Planning for Soulcalibur V Nationals 2012...

  • Admin
This is just a preliminary plan. Nothing has been decided yet and we don't even know if Namco-Bandai is planning anything. But if they are not, we need to have our own.

I have not had much discussion with others interested in running Nationals; but I was hoping to get support from Idlemind, AkazukinChaCha, Hates, and Neorussel. In efforts of transparency though, I'm posting my ideas publicly and hoping for approval, criticism or ideas from the tournament community.

So these are my initial ideas... Most have been determined based on past history...
  • 8 regional events, open to NORTH AMERICAN players only!
    • North East America
    • South East America
    • North Central America
    • South Central America
    • North West America
    • South West America
    • Canada
    • Mexico + Caribbean
  • We're only doing 8 because when we tried to do 16 in 2009, it was way too much; there were tournaments very close together while other regions had nothing close. The idea for this was to split the regions based on population; this time we are splitting straight geographically.
  • Any North American player can attend any regional; so Caribbean players could enter the South East tournament if it's easier for them to get to. The same goes for Canadian players and Northern tournaments, or Mexico and South West tournaments.
  • The top TWO players from each regional tournament will qualify for nationals.
  • Players who have qualified at a regional, may defer their position to the next ranked player of that event. So if the player got 2nd at a regional and can't make it to Nationals; they can give their position up to the person ranked 3rd. No one below 4th may earn a deferred qualifier position.
  • Once a player has earned a qualifier position (even if they deferred their position), they may not enter anymore regional qualifier events. For instance, if a player gets 1st at an event, and then defers their right to the 3rd; even though they are no longer qualified for nationals, they may not enter another event. This rule is specifically in place to prevent bracket rigging.
Each regional tournament has to charge $25 per player... All $25 goes to the National Funds.
  • $15 of that $25 is reserved strictly for the Nationals pot and will not be used for anything else.
  • The remaining $10 will be reserved for helping ALL Nationals qualifiers with their travel expenses. This does not mean it will FULLY pay for travel expenses; if this $10/25 fund reaches it's limit, qualifiers will be required to pay for the rest. If the $10/25 covers all travel expenses in full and money is left over; the excess will be added to the $15/25.
  • Regional tournament organizers MUST use TIO to run their event... no paper brackets!
  • Regional tournament organizers must send their funds to the National committee by cashier's check / money order within 1 week of the event, as well as send in their TIO file.
There will be a minimum of 2 months between the last qualifier and the Nationals exhibition; which will most likely be at Summer Jam 2012; in order to help qualifiers better schedule their travel situations. There will still be a regular tournament at Summer Jam open to all players, but the National exhibition will be open to qualifiers only; there will be no last chance qualifier. Obviously, during the minimum of 2 months layover, there will be EVO.

At After the Nationals exhibition; I would like to have an International Exhibition.
  • The International Exhibition will be the best North American player, versus the best player from other regions. I don't care how the other regions come up with their best player; if they want to run their own Nationals series, they can; but that will have nothing to do with ours. Hell, if Europe wants to pick their "best" player randomly from a raffle out of hat... they can.
Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
You realize that when SC5 drops there are going to be tournaments... every WEEK. You say this like its a rarity :P

first time as a member of 8way run before a game is released. I don't really know what goes down before / after xD.

But you can bet I'll be there at least a couple of times.
A little off topic, but who does Chicago have to run tournaments..or, rather...what tournaments that support SC does Chicago even have? I can't remember the last time someone announced an SC tournament around here...

Right now you guys have nothing, so you can either wait for someone to announce one, link up with someone who's already running tournaments, or try and put something together yourself.

You could also start talking to this guy below and maybe get something going.

If I "like" SCV, which is a very big IF, I will help with Nationals. Getting a venue shouldn't be too hard.

I assume North Central tourney will be ran in Madison (JimmyPikaChuChoi has that covered I'm sure) and/or Chicago again (I ran Chicago SC4 regionals with zero issues...its the least I could do for the worst game I've ever played LOL :p )?

And there's also UFGT8 on Memorial Day weekend that will also have SCV where you can also meet people at and get something going if you haven't done so by that time just to throw some suggestions out there.
That's a good point Malice.

Lost: Dark Kakashi and I were the last folks to consistently run Soul Calibur 4 tournaments in the Chicago land. I've ran Midwest Championship SC4, SC4 at my Cafe tournies (that u attended), I ran SC4 regionals, and I ran most the SC4 tournament at Screenz, and probably some others that I can't think of at the moment.

Trust me...if SC5 is legit , you'll have tournies down there even if I have to run them myself. :)
Myself and Ceron, ran the South East qualifier for SC4. If there's anything I can do to help the ATL scene with running the tournament, shoot me a PM
I propose a 32 man bracket is definitely more interesting and desirable spectator wise for a National tournament. Especially with the hype of SC5 and enhanced online play, turnouts WILL be larger than we've experienced before barring there are no bubbles.
Also having a last chance qualifier the day of or the day before the event would also be grand for attendance, hype and drama. It's been well documented that some players, characters, glitches etc. that may be strong early in the games life span end up not so much later on and vice versa.

Definitely make it a stand alone event.

Make it 10 regionals (8 U.S. 1 Canada and 1 Mexico+Caribbean )
top 3 qualify
only 4th place can be deferred to if one of the top 3 drops out
last chance qualifier top 2 make it in to Nats and up to top 4 if there are one or more no shows from regions.
OKgamers officially requests Tulsa, OK as a regional location and to be the organizing group.

Tulsa's History:
Tulsa has been a hub of Soul Calibur players since almost the beginning of the community, and has hosted Regionals since with SC2. Tulsa has successfully hosted national level SC events since the Dreamcast version, and has had countless regional level SC events.

Our SC Regionals have been ran fairly, with no "drama" reported, or lingering afterwards. Because of OKgamers community connections and resources, Tulsa was actively considered the location for SC4 Nationals. Denver won over as we are not a "Destination City" - something we agreed with as well.

Qualifications for running a SC5:
- As a 501.3c, not only has the access to a long history with it's SC community roots, but also the manpower and resources to run an event well beyond even the Nationals level requirements:

- 16 to 32 lagless Asus Monitors
- Dedicated consoles for this and other 2012 events
- College level facilities (already approved for Nationals level attendance)
- Unbiased, Tournament Organizers with 3 to 5 years of experience
- Unbiased, experienced volunteers receiving volunteering credit, and motivated to do right
- 5+ years of working with the local community, businesses, conventions, etc
- 5+ years of established and proven standards that can be reviewed here
- A central location, proven College venue, International Airport, and low cost of living.

Community Recommendations:
Michael Jackson

And many others can speak to the quality of an OKgamers SC event.

We've been active. We'll be active. We have an entire Gamer State Resource originally inspired by the need of SC3's "all the players are at home, we need to centralize info for fliers"; will run a great Regional. Help us carry on our tradition of Regionals in Tulsa.


I'm not going to read that okgamers post... I saw one thing and lost all respect for whatever moron registered that handle. I like the rest of the reccomendations, but why would you actually give another event to DFG? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and I must be a masochist. That or you liked that event and I still lost all respect for you.

The funny part is I agree with about everything else you said. I don't get the penchant for blind loyalty with some of you guys. Loyalty is something I am generally in favor of, but when you put things in perspective vouching for someone who has a big fuckup as their last event in the community is putting your ass on the line... You might as well just run it and have the motherfucker help you.

I'm not trying to say that I know what the dude has been upto lately, but the past was pretty checkered. I remember talking to the people from his local community they literally had nothing good to say about the tournaments past "the brackets didn't get fucked up." I'm sorry but for a TO running events for years, your locals should not be saying you make the same mistakes over and over.
DFG was listed because he is familiar with's resources; like the rest of the list it's possible for him to vouch for our abilities to hold an effective Regionals.

DFG is not a part of OKgamers, nor would he be involved at all with a SC5 regional held in Tulsa.

To clarify: Hates, ICE, or any of the others listed would also not be involved; they simply could weigh in on OKgamers as they've attended events held in OK, and would be options to speak with about our competency regarding SC events.


I think madison WI is a fine place for the north central regional. We had one in SCIV nationals and it ran smooth. Prime location for MN, IA, IL and MI communities to drive to. jimmypikachuchoi and I already have scouted all the places for tournaments. So, we are here for you guys if you want our help.

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