[Philadelphia, PA] 1-800-GET-THAT-CHICKEN

Wait, wuh? No GI? Well that is in the BS district. I haven't bothered to look more into it. Just waiting until next month when it's released.
I have a business meeting first thing in the morning tomorrow so I won't be able to make it. See you guys probably after the holidays, or when SCV drops depending on what I need to get done.
Assuming that we are sessioning this Saturday, does anyone want to go to Tako? I don't know if everyone is broke from the holidays or if they have a ton of bonus money because of it.
Alright guys, I've been taking a break from sessiongs/fighting games since NEC more or less, and then last week I was sick, but as of Saturday sessions are back on.

We all know that once SC V drops we're going to be hardcore working on that, so maybe for the next couple sessions we can do more non video game stuff, like Power Grid or something, because I don't see that happening much after SC V drops