MY CAS creations


[12] Conqueror
Hi, this is my first thread so I hope I did this right. I made a few CAS below. I usually base mines on historical periods and themes, but I haven't had enough time to play the game because October is busy month.

Anyways I made some middle eastern characters since they are missing from SC universe. Let me know what you guys think.





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I really like the top on number 1, very well made with the stickers, looks nice on the Janissary too! You've got a good eye, though I think the wizard is perhaps a little plain.

Excited to see more of your stuff, and you're right there is a lack of Middle Eastern representation in general.
I really like the top on number 1, very well made with the stickers, looks nice on the Janissary too! You've got a good eye, though I think the wizard is perhaps a little plain.

Excited to see more of your stuff, and you're right there is a lack of Middle Eastern representation in general.
Right I wish I had more time to create but trying to get through story and Libra as well. Will definitely try some more stuff . A lot of stuff people post inspired me to add details because my SCV ones sucked.
Oh man, this looks legit awesome!! And, being a Greek myself, gotta say that you did justice in delivering this Spartan-inspired design accurately! Job well done my friend :D
Right I have this weird thing with having things perfectly white. I’ll try to tone down the colors.
I too am a fan of white. Unfortunately, stark-white on clothing has the tendency to look like "missing texture" issues much of the time. Taking it down a notch or two gives the underlying fabric a chance to make its presence felt. The prince's turban suffers a bit from this, and the wizard is practically just a glare of white.

One thing I like to do that may help you out as well, put that white/pink/purple gradiant pattern to use. Sized and angled appropriately, it can lend a fantastic subtlety to surfaces that would otherwise end up looking quite plain, or enhance the textures already in play. For example, if you look at Lyris here, you can see how the pink on her sleeve ribbons fades and brightens in spots. Her shorts use a similar effect to enhance the shadows around the waist & leg hems.
It's not a cure-all, but it might give you some depth on those white parts. Works surprisingly well on metal trim too.
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What is Arabian Prince wearing for his shirt? And who are you using for Indian Girl's base?
Kung fu jacket and if I’m understanding your second question right than the Indian girl isn’t based on anyone just has clothing similar to what Indians would wear.
Brilliant how you colored the Kung Fu Jacket, but I what I meant by my second question is which Soul Calibur character did you base her on?