PSX SCVI Gameplay Preview Analysis

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PSX has revealed the first gameplay of SCVI in motion. I broke down the most notable changes on my twitch stream and I will link the archive below. I will list the changes me and my stream caught. Feel free to post what you have seen below! Here is the raw footage without me talking over it.

Known system mechanics and character changes:
  • Reversal Edge and Guard Impact will cause the user to take guard damage when they fail to connect it.
  • Reversal Edge post hit causes a guessing game where verticals beat horizontals, horizontals beat sidestep, and sidestep beats verticals. You can potentially receive a ringout when it connects. It also automatically parries strings, but some moves have fast enough recovery to where you can block the automatic attack.
  • Soul Charge (the mechanic similar to V-trigger) causes the opponent to receive chip damage. It costs 1 bar of meter and is set on a timer that's similar to max mode from KoF. Large push back on activation.
  • Lethal Hits are hits that cause the character's clothing to break. When you hit them, the move properties change into combo starters. You can see Mitsurugi's 1A as well as Sophitia's 22B do this in the footage.
  • Guts is still in the game as well as meter. You still gain a bar of meter for losing two rounds.
  • Movement can be cancelled like in games pre-SCV. Run counter for backwards movement has been removed, but remains for side movement. (Hey guys, it looks like the mechanic might be that backdash can be run countered. It seems that verticals cant run counter in general. Only horizontals and tracking kicks.)
  • Throws still can catch side movement.
  • Mitsurugi has gained a running tackle that resembles an Arthur move from SC3. He has a new low mid option. 1aB has a new animation and 4KB causes severe knock back on hit. MST KB is NCC and his MST B+K causes an attack throw on normal hit. MST B string has a new follow up that resembles his 4B without the backdash.
That's all of the new information I could find in the video. Let me know if you find other things!

Changes found by 8wayrun:
  • No damage on throw escape. They can also build meter.
  • Meterless Guard Impact.
  • Sophitia 1AA doesn't trip on first hit.

  • Mitsurugi 1A doesn't trip on normal hit. Relic is in the game again.
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Michael Stabile

Michael Stabile

I've been around for a while. Played Soul Edge/Soul Blade back when it first dropped.

Everybody keeps saying "II this" and "II that". What actually made SC II special was the fact that it was the first in the series that had true 3D gameplay. Meaning that in addition to interactive environments (Wall), everything was 8 way, including STANCES. They regressed with SC III (much like how ironically during the same window Namco regressed with Tekken 5). I've had enough of this "going into a Stance only to be locked in place like idiot". Nightmare, Ivy players, you all well know what I mean.
Reversal Edge post hit causes a guessing game where verticals beat horizontals, horizontals beat sidestep, and sidestep beats verticals. You can potentially receive a ringout when it connects. It also automatically parries strings, but some moves have fast enough recovery to where you can block the automatic attack.

I like the idea but i hope to GOD all mighty that it doesn't become too crappy or easy to abuse till it becomes annoying somehow.
LOL! I was just telling Xeph how I begged you not to put those out there. I'm in Houston now. But yeah it's understandable. Still any type of Krayzie being around is just that much beneficial to us all. Maybe Krazie can sneak away once a year or so and come see us at a tournament if not for anything else we can give these kids the Hooters stories. Lol! Don't be a stranger man. We as a group need you.

Well I already travel for games at least twice a year (Evo and Socal regionals). Maybe I can add one or two more trips in there. Sadly I can never make it to the most popular NEC tournament, Winterbrawl. UPS is always crazy during this time of year. But I have been wanting to make it out to Florida for CEO. Plus maybe one other. These days I don't even practice. Which is why I just play SC2. No practice needed, because no one really practices that game, they just show up and play off of memory. When I play SC5 in the same fashion I get wrecked lol.

Which tourneys do you usually attend Greatone? I'll try my best to make it to at least one.
Hey guys, it looks like the mechanic is NOT that backdash cant be run countered. It seems more that verticals cant run counter in general. Only horizontals and tracking kicks.
Bizarre change if that’s the case. There’s a case to be made that verticals (mostly 3Bs and 66Bs) were too strong in SCV, but it’s not as though their CH properties were responsible for that.
lol not necessarily a good thing!

i would say it definitely is a good thing. its not like sc2 where step guard works as an OS and you actually finish your step animation if your opponent doesnt throw out a move with tracking. you actually just stop moving, so there is a reason to actually keep stepping. we shouldn't be putting our balls on the chopping board every time we try to move
I don't think this has been mentioned...

-When the RE is successful and the characters engage in the RE "cinematic/state", if both choose the vertical or horizontal option (so far) they clash and they have to re-choose their move. They re-engage in the RE cinematic/state (idk how to call that). Proof -> 5.09 and 9.36 in the PSX gameplay video.

-Also it seems that a successful RE hit (which leads to the cinematic) gives Mitsu around 1/4 of 1 bar (notice how the sunrays cut the bars into 4 pieces). Proof -> 4.20, 5.09, 5.48.

-The timer freezes till the RE state is over.

-And I would like to ask what is happening during the RE at 9.36... Mitsu and Sophi clash, but in the second part it seems Sophi is about to kick (?) but Mitsu hits with a headbutt (?).
Well I already travel for games at least twice a year (Evo and Socal regionals). Maybe I can add one or two more trips in there. Sadly I can never make it to the most popular NEC tournament, Winterbrawl. UPS is always crazy during this time of year. But I have been wanting to make it out to Florida for CEO. Plus maybe one other. These days I don't even practice. Which is why I just play SC2. No practice needed, because no one really practices that game, they just show up and play off of memory. When I play SC5 in the same fashion I get wrecked lol.

Which tourneys do you usually attend Greatone? I'll try my best to make it to at least one.
Been awhile since I've been to one man. But once the game is out if it's at NCR I'll be there. I'll more than likely be at the Big E tournaments like SummerJam and NEC of course. I've been wanting to make CEO for years but it being so close to Evo will make that a tough decision unless I can get some cheap tickets to Orlando. Either way we'll have to see what happens when this game comes out then we can go from there.
So much good information here. I'm hoping it's going to be well-optimized on PC and my computer can it ok (my specs are somewhat dated for modern games). I was super amped to see they'd be doing a PC release regardless.
Well Avoiding The Puddle broke down the 10 minute video and found that all the bullshit from Soulcalibur V is back.
You have to understand that his fanboyism of SC2 HEAVILY colors his views on anything new in the series. While there may be certain mechanics returning from the previous game, you have to see that one of the main things that made those mechanics, in some people's eyes distasteful, has been taken out. The negative frames that you were at after taking just one step (-20) has been removed. You can now step and block in this game so run counter with it's added damage and properties won't be as big of an issue at all. In fact run counter had been in every game since SC3. It only became an issue in SC5.

As far as his opinion on "reverse rage" he has HIGHLY overstated how much it really affected the end of matches. This mechanic was put in so as matches weren't always ended in foot pokes or a quick little 2A. While I didn't care for the mechanic myself I stuck around long enough for the games life cycle to see that it really was inconsequential at higher levels. Another thing I have to say I don't care for but once again he is overreacting to is the meter gained if you are down two rounds. If by chance that leads to an advantage for you in that round and you are able to get a win in, you know that your opponent is going to get the same advantage now on you especially due to the fact that presumably you probably used all that meter to gain that round.

So really take any opinion that Aris has with a HUGE grain of salt. He (and a large group of his brethren) has shown time and time again that anything new put into the series is negative. There is not one time that Aris has had anything good to say about anything put into Calibur after SC2. As I stated in the comments of that video Aris seems to just want an SC2 clone with up to date graphics and have it labeled SC6 so as not to seem like he's still playing a 15 year old game.
While Aris is a well respected person in the Tekken world, he has not been a supporter of any SC past SC2. He for sure had some glory back in those days but has not had a good opinion of any SC game since. I personally enjoy his twich casts and find him really great as an announcer at tournies. He is super knowledgeable and keeps the crowd interested and greatly entertained. But, he is Tekken fanboy now. Everything he says must be taken lightly

EDIT: so pretty much exactly what GO said. Sorry GO. Didnt see that till now.

I for one am greatly excited for a new game and ALL the mechanics that come with it. While I have watched the 10min gameplay vid, i have not listened to all of partywolfs pod cast, but Im very curious what a “leathal hit” is. Same as “clean hit”?
I think to downplay Aris' opinion or to "take it with a grain of salt" is a bad way to take the video.

He's only Tekken "Fanboy" (how old are we btw?) because the series has maintained it's consistency unlike Soul Calibur. There's merit to his opinion for that very reason and maybe why Soul Calibur post II doesn't really stick around in people's minds.
i have not listened to all of partywolfs pod cast, but Im very curious what a “leathal hit” is. Same as “clean hit”?
It seems tied to armor health like in SC4, but right now nobody knows for sure.
I think to downplay Aris' opinion or to "take it with a grain of salt" is a bad way to take the video.

He's only Tekken "Fanboy" (how old are we btw?) because the series has maintained it's consistency unlike Soul Calibur. There's merit to his opinion for that very reason and maybe why Soul Calibur post II doesn't really stick around in people's minds.
Aris was not a fan of tag 2 and definitely shared his negative opinions of it on his platform. I know TTT2 players who were really not okay with that. As far as SC goes, he is an SC2 fan, but not that much of a SoulCalibur fan. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t really a surprise that he doesn’t like it. You’d have to make the game SC2.5 for him to like it. He even played SC2 HDO and that game was cheeks.
Aris was not a fan of tag 2 and definitely shared his negative opinions of it on his platform. I know TTT2 players who were really not okay with that. As far as SC goes, he is an SC2 fan, not that much of a SoulCalibur fan. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t really a surprise that he doesn’t like it. You’d have to make the game SC2.5 for him to like it. He even played SC2 HDO and that game was cheeks.

TTT2 is a mixed bag for a lot of people myself included so his opinions aren't really as meaningful imo.

Yeah he may be a SCII fan but it's not like hasn't played the others to disqualify his opinion on what SCVI is shaping up to be. I feel like the community tries to escape SCIIs shadow so much that when people like Aris' voices his opinion it's immediate eyerolling.

For better or for worse SCII is the SC community's Super Turbo. The sad thing is there hasn't been a third strike or a Dark Resurrection in the Series so people are gonna crawl back to that immediately. It's not just that he's just a SCII fan but more there hasn't been a real good overall solid entry into the series since to let SCII standby like your KOF98, Super Turbo, TTT, etc.

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