[New York City, NY] Afraid of a Little Fire????

those prices are teh crazy!

who's comin to BONE this weekend? the usual suspects? let me kno homies

ps - hazel's pregnant o.O! apparently she got knocked up right before my ex found her ... she's due any day now ... anybody want a puppy? =/
Yo, let me know if you guys are having a session on the weekend of the 14th (Sat). I may want to come down then. Can't the following week 'cause I want to go to a Tekken 6 tournament. (Won't have a ride to the November KOGA.)
I so wanna say yea right now =/

lol who's the father of Hazel's babies? Find out next week!
Yo, let me know if you guys are having a session on the weekend of the 14th (Sat). I may want to come down then. Can't the following week 'cause I want to go to a Tekken 6 tournament. (Won't have a ride to the November KOGA.)

I know some of NYC is coming up for the Buffalo major that weekend, dunno who will be left. I know Nuez is driving a group up, Maxx and whoever else are with him, Serge will still be in the city but who knows what he's doing lol. KDZ and Rigel I think are coming up from NJ as well.
is there something going on with the ladder challenge every time i check my email i get a message saying "so an so" has challenged you do you accept its gettin real annoying
Just a reminder, BONE will NOT be held up tommorow if your late, because I have two other tournaments to run. Be there promptly at 1pm, if the first round passes and your not there, thats too bad. If you show up late, you might be seeded against someone you came with.

Anyone who could bring a copy of Calibur (not a station) would be appreciated. Were short 1 copy.

Reminder that Rumble in the Tundra is in 2 weeks (11/14) and you guys should gets your rides and plans situated :)

cya there!

cha cha
ok who's comin in my car to buffalo? i just wanna finalize it and get stuff situated

so far definite:

-correct me if the above is wrong ... once the car is done ill set up room n board situation
i believe maxx and serge wanted to go but im not sure ... anyway if a seat empties in the car arrogant already called it ...

arrogant: ill let you know if i have an open seat as soon as i can
Fox what's up with that plane ticket? Stay on top of it, or figure out a ride with Nuez. Also I thought Serge said he wasn't going? It'd be cool if he was able to make it.

I'm a definite no correction needed Mr. Mexican.

Besides that I came in here to see whats good with the sessions. Do they still exist or what?
ok who's comin in my car to buffalo? i just wanna finalize it and get stuff situated

so far definite:

-correct me if the above is wrong ... once the car is done ill set up room n board situation
i believe maxx and serge wanted to go but im not sure ... anyway if a seat empties in the car arrogant already called it ...

arrogant: ill let you know if i have an open seat as soon as i can

That open seat there, Nuez?
Fox is probably gonna need that spot Nuez, except you wouldn't know that because he didn't post up like I told him to when he told me that last night. Too short on money for the plane ticket, I guess. Unless someone from NJ has space, but I dunno what their plans are. I heard KDZ was rolling with Wong for this one instead of other NJ players? So no idea who's driving and who's not coming, etc.

Also when are you coming up, and how long are you staying? Need to figure out some stuff, I'm pretty sure you guys can stay with Chach, just ask him ahead of time. Last time Khent was like violently allergic to cats so he couldn't stay there, haha. But it's not my house and it's gonna be a big weekend, so check with him ahead of time, don't just assume. This isn't Jay's house, lol.

ramon: i'm gonna try to make it this week but dunno bout tom

endnow: huh?

arrogant: it's lookin decent for you right now but i'm not sure yet cuz i haven't had all the confirmations that i'm askin for ... i'll make some calls tomorrow so u have time to adjust ur plans if necessary

kowtow: tru, thnx ... any cheap-as-balls hotels nearby just in case?

SUPER EDIT: anybody with Steam want left 4 dead 2 on pc? ... im about to do the 4-pack deal with my friends but we need one more ... it would be 33.75
Uuh... its a line from that Movie 'deadly prey' Papy said he showed it to all of you guys? It was hysterical.
Uuh... its a line from that Movie 'deadly prey' Papy said he showed it to all of you guys? It was hysterical.

Haha. I hope he made you watch it, that movie is amazingly awesome. ESPECIALLY THE END XD
Nuez - You know im down for the ride. Hope you have a dogsitter =P