitbull him to fuck. Everytime he tries to stop step he's taking a risk. Almost all his mid horizontals are unsafe and the safe ones are high and we got 6A+B. I think when Cervy wins it's because he was able to read through our bullshit more efficiently.
It's more important that we punish 3B consistently, because that move is pretty damn rugged...and safe if u're tad too slow, do not make him abuse this. His 2A+B is strong as well, it's a nice shielding move that forces crouch. Remember we have WS B+K and the sorts vs that funky business. Whore 6A+B but watchout for autoGIs
Mitsurugi is the main reason I'll probably be dropping Maxi, sorry to say. I still think Maxi's good, but once more people start to figure out how insanely good Mitsu is, he's going to get a lot more use, and Maxi players are going to have to deal with lopsided matchups more and more. At a minimum, I think Maxi players should have an alternate ready for that matchup. It's that bad.
I honestly think maybe only cervantes and omega can stand toe to toe with rugi...and I honestly mean a 5-5 I dunno rugi is just dumb anyway and I dont blame you soakrates :/