PSN working for you, now?


[09] Warrior
PSN hasn't been working for me, this evening. 04/03/2010 (dd/mm/yyyy), from around 7pm EST.

I just hope it's not one of those major maintenaces/hacking. It doesn't say maintenancem though. It says error: (80710D36). And it says very shortly after trying to connect, which is one of the signs that it isn't my connection.

Sorry for the self-centered behavior, espcially if I'm the only one affected, in which case I resquest this thread to be closed or deleted.
I just logged off 3 minutes ago and PSN has been working just fine for me. Sadly I have no technical knowledge, so I can't really offer any useful advice.

Edit: Just checked, I have it now, thankfully I was done playing just before it hit me~
Oh, dear!

Thx for the reply. I was just going to Battlefield Forums. lol

Now I can get back to SCV offline. Gotta train a little vs Dampierre.