OmegaDR Wins Final Round 15 in Atlanta!

With 251 entrants, Final Round 15 in Atlanta, Georgia, may have been the largest Soul Calibur tournament on American soil in the history of the series! Huge congratulations to all the placers!

Top 8 are as follows;

1. OmegaDR (Nightmare- Miami)
2. Hawkeye (Natsu- Chicago)
3. Thuggish_Pond (Leixia- Chicago)
4. Wing Zero (Xiba- Atlanta)
5. Sword Lord (Pyrrha/Leixia- Atlanta)
5. Lolo (Yoshimitsu- Mexico City)
7. Dreamkiller (Natsu/Leixia- New York City)
7. EMP KDZ (Astaroth/Seigfried/Maxi- New Jersey)
rofl, at one point i remember RTD and wingzero were playing tekken SC keep-away and hates said, "this is really exciting if you understand what is going on." and then went into some technical jargon.
one word

Congrats, esp. to Omega! On a related note, glad to see a NM player in top spot (take that, would-be one-month tier lists) and Lolo still repping Yoshi.
I didn't get to watch the stream. Are the vids gonna be uploaded to YouTube, and if so what channel would it be?

(Lobo, whenever they get uploaded, you should edit the links into your opening post)
I enjoyed everyone i met... N i still Love u Lolo even though u tried to get me disqualified ... Lol... I love this community n the ppl in it.. Shoutouts coming soon.

That was my last mind game of the tournament, lol, without that, you may have gotten the winners final, you were playing really good in that moment, I always feel like in a big family whenever I'm in tournaments.
That was my last mind game of the tournament, lol, without that, you may have gotten the winners final, you were playing really good in that moment, I always feel like in a big family whenever I'm in tournaments.

N ur mind game worked.. Lol... I was soooo angry and frustrated .. Made A Lot! Of bad choices after that game changing factor... U still my boy tho.. U and omegadr . (^_^)
I personally thought the commentary was horrible. Flithie Rich cannot be put with Markman again. They were both Tekken players trying to commentate on Soul Calibur. There was no insight into the game so the stream monsters ragged on it cause they didn't understand it (there were marvel chimps in there as well but let's not talk about them). Hype with no direction is just as flawed as relentless bashing on Sword_Lord.

But they do a good job at hyping so we need an in-between commentator, a James Chen or something who does know a lot about the game but understands how to explain what is happening on stream to the viewer. Not to treat the viewer like an idiot but instead to explain roughly the mind-games of what is going on, the tactics and not just Oooooo-Ahhhhh everytime a sweet move is pulled off.

Talk about who these players are as well, what their backgrounds are etc. so that these stream monsters know that these guys are historically good and not just some randoms who picked up the game yesterday. Explain if they have had some rivalry in the past, the history of their previous tournament wins and why they are considered God-tiered at the present.

Bib and Hates individually imo did a great job but as lobo said, they were very similar in styles. Imo Bib should have been put with Filthie and Hates should have been put with Markman or a new combination should be created.

@Bib- Great commentary but lower down on the technicalities and focus on the exciting stuff like the match-ups, history and the mind games. I think you would be a very good color commentator but you should look to getting a hypeman with you to do the play by play. Not a diss but IMO constructive criticism.

@Jaxel- can you take a look at trying out more people to commentate. The US desperately needs to find an Asenka or someone similar to hype the games up cause it really did not show the exciting side of Soul Calibur 5.

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