My Cast Of Freaka: Last Batch


[13] Hero
Well after 45 characters I've run out of steam so here they are my last set hope you enjoy

1st one: I like it, you made the warrior look work on a fairy lol that's just great. Great use of colors and patters too, you made the yellow part of her greaves look like wood.

2nd one: Meh, too pre-setty. Gorgon, Gorgon everywhere @_@

3rd one: I dunno what you did with her kimono...but it looks very nice.

4th one: Spartan Cyclops, THIS IS OPTIC BLAST!!!!!

5th one: I like her yea, like what u did with the sake bottles on her ankles and that you gave her blue eyes. She kinda reminds me of Elena from Street Fighter btw.

6th one: uuuuhhhh...i like the oriental colors and stickers on him especially the opposition dragons. The attire itself doesn't strike me as anything special.

7th one: She looks very cool, i like the use of the sticker on her waist to make it look like one piece of clothing. The sticker on her chest armor thing looks unneccesary tho.

8th one: Dr. Voodoo guy, very cool yes. The Haori and shirt really make it look great.

9th one: Kung-fu girl:'s good. But it doesn't really strike me as anything uniqe or whatever, because i already saw a design similiar to this one on here lol It's still very good for what you were going for.

10th one: Hmm...that's a guy right? kinda hard to tell. The outfit looks kind of impractical for the style you picked, i like the whole cosmos feel im getting I see that one of the balls is the Earth and the other one is...Saturn?

11th one: Frankensteiner, Just epic, i like the use of the stickers and special equips, you really made her look like something that only you could've made.

12th one: He looks cool yea.

13th one: I dunno why, but i really like her overall design. It could be the colors that makes me like her.

14th one: He is awesome, you completely nailed his look. It reminds me of something but i can't exactly pin-point what that was.

You are in my opinion the king of using stickers right!
1st one: I like it, you made the warrior look work on a fairy lol that's just great. Great use of colors and patters too, you made the yellow part of her greaves look like wood.

2nd one: Meh, too pre-setty. Gorgon, Gorgon everywhere @_@

3rd one: I dunno what you did with her kimono...but it looks very nice.

4th one: Spartan Cyclops, THIS IS OPTIC BLAST!!!!!

5th one: I like her yea, like what u did with the sake bottles on her ankles and that you gave her blue eyes. She kinda reminds me of Elena from Street Fighter btw.

6th one: uuuuhhhh...i like the oriental colors and stickers on him especially the opposition dragons. The attire itself doesn't strike me as anything special.

7th one: She looks very cool, i like the use of the sticker on her waist to make it look like one piece of clothing. The sticker on her chest armor thing looks unneccesary tho.

8th one: Dr. Voodoo guy, very cool yes. The Haori and shirt really make it look great.

9th one: Kung-fu girl:'s good. But it doesn't really strike me as anything uniqe or whatever, because i already saw a design similiar to this one on here lol It's still very good for what you were going for.

10th one: Hmm...that's a guy right? kinda hard to tell. The outfit looks kind of impractical for the style you picked, i like the whole cosmos feel im getting I see that one of the balls is the Earth and the other one is...Saturn?

11th one: Frankensteiner, Just epic, i like the use of the stickers and special equips, you really made her look like something that only you could've made.

12th one: He looks cool yea.

13th one: I dunno why, but i really like her overall design. It could be the colors that makes me like her.

14th one: He is awesome, you completely nailed his look. It reminds me of something but i can't exactly pin-point what that was.

You are in my opinion the king of using stickers right!

Thank you very much your feed back, I will try explain a few of your points .
I was very aware that a few of them were on the generic side but due to limited items and the fact I had already used most of equpent already availible to me my options were getting thin ;) considering out of 45 charactrs made only a few are on the generic side isn't bad going.
Yeah as you say the knight is vey presety but he is probably the only one out of the lot and it doesnt hurt to have at least one and again yes the chinese characters are a little generic too but I purposely wanted to create a chinese father and daugher theat were very traditional and worked together ;) Ultimatly if you look at my cast as a whole its pretty diverse with a mix of very original to the more traditional and theres a character for everyone.

Number five was indeed inspired by Elena but also alot by the female character from Atlantis

Two reasons for the sticker on number 7, firstly it was to tie in the peachy colour on the trouser that I couldn't change
and secondly I was trying to make an indian character with a layerd sari inspired look

Number ten he actually looks alot better in motion with the planets rotating and moving around him

Lastly I'm proud to be dubbed king of stickers lol
Why recolor? originals are just 1000 times better ^ ^.
You can still delete some olds characters for making new ones, please don't abadon us XD

Its just that Iv'e used most of the equipment now, but I will see what I can do ;)
These are magnificent pieces of work, just like the first two batches! Kudos to you! ^_^

But while I might advise you to keep on going, trying to take a break in order to take care of some "real life" stuff and recharge your creative energies is also a good idea, too....