Norik's Custom Characters

Damn it, I just can't get Obsidius, Sinclair, Bolivar and Kronus right >.<

Heavy armor designs: Too busy. A lot of crazy details poking out of the armor and all that. If not that, then you had on armor that just did not mix well together, specifically Sinclair. Heavy armor designs are kinda difficult, though, because of SCIV CaS' limited armor selection.

Diana, Andrea, Romana, Tsubasa, Nikoleta: These characters are going somewhere, but they're not quite finished, yet. Some suggestions: more color variation on Diana; give Andrea some armored boots and turn her into a knight-type design; lose the pauldrons on Tsubasa, they're too bulky; swap Nikoleta's Tiger Lily boots for something lighter. I'm not sure what to do with Romana, but she needs something that shows she isn't generic roman gladiator #230.

Cydia, Azaneth, Bolivar, Regolus: I like these designs. Things just mesh well, in general. Like you were saying a couple posts earlier, it feels like Bolivar isn't quite right, yet. I understand that well, since his design is close to my main CaS, but from a third-person perspective, it doesn't look too bad. Personally, I'd stick him with Raph's style instead of Amy's, because her animation set is very feminine (unless he's meant to have an effeminate character). Then again, you run the risk of turning him into a vampire, which I'm not sure you want, either.

Regular cast recolors: Good going with Maxi and Cass. I'm a bit of a Cassie fan, myself, so seeing her in that red and how well she carries it brought a smile to my face.

All in all, it's getting there. Just keep at it. I'm sure you can find ways to get things right eventually.
All in all, it's getting there. Just keep at it. I'm sure you can find ways to get things right eventually.
So they're wrong? You can't get creativity wrong... Or can you...

But nice criticism. I think you're being a bit too focused on SC style design though, I went for a more Saint Seiya -ish look, just because I'm crazy :P. I love Sinclair though, he's my personal favorite and my most "historically accurate" character, I went for a Street Fighter type design (that is: something generic with a bit of unique details). I thought everyone liked him...

Diana, Andrea and Nikoleta were not actually made entirely by me, they're creations from cousins and my sister, I just tried to "fix them up a little". I'm actually surprised that Diana has attracted so much attention, I tried to fix a five year old's mess and that's what came out lol. Tsubasa I think I could lighten up, but in SCV I actually went for a more armored look, some samurai-ish ninja mess that looks fairly decent and I'm elaborating upon. He's got a few students now, one of which I'm yet to make... As for Romana, her fate is as of now a mistery you shall find about later...

And now the ones you like :). Cydia and Azaneth are remaining fairly similar, except for some CaS limitations and physical maturity. The new Regolus is THE DOPEST SHIT IN THE UNIVERSE. And only if you don't know, Bolivar is a historical character.

My style in SCV remains fairly similar, but I'll take this in consideration.