[Philadelphia, PA] 1-800-GET-THAT-CHICKEN

hey JR, *if* you can try and get here at 6:30 or 7 instead of 6, that'd be great, but if I don't hear from you by tomorow morning I'll just assume you'll get here by 6 and I'll try and get my errands done early

Doug, me and JR are gonna meet up prior to the session and get dinner. So we shouldn't be banging down your doors until well after 7pm.
Hey Doug if you see this let me know somehow, i'd like to come to this session to practice for NEC but I want to make sure you know what time to look for me at the door since I dont have my phone haha
oh, as it turns out, I did get Marvel. I know I've asid the past few days I was going to wait, but what I completely forgot was that, probably while inebriated, I pre-ordered it from New Egg like a month ago, because they were selling it for 29.99 and I had a separate coupon for 10 dollars off any purchase, so I got it half price.

So, yeah. I have it now.
I won't be making it tonight. Family won't leave me alone and I need to get stuff done before NEC so that I won't have any issues while I am there because I want to play video games and eat chicken in peace. See you guys in a few days.
Congrats to Woahhhz for his NEC performance. For the lot of you that got to play Sc5, what were your impressions?
I don't know if there is even a session tomorrow night or not, but if there is, I will be there no earlier than 10pm since I have the company Christmas party to attend in Wilmington.
For the lot of you that got to play Sc5, what were your impressions?

SCV looks really good. The movement feels faster too. I didn't get to play much of it because they had most of the stations on stick, and I don't play on stick. But a couple things I'm waiting to see how they pan out, like taking damage when you break a throw, or the whole meter system. (not being able to Gi whenever you want will take some getting used to.) But it's fun to play right now.
i'll be session this coming monday. Due to the holidays it will be the only session this month so if you're coming hope to see you there.