Obama wins

Also it's worth noting, a lot of the reactions I've been seeing from people (not just here) have been more relief than excitement. Almost like people were expecting something to go wrong. Makes you think about the last 8 years, and some of the things that happened.
Well with this the secert service will be over working themselves a lot. Yes this is something nice to see but the factor of how he does will affect any other colored president that we will hav later on.. Obama now has big shoes to fill and hopefully it will fix the nation... If it does not, then I doubt we will see any colored anything in office for awhile.

Hands down the best post in this thread. Image saved.

Anyway, yes, Obama won. The man has a pretty hellish road ahead of him. I hope he can handle it.
From a Canadian perspective... the American ppl have voted in an inexperienced dude to run their country on the cusp of economic despair.

Good luck with that.
From a Canadian perspective... the American ppl have voted in an inexperienced dude to run their country on the cusp of economic despair.

Good luck with that.

Lol, still ten times better than a 72 year old, highly cancer dangered guy with Sarah Palin as a Vice. Sarah Palin, wtf.

Honestly, i have to congratulate the american people, this election for itself has highly rised the Reputation of the USA in the World. This election is not just important for you guys, but also for the rest of the World.

Just as an example,Mercedes and Porsche have stopped their Production here in Germany cause of your Finance Crisis, i dont know what your Media in the US is airing, but the Crisis also effects Europe.

And maybe a nice number for guys, a survey in which 1,5 Million Students in germany where asked for the US Election, it was 91,5% to 8,5 % for Obama. You can imagine what this would have meaned reputation-wise if Mc Cain/Palin was elected.

So yeah, Congratulations from Germany. Honestly.
I wish all the luck to Obama, but I have my doubts. But I'll just wait and see.

The last thing I want to do is start a political debate, so I'll just say..I'm glad Obama was elected and I honestly believe he can help restore the country. If anything, he certainly can't be worse than Bush (no, not Sr). I believe Bush was what we would call, "a new low".

It's hard to go further down when we have already reached rock bottom (inb4depression), lol. Anyway, the only way is up now

And just to clarify, the cause of the whole subprime mortgage crisis goes back to the Clinton adminstration. I don't think a lot of people realize that.
From an unconventional European perspective: I don't think McCain was a bad choice, but Palin... what the hell?

Obama is a socialist who has done nothing but conceal and deny his past. We got a lot of those running Europe and it isn't really working out. His plans will lead to lots of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy in itself will always oppose change and live for nothing but to ensure its own existence. This will be Obama at best. At worst he will be the next Stalin.

*running out of migration options*
I wish all the luck to Obama, but I have my doubts. But I'll just wait and see.

And just to clarify, the cause of the whole subprime mortgage crisis goes back to the Clinton adminstration. I don't think a lot of people realize that.

I think most want to blame it on Bush, when in reality we had this coming for awhile. I will say congrats to Obama, though I didn't really want him or McCain to win.
Next Stalin? Serious? The Stalin who killed about 1,5 Million people?

Obama a socialist? Lol. Do you mean Communist or do you think he social? Do you even know what you are talking? Socialism is a wide term. Stalin, WTF.

Dont make yourself ridicolous.
All I want to say was that I was happy to see so many young people vote, this shows that my generation actually cares, I mean I friends who voted for the same person that i did, but i also have friends that voted the other way, the best part is that we have the right to vote any way we want.... Now I do have to say I did like the speech that McCain gave last night. Even though he did not win, he was a good runner..
Stalin killed 30 million people... but it was his own people, Russians... so we were kinda okay with it... But the fact that Obama is socialist is why I would never have voted for him (I wouldn't vote for McCain either). Socialism is a governmental idea that has NEVER worked. Not once in the history of the world has Socialism ever succeeded, every country that has tried it has failed.

Socialism will never work in our country and time has already shown that it hasn't. From after the great depression to 1965, the unemployment rate in our country dropped continualy each year. This is running on private funding and true philanthropy. When people donated money, it all went where it was supposed to go. But it suddenly dropped in 1965 and has stagnated ever since (or got worse). What happened in 1965? Our government created Welfare and Unemployment programs. All of a sudden, with government intervention, things became less efficient and the money didn't go where it should have.

I'll quote something I said in another thread...

everyone is saying after these past couple of weeks that the stock market crash is proof that the Free Market and Laize Faire system is a failure. But in truth its not, what has been failing is our government's continual need to interfere and try to regulate our Free Market system. Poverty has been universally decreasing in countries that have a free market system without government intervention. Botswana, the freest economy in Africa, is the most prosperous country in Africa. People in Chile have a standard of living that rivals even the richest countries. There are many other examples that prove that the Free Market works...

But let me put it another way... something thats easier to understand. John wants a specific item; Bob creates that item. Without the free market, John would walk over to Bob, shoot him in the face, and then take the item by force. A very violent approach, and everyone loses in the end because John no longer has a source to get said item. With the free market, John would walk over to Bob, offer him some money for the item, and from then they can barter on price. Then in the future, John would have the oppurtunity to buy future items from Bob. Now lets say Jane shows up, she is Bob's boss (ie: government). Jane tells Bob, "you can't sell that item to John, I dont like him". The so called "free" market isn't free at that point and Bob gets shot in the face... Notice that Bob gets shot in the face, not Jane.

Free Market = World Peace
From an unconventional European perspective: I don't think McCain was a bad choice, but Palin... what the hell?

Obama is a socialist who has done nothing but conceal and deny his past. We got a lot of those running Europe and it isn't really working out. His plans will lead to lots of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy in itself will always oppose change and live for nothing but to ensure its own existence. This will be Obama at best. At worst he will be the next Stalin.

*running out of migration options*
Whoa. Lot of nutters still around. Thought they all died off last night.
maybe i missed something here, but how is Obama a socialist? wouldn't it be more accurate to call him a socio-democrat, if anything?

and how does socialism lead to people being shot in the face over a pack of gum? and how does a "free market" prevent the shooting of the faces? maybe someone can give me a concrete example of this scenario?

Obama seems like a fairly intelligent individual, and so does the first-lady. pretty excited to see how it all pans out.
Well a lot of his policies are such as universal healthcare, increased government regulation, "spreading the wealth" are very socialist. Which to be honest I don't see how someone can say they aren't.

Good post Jaxel. I dunno if I agree with your example but I agree with your main general argument 100%
Wow, so nowadays universal Healthcare is socialism? lol.

If you live in Germany, you HAVE TO have a healthcare insurance by LAW. And I dont see any Communists running around here.

But you know what, when i break my leg, when im sick, whatever, i go to a doctor or hospital and thats it. No waiting, no money, no problems. If Americans are scared by the idea of universal Healthcare, then i dont know what to say.

There is a difference in beeing social-democratic and a socialists.

You cant imagine how ridiculous it sounds to non-americans when you say Obama is a Socialist.


I was talking about the purge in his own state apparatus between 35 and 39, lol i dont think Obama had to kill People to achieve his Status.

And this strange Bob and Jane stuff is a joke, right?

Sudanes Farmers are exporting Millions of Tons of Cerial to other countries, while their own people die because they have no fuckin food. Guess the Free market does not work for everybody.
You can't imagine how ridiculous it sounds to me when non-Americans tell Americans whats good for America(I'm not singling you out or anything its just something i've noticed lately)

I didn't say that JUST universal healthcare makes him a socialist. I specifically noted other things as well. Thanks for just pointing out that one thing though! lol

I'll reply later in detail later...i have to go to class now >.<
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