Preparation Glitch Discussion

Honk hoooooooonk..... Oh shit guys hear that? The Patch Train left the station ..... have fun before it gets here!
I found that Prep K (Collision) 3A+B:5 is guaranteed. Lol. 236B does more damage and can clean hit though. 3A+B:5 is for the possibility of creating space with your opponent if they back tech.
WTF is the trick on doing this? I can't get it but like 10% of the time. When am I supposed to push the A+B? As the stick is travelling back to 5 or the frame it hits 5? I so want to use this in matches!!!
It's a 1-2 frame transition. You simultaneously press 3A+B and then let go as quickly as possible. Sounds easy but I find the ease of execution depends on your choice of pad/stick. I can do it pretty consistently with the PS3 analog stick, not so much with the digital pad or an arcade stick.
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Since my execution sucks:

Does 33B CH lead to 3A+B:5 ?

99B catches tech (FRB) for 84 damage
33B catches tech (FB) for 87 damage
If they don't tech, it combos for 63 damage

To my knowledge, the only moves iPrep A+B legitimately combos with are:

66B ~ iPrep A+B - 56 damage
66K ~ W! ~ iPrep A+B - 47 damage
Prep k(BE) ~ W! ~ iPrep A+B - 93 damage / 0.5 meter
SE B ~ iPrep A+B - 63 damage

In the first combo, it's the exact same combo as if you entered Prep normally. In the other three, you're throwing away damage just to look flashy.
I now have this move somewhat 'down,' and can say it's pretty cool to do. It's uses are so awesome. Hitting it will always give you time to taunt into a mix-up.

I do it on the stick by doing a 3:5:7 movement with the stick, and just time a A+B for when I'm gonna hit past 5. It's a super satisfying input, and will fell familiar to Natsu players who do possession cancels.

Vertical rolls are easy enough to react to with this panic twitch like move, and it surprises the most seasoned Raph opponents due to it's low use, despite more people being aware of it.
As a follow-up to my earlier post, I have this to say.

This move ROCKS. I have a near on 100% iPrepA+B execution on the stick now, and about 30% on my new hitbox.

It can pretty much follow every grab Raph has, and can be used in more strings than you can shake a stick at. I might write down some strings / combos / tech traps using it in the future, but its two primary uses are enough on their own.

First - Getting your opponent from wake-up to condition them into ducking / not stepping.

Second - Landing 3 in a row as a round-ender. Seriously. It's almost a freakin' tactic, it's that insulting!
A pity that this move is very reactable and linear. highly punishable if stepped, and just as much if blocked (-22). 40 dmg with no guaranteed follow up doesn't justify this risk. And since it can so easily be reacted to (i33), it's hard to condition opponent to do anything with it. At first you have the surprise factor of using a prep move on neutral, but once that's gone this move is just as useless as prep A+B.
Isn't it better to just input 4 and whiff punish rather than use 3A+B:5? The backstep on that move isn't too great, It's high risk for low reward, and there's always the problem of execution, especially when you're under pressure.