NEC X Results

Next time, I'm getting a room and hopefully not suck so bad. That drank had my execution all f'd up.
Woo Eli makes KDZ switch characters. Good jorb, buddy.

Grats so Dreamkiller with the supposed low-tier ninja madness.
Quickie NEC Results

I have vids of team loser finals and grand finals that I'll get up at some point.

This tournament was terribly run (in general, not bitching about calibur which went ok) - you would think that the first 9 would have given them a chance to get their shit together...oh well.

Well two things.

1) They've probably never had this many people there before, because of SF4 hype. The way Eric has done things in the past is probably not gonna work anymore. Much love Big E, but get together with Jaxel and people and figure out how to change this for the better. I know you do it for the community, so I'm confident the next one will be better if you make some changes.

2) There is a $20 BUS FROM CHINATOWN. That means all the lousy shady no business CF hoodrats that can't go to other tournies because they can't afford transportation, they all show up here and muck shit up. We don't really have them in Calibur so we don't always notice it, but now you've got a SF4 hype train to draw them. Chach won a sidebet against one of these punks on one of Jug's team matches, and kid tried to start a fight with him over it.

You'd think there could be nothing bad about a $20 bus taking you so close to the tourney, but there's two sides to that coin because of where this shit is situated, no way around it. Look on the bright side, at least it's not at America's Best anymore lol.

Congratulations for Dreamkiller, thugish pond, Rigel, Ramon and all placers!!!

It was quite fun to watch both the team and the singles finals ^^
Had fun and it was good seeing all of you. Look forward to seeing the rest of you guys again. Too many people to shout out to but I do wanna say one thing. Serge, I'm rockin' that anus. Oh yeah, and Del... Again, "good sh*t". Watching you play, I can say with clairvoyance, your play is genius.
Maxx - you are welcome for the kiss. I told you I would make you feel better and then you won.

Who loves you, baby?
I'll just do these in the order I remember them.

350z, you are the man. Airport duty, a place to stay, career advice, and a cheesesteak. I couldn't ask for more.

Eli, Woahhzz, you both disappeared when I came back from the Tekken room. I wanted to play each of you more. I don't think the team tournament match was an accurate indicator of anything.

Oof, you disappeared too.

DK, congrats. But I hate you for taking me out.

Rigel, I hate you for beating me so bad on the stream. You're supposed to be nice to out-of-towners.

S-U, playing a Steve who knew BR stuff was interesting. And how do we once again go even in SC?

Team We Took Your Spot, you guys failed me hardcore.

Serge, Bibulus, Sporko, that guy who almost got hit by our paper plane? HackerMike. Watch your backs; he was plotting some Saw-esque revenge.

Malice, add me on Facebook so I can see the pictures.

Kit, good seeing you as always. It's always amazing how your voice carries over everything else, haha.
man soo many ppl to shout out! but you all know i love you all and thanks for the props! GOOD JOB to my brother Delnar! whoot NYC ON TOP!
Alright then let's do this.

350z - You can deny it all you want, but I feel as though you've improved in your strategy a lot more then you think. Ivy may not be known as an amazing punish character, but sometimes it's the little adjustments that make a world of difference. Thanks for the encouraging words during my matches.

Sporko - And yet again we face each other in tournament. It seems like I always have to end up playing my own training partners. You're still not that easy to deal with, but I think what will help you out in the long run is a bit more patience and punishing more. You don't have to play that way all the time, but when you start to see your opponent interrupting you for CHs you'll be able to make that adjustment once you learn it.

Dreamkiller - Once again, congrats on winning NEC man! I dunno why, but I forgot all about my anti-Amy (if there is such a thing) mindset when playing you. Hopefully this won't be the last time we get to play each other. By the way how'd you do in Tekken?

Ramon - congrats on winning every match that you needed my controller in. Heh.

Thugish Pond - Good job taking second, man. And in winning for your team in the team tourney. You really are a solid player (with or without Amy) and I'm glad to have played you. It took me a couple matches to adapt to your Voldo with Talim, but once I finally did, it got intense. They were fun matches all around.

Oofmatic - You know, I just knew I'd play you in tournament again the moment I saw you in the room. This one wasn't as close as the first one, but it was still rather close. GGs man, you probably have the best timing I've seen from anyone I've played.

Bibulus - Just had to pop in and say thanks for the pizza.

HumanTyphoon - Man, I wish I had your throw-breaking ability. We played like 15-20 matches and I landed maybe 10% of all throws. If I had that down I'd be 3 times more succesful as a player. But anyway, GGs man. That tournament match had me nervous when you took the first 2 rounds in the final set. You played really well, best basic Setsuka I've played. And your JF execution was top notch.

It seems that although we were both somewhat lacking in experience against each other's characters, we both adapted quickly. I really wish that match had been recorded for that reason alone. So many momentum shifts.

Eli123s - Thanks for the kind words of admiration. You were on fire in the teams tourney man. I'm a little surprised Jaxel was able to beat you in tournament. We didn't get to play too much, but I can tell you've improved you defense a great deal against me from last time. Good stuff.

Jaxel - Once again an epic Talim v Talim tourney match. Only this time I came out the winner. I didn't know you could use 22B to whiff punish AS A+K. I have to start punishing your risky stuff way more in tournament. I almost blew the lead in the final set. But man, I have to say... I know that I play worse in tournament, but you seem to play much better in tournament than in casuals. If I can make that happen for me maybe I can start placing even better.

Oh, and way to go with the Purple Talim OCV. Talim > Voldo.

Serge and InsaneKhent - Team Mike Danton! You guys did pretty good for us in the team tourney. Especially you Serge. I'm sorry for putting you all in a bad spot by losing first every time, but as a team effort we did okay. I just wish I could've contributed more to the team. Maybe another time. Good stuff regardless.

JJJ - Hopefully you'll be able to come to Sporko's sessions soon. You have a lot of potential there. Once you learn how to fight against certain characters you'll really see improvement. GGs

To all the staff, good job on running things smoothly. (at least the SC4 portion. I can't really speak for the other tournaments since I wasn't paying most of them too much attention.)

If the tourneys Jaxel wants to run at 8otB have to be done on Sundays, then unfortunately I don't know when I'll be at another one. This may be my last one for awhile if that can't be changed. So if that's the case, to all you guys who I've been privileged enough to play against and hang with this past year, it's been good times and hopefully I'll see you all sometime soon.

This is of course in exception to those who I'll see during sessions on Saturdays. Can't get my skills get too rusty just because of a potential lack of tournament attendance

Holy shit DK won? Good shit.

I wish I could have made it out, but sometimes the army doesn't let you do things that you want.