New player(Sorta)


[08] Mercenary
So yeah I am a current member here, but i didn't have much time to play after taking a fighting game break. In any case i'm back into my love for 3D fighters again so I picked up a Ps3 copy of SCV and SCII. I just started learning these games, so i'm bad. very bad. Tried to find some beginner matches to play, but all i got were A1 ranks that stomped me over and over, so I stopped playing for now.

I am trying to learn Pyrrha Omega atm, and as for SCII, I am stuck between learning Sophitia or Seong-Mina.

If anyone wouldn't mind playing a beginner, my PSN is Loryuo. I also Play Tekken Tag 2(i kinda understand what's going on in this game and DoA5U(still suck at this game)

I am on Skype also if you wanna hang out there(Loryuo)
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So yeah I am a current member here, but i didn't have much time to play after taking a fighting game break. In any case i'm back into my love for 3D fighters again so I picked up a Ps3 copy of SCV and SCII. I just started learning these games, so i'm bad. very bad. Tried to find some beginner matches to play, but all i got were A1 ranks that stomped me over and over, so I stopped playing for now.

I am trying to learn Pyrrha Omega atm, and as for SCII, I am stuck between learning Sophitia or Seong-Mina.

If anyone wouldn't mind playing a beginner, my PSN is Loryuo. I also Play Tekken Tag 2(i kinda understand what's going on in this game and DoA5U(still suck at this game)

I am on Skype also if you wanna hang out there(Loryuo)
I'm new to SCV and I'm also on psn. Add me if you want to get some games in. My psn: Chakkdizzle
Welcome to the forum, I am sorry for such late reply, I've seem you around just now,
Anyway welcome to 8WayRun, I hope you enjoy your stay, if you need something feel free to PM me.
Thanks Ramus. I think the only thing i need atm, is people to play, since i can't find anyone. lol
Welcome to the forum. I'm happy to help if you have any questions. Just PM me. Also hoping I can finally get SC V on my PS3. When I do I'd be up for some games.
Sure! I'd be glad to add you guys! This game is pretty fun. I keep getting all the mean spirited players, besides like 1 or 2.