[New England] Booze + Puritan Values

I live just outside New Haven. If you are taking the Merritt down, theres a park and ride literally 10 seconds off the exit at which I could meet you. Just hit me up on AIM when you get the chance.
K, im missing the NE comp/local sessions that used to take place :( ...anyone(EHEMM!!) thinking of running it back again?!! , if not.. I will host if anyone is interested?
I'd be down to session if you guys are planning on hosting one any time soon.

Would you all be interested in doing a rotational of session locations on Mondays? Like for instance next week at Ivan's, then a week after at Goofus's or Justkills, etc.?

We can setup a schedule of some kind so people don't always have to drive mad far.
no im moving at the end of the month so count me out of hosting for at least two months, maybe longer.

i mean, i would be interested in trying to host once more, but im sure people will flake out and prob not even post let alone attend. seems to be our communities MO in recent weeks. i know people are busy with life and stuff but shooting this thread a post once in awhile is free and takes just a few secs.

salty? eh maybe a little.
no im moving at the end of the month so count me out of hosting for at least two months, maybe longer.

i mean, i would be interested in trying to host once more, but im sure people will flake out and prob not even post let alone attend. seems to be our communities MO in recent weeks. i know people are busy with life and stuff but shooting this thread a post once in awhile is free and takes just a few secs.

salty? eh maybe a little.

I see your point, and yeah I'm gonna have to agree that we've been shitty about keeping this thread active.

I'm going to take part of the blame on that cause I've personally have been on a PS2 game binge the last week or so, so I haven't been on 8wayrun for a bit. Once I know what the score is for session locations and rotations I can let everyone know what's going on and everyone's welcome.

Jon you got legitimate reason to be salty so for that, I apologize.

PS. However this picture is completely inappropriate but I thought it works anyway.

well, as Jon said about moving, i am doing the same the following month; and will gladly hold a SC4 session at my current address anytime soon, i might add that which i don't do very often as you all know, will pm address to all in serious interest and i will accommodate with snacks/drinks...i have atm 3 CRTs , all i ask is for someone to bring xtra ps3 and controllers as needed.

once moved into the new place i will hold more sessions going from SC4/T6..and i guess SF4/SSF4 for those that maybe want to play that on the side..post up and let me know so i can arrange a time so its suits others' schedules.

...And yes this thread got a bit dry of activity the past few weeks :(

edit: almost forgot, and at least 1 or 2 extra copies of said main games for session is much appreciated!
I'm not sure if this would motivate any of you to come out to TX for a Tourney. We ain't holdin nothing back. Granger in the mix. The Evers brothers LinkKrc and Alphamale will be in attendance. Nori, San Antonio's prodigy will be there as well as TX's finest. No one is banned and we are ready to play. I've updated the airfares from Southwestern flights. Hope to see some out of towners. TX is where it's at!
The game/players are still alive and kickin'..but, try saying that to pro/hard core MvC and older SF players alike, lol...not happenin'!!..but then again nothing lasts forever...though, we can certainly try and pretend it does for as long as we can with what we got!!..

speaking of which..Tim i hope you and others can make it to my session, haven't seen most of you guys in a while, the weather is gettin' nicer..almost the right time for a nice game/ BBQ session!!! :kool-aid dude: OH YEAAA!!
Hey Guys you probably already know this but Jamie from GU is opening a new store in Somerville known as GameUnderground. According to him its going to be the same as the old GU, with fightnights and tournaments. He just announced last night that it will be open today. I'll update you guys when I get more info.
Now that is some great news!!...

some of us did already know..and that it wouldn't take too long for the resurrection of GU...the force is strong with GU!!.. btw, how are you doing Kate?, still using good ol' Kilik still i hope? last time i saw you were still in the learning chamber with him, so I'm wonderin' how much you have learned since then!

also thank you for the excellent update!!..c'mon NE get FuKiN HyPe!!!!
I support this Justkill... and the session too.

Kate, thanks for the update, I hope the opening goes well. Is there a definite date when Jamie is opening the store?
Hey Guys you probably already know this but Jamie from GU is opening a new store in Somerville known as GameUnderground. According to him its going to be the same as the old GU, with fightnights and tournaments. He just announced last night that it will be open today. I'll update you guys when I get more info.

fucking AWESOME!!