Patroklos Q&A/Discussion Thread

3A does cover quite a bit of distance, it's kind of deceptive. The tech crouch is nice.

Recently I played an Astaroth who kept smacking me when I ran in. I beat him by running in and then guarding...

It's really hard to get in, I find. He doesn't have a huge tech jump move, or too many things to help him get in (Justice Step if you're feeling snarky, I guess)

I try to get as close as I can and stay there as long as I can with Asta, Sieg, NM, etc.
usually that means, like I said, running in and doing nothing at all.

if I'm not one-two characters away, I'm in the kill zone.

of course, with characters like Natsu you can stay back and dance. always nice to have a break once in a while.
Asta, Sieg, NM
i think these 3 are the hardest chars in pat match ups...they will make us pat players a bit crazy...sometimes i can't get them wit 66a and 3a too, and it's kinda impossible to try to attempt a throw -.-
i need a lot of tips to play vs these 3 giants!
How do you even do the Heroic Knee Punishment grab? It seems like I've tried everything and he only does his normal B+G grab
66B. Its going to hit them, and they can do nothing about it.

You're going to then dash up, and apply Pat's gross pressure, and they can do nothing about it.

Other than that, learn to use A+B, use general good movement. Pat's midrange game is suspiciously good for a pitbull char. 66B, dash~3A_6A, 3B/236B whiff punishing. You have the luxury of hanging back until you get that hit, and that's all he needs.

Astaroth: I feel this matchup is in our favour. 66B gives him so much trouble. He has to base his whole game around not letting this move hit him even once. If he does A,B to space Pat, and Pat steps and 66Bs him...its now his match to lose. He cant punish 66B, and he doesnt have much of anything to flat out beat it outside of GIing. Just be wary of those round beginning A+Bs Asta players love(50+ pts and a knd), 22Bs, etc.

Once you get those amazing frames we have. Its already a pain for most of the cast to fight against Pat once he gets in and lands a hit...its even worse for Asta. 1k(+2), 2A(+8), BB, 1B....he has to respect you. He has a few close range moves to use, but nothing that will deter you from doing whatever you want.
Here's a training exercise.

Asta A+B, 22B, they're slow, right? Like, if they were lows, you'd be able to recognize them and jump them. You block them and you can't punish because of the pushout. Right?

Record A+B/22B/your big zoning move of choice in Training mode. Have it so the CPU does the move over and over again.

Reset and hold G.

The moves are so slow that you can spot the startup animation, let go of G, and then go for the Just Guard.

Pow!!! Eat 66B justice, malfested vermin!

Try backing off from Asta, and then running in and hitting the Just Guard. Oooh, what now?! What now?! Hold dat!!!

I love this game, I swear to god.
LOL...and here i am to ask the same question with his 66 B+G throw XD

Do 66B+G? Then rotate stick and mash buttons.

This made my Day!

At the risk of the answer being "literally everything.", can you guys tell me what I should focus on improving? I've only owned SC5 for two days and this is the first and only fighting game I've ever played, so excuse how terrible I am. :< Also I just recently tried Patty, this is like my third game with him.
Are you on PS3? You can render online replays directly and upload to Youtube.

OK. Ummm...

Good on hittin' the 6A, but you gotta move faster. You let your advantage go for a minute but you still got him, it's all good.

Don't start whiffing the air on knockdown, that's a good way to eat a WR move. Go into practice and set the computer to "Do Nothing". Do your combos and then practice what you're gonna do when they're on the ground. Don't always assume they'll get back up right away.

At the same time, try out having the CPU ukemi and sideroll and whatnot. Get your ground game straight.

Natsu is kinda rushing you down with nothing at all. When you're blocking, you've got advantage. Try a BB or a 2A or something, don't let her pelt your guard.

Good 66A. Dropped the CH 6BBB combo though.

The combo is:

6BBB, 66B+K, 66A+B.

This is 100 damage, that's huge. You need to hit this every single time.

No more high kicks after knockdowns. Don't do that.

Critical Edge isn't good okizeme unless you know they're gonna get hit.

Good on the unblockable interrupt!

You're using 2B a bit much. Use BB instead. It's more flexible and you're left standing so you can use 1K or 3B or something after.

When you hit CH 2A go for the 236B interrupt, or wrA+B, or step forward throw, or something. It is a lot of advantage, you need to use that.

Don't do 6A twice when you hit it. Are you mashing? You gotta calm down man.

Go into practice mode. Hit the 6A, you see the backturn? You see the distance between you?

Think of mixups that can work in that space. You can run up throw/1K, you can step forward 1B (or 1B and if they do anything they get hit), you can 3B right from where you stand. You gotta use that advantage.

Don't use Critical Edge when you get hit. It's fast, but it's not THAT fast. Use it when you block an attack and the other guy's still on you, that'll show him.

Little slow on the 3B CE. Keep practicin'.

CH 6BBB don't work on crouching opponents. Shame, but that's how it is. Learn to stop or delay mid string if you can see this.

Especially do not whiff when the other guy is standing there. They can use your recovery to run in and hit you. Save your moves for when they'll hit.

Haaa, Stalker self-ringout. Punk!

Keep training man, keep on in the lab. You'll get it.

Good luck!
words of sage wisdom

I'm on 360, unfortunately. That's the best I can do until I get recording software.

Wow, I'm impressed that you actually analyzed it. I'm used to fighting communities being assholes, so far I love this place for being nice. <3

I'll work on all that, thanks for the advice. I'm still really bad at counter hits (usually I don't realize what happened until it's over, which should be apparent when I countered that unblockable), and GIs and all the other things.

Those 2Bs I meant to be 3Bs, because the knockup is one of my more favorable combo starters (not that I can really say that considering I didn't land a single combo). I'll work on that too.

The kicks were intended to have landed before they hit the ground, I just go into panic mode 90% of the time and keep hitting the button, apparently assuming it will somehow work eventually.

As for all the guarding and no sidestepping, I've played Dark Souls for 5 months so that combat style is firmly ingrained. That's probably going to be the area where I see the biggest jump in ability once I can get over that and start maneuvering correctly.

Thanks for the advice, man. I appreciate it.
No problem man. We no jerks, we the cool kids around here *shades*

You can hitconfirm 6BBB (specifically the last part) but, usually if I'm betting on a counter-hit, it means I'm reading the other guy. i.e. I know he's gonna be pressing buttons, and I know I have frame advantage, so 6BBB.

You're using kicks as combo filler? 3B, 236B is more consistent and does more damage. If you need some help I can give you EZ-mode combos for you if you just wanna learn the basics. Better some damage than no damage.

If you're set on doing max damage combos I can teach you how the buffer system works in this game. Your timing doesn't have to be too tight for most combos.

If you play on pad I can give you a configuration to use to make simultaneous button presses easier. In the end it's your decision, though.

Ahh yeah, Dark Souls. Yeah, you can't quickstep in that game XD
Yeah, a config would be great. Been trying to figure that out...currently have rb as B+K and lb as A+B, I think. It's working decently for now.

Also, some EZ combos would be nice. So far I'm having the most luck with Patty, might just run with it. He can be fun when you learn what you're doing.

Currently playing with my friend, his Xiba is destroying me.

also i have no idea what hitconfirm means.

Man, I need to work on my gap closing and combo opening. So far I'm relying way too much on 3B.

OK! EZ combos just for you!

3B, 8A+B
3B, 3B
33B, 3B
1B, 2B+K
66B, 2B+K
22B, 3KK, 3B
11B, BT B+K
wrA+B, 3KK, 3B
wrKA, 2A+B
66A BE, 2B+K
236B BE, 2B+K
3B (W!) 3B (W!) 3B 3B

Really, if you don't like using 2B+K, or if it's easier for you, every launcher can be followed up with 3B. (Except 236B BE).

To hitconfirm means to throw out an attack, visually confirm that it landed, and then continue with the attack. If it did not land, then you have to stop what you're doing.

Usually only certain delayable strings can be hitconfirmed. Pat's 6BBB is one of those strings.

On CH, the second B will cause a crumple stun. When you see the stun, press B and then finish the combo. If you don't see the stun, stop what you're doing or delay your attack to catch the enemy off-guard.
Can you explain what wr and BT mean? They're not on the reference guide thing.

Also, how exactly does eight way running work? I've seen it in videos but I can never do it myself.
wr means "While Rising". It's also referred to as "While Standing" or "ws".

You do wr moves coming up from crouch, or coming up from the ground in face up feet towards position or face down feet away position.

BT means "Back Turned".

8-way-run is simply done by holding directions. Any direction at all.

Forward run (hold 6) is faster than running in any other direction.

Are you sure you're not referring to quickstep?
I probably meant quickstep. I just remember seeing a video where people were moving everywhere a lot faster than I thought was possible, but then again that was the beta so maybe they toned it down.

I'm getting my ass handed to me by Raphs. :( How exactly am I supposed to survive someone continuously pelting me with attacks?
I probably meant quickstep. I just remember seeing a video where people were moving everywhere a lot faster than I thought was possible, but then again that was the beta so maybe they toned it down.

I'm getting my ass handed to me by Raphs. :( How exactly am I supposed to survive someone continuously pelting me with attacks?
Guard. Then...

AA or 2A or BB. Or quickstep!!!

Raph has a couple of tricks up his sleeve to deal with all of your options. One of them that he has to work at, however, is killing your step.

Especially if they're noob Raphs- just quickstep 'em, block then quickstep, block then quickstep, they'll whiff like crazy. Then, you can either 66B, or you can keep holding whatever direction you used to quickstep, slide over to 3 or 9, and hit B to do 33_99B from 8-way-run.

Watch for the gaps in his offense, those little parts where he moves a little slower or puts more power into his strikes.
That's when you make your move.
Can you do WR moves after being knocked down? I've noticed that once I'm on the ground I'm totally boned because fucking everyone has an attack that will keep me there or track me if I roll away. I seem to have a lack of ground options that let me get up safely or keep my distance.
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