Patroklos Combo Discussion!

Personally speaking I like using this near a wall or ring edge. 236K will hit even if they ukemi in that situation. Considering they have nowhere to go after 236K hits you're given great oki and 236K is fantastic for meter gain so you're not actually using too much meter you don't get back.
yeah that's true, so near wall you have more guaranteed damage+ meter gain, in open field oki options are the one i listed.
What do you guys think about his meter usage?
I think only CE and 236B* are useful.

Launcher : norm dmg / BE dmg /CE dmg

236B : 38 / 64 / none - be is pretty good
3B : 56 / 85 / 95 = CE is useless, BE is good.
66B : 80 / 88 / 96 = CE and BE are useless
ch 6BBB : 95 / 107 / 111 = same as above.
WS KA : 57 / none / 102 = CE is very useful
22_88B : 75 / none / 107 = CE is pretty useful
1B: 55 / 79 / 110 = BE is useful, CE costs too much as it wont work w/o BE first.


66A* looks like shit to me
1B* is only used in rare combos, this almost useless
CE is good for RO combos and against characters with strong throw game, so you can punish WS KA CE - 100 dmg and RO
236B* is really good though, b/c it brings punishment damage on Pyrrha level.
I've pretty much came to the same conclusions as you, Belial.

I try to reserve all my meter use for:
- punishment CE
- WS K, A, CE (love the ring out on this, as WS K,A pushes back a lot as well)
-236B:BE punishment

Other than that, I consider Pat's good meter generation to be used for meter GIs. After a meter GI, 6BBB, 66B+K, 236K gives you all the spent meter back, thus giving you infinite GIs less a miss. Distance GIs can be started with 66B, same combo, and gives you just under the meter used... but your follow-up attack on wake-up will give you that little bit back, thus giving you full refund still. Remember you still generate meter on whiffs, so if you're so inclined, you can not chase them on wake-up and just throw out a "safe whiff" for the final meter gain. I rarely but sometimes find this the better option.

Don't forget something like a successful meter GI into 6BBB, 1B:BE, CE for a ring out. Sure it's a full two meters, but if you're banking on final round, it's a more reliable 2 meter ring out than 66A:BE, 1B:BE, CE if your opponent is turtling.

I really like Pat. He's pretty legit but nothing really 'broken' (read: overly good). It's awesome to see what other good players are thinking.
i disagree i dont think 1B* is usesless. 1B is 0 on block so you can definitely set up some frame traps with it. i find myself using 1B a lot and whenever it hits i just confirm it to 1B*. as far as 66A* goes i dont see why you would use it off a launcher. 66A* is +6 (correct me if im wrong) on block and does a TON of guard damage. on hit you can follow up with 66A+B for solid damage. its also a decent way of getting in and if for whatever reason they decide to push a button you get a counter hit. i mostly use when i go for guard crush.
i disagree i dont think 1B* is usesless. 1B is 0 on block so you can definitely set up some frame traps with it. i find myself using 1B a lot and whenever it hits i just confirm it to 1B*. as far as 66A* goes i dont see why you would use it off a launcher. 66A* is +6 (correct me if im wrong) on block and does a TON of guard damage. on hit you can follow up with 66A+B for solid damage. its also a decent way of getting in and if for whatever reason they decide to push a button you get a counter hit. i mostly use when i go for guard crush.
1B does/V't have much actual reward o/V hit. It's a waste of meter imho agai/Vst GI's or 236B*. Occasio/Vally I fi/Vd myself usi/Vg it if I've got meter for CE a/Vd /Veed a way to combo i/Vto it but that's about it...
66A* is EXTREMELY easy to jG like most BE moves, steppable too.

Also I'm /Vot attempti/Vg to be cool by typi/Vg like this, I spilled water o/Vto my laptop a/Vd the "/V" key /Vo lo/Vger works. =\ Please excuse how ridiculous it looks.
i use 1b be all the time (in combos) . it has awesome ro usage and turns a safe move into a launcher. i think i found a new combo. it requires a good amount of space from the wall so you will have enough time to recover, 44b+k w! 8a+b 1b 1bbe ce. 173 dmg 1 1/2 meter. there are many variations that do less damage but are easier such as 44b+k ce 153 dmg btw. just thought u guys would want to know.
11B > ~G (turn around) > 236B BE > 44B = 95 damage.

Tested it against myself (Pat vs. Pat), the 44B seems to catch all techs + playing dead, so it seems guaranteed.
44B seems to catch all techs for me, if you're close. If you're really far away, the last frames of hit are too late and a tech to [their right, I believe] escapes. I'm sure we can lab it.
i know that after (combo)jsb be, 44b is guaranteed if they not ukemi on their right. in that case, 66a is guaranteed but it is really difficult to put it, seems like a jf. if too late they can block, if too fast 66a whiffs letting opponent to launch you.
anyway(imho, i didn't test it but no one escape from this to me) if the oppontent after jsb be has got face on the ground, 44b seems to be guaranteed
I feel like we should be talking about the fact that B+K into CE does 125 damage. B+K became so much scarier in my opinion.
The forward movement of B+K makes the combo's ring out range very good, as well. Not much to say about it, tho. If you know a high is coming or have enough time to step~whiff punish with it... noms.
forgive me if this combo has already been posted, but i dont often go into other soul arena's other than my own.

i was experimenting with patroklos earlier in training mode, and i think i came across a new combo:

66B (6*)66B+K (slight delay) 1bBE (236:B)**

*note: the extra input here is to both delay 66B+K's connection to its latest possible timing while gaining the maximum amount of horizontal distance so that the 1bBE link and 236:B ender will not whiff on certain hitboxes (such as patroklos's or pyrrha's) however it does work just by doing it normally most of the time.

**236:B does not connect on the following characters:
  • Astaroth
  • Voldo* - 1bBE requires special timing against voldo if he is in BS
  • Alpha Patroklos(range dependant)
In this case, i've been using 3K as the next best damage option, but then again, you get more damage from doing 66B 66B+K 66A+B than you do from doing 66B (6*)66B+K (slight delay) 1bBE 3KK.

The extra directional input must be excluded for the following characters, or the combo will break:
  • Ezio
Other than specific characters, i recommend that the extra directional input be included for safe measure.

then again, this is only 10 extra damage for 1/2 meter usage, but it does ring carry a bit further, and the 236B hit leaves opponents in range for 66A. maybe you guys can find a use for that.

i can post a video for the combo execution if needed. the 1bBE has a rather tricky timing. too soon, and your opponent can AC out of it. too late, and you'll whiff.
I actually have been using a lot more 236Bbe in combos or just naked. You can float the 236 of 236K to land it as a combo as long as they don't tech. If they do there's that 66A but I hate the timing on it so I just run in for a mixup.
3B W! 3B W! 66B, 66B+K, 236K

I'm thinking because of the new 66B+K hitbox this will be more consistent.
Builds more meter than 44A, 3KK, 236K with better oki.

What's really funny with a combo like that against scrubs is replacing the end 236K with 44B+K and actually landing that garbage setup, and finishing off their health. lol
i put bb after b+k for 78 dmg. not bad at all. i tried it on raph, idk if it's true for other chars too. anyway it functions just from close range :(
Works on Ezio.

They can air control out of the second B. B+K is untechable KD, I don't think it's worth the loss in okizeme.
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