Question about customs


[08] Mercenary
I know certain custom chars and bonus chars have longer range or shorter range than the originals. My question is, if I make a custom Amy, will my range be equal or longer?

The reason I ask is that when Amy loses all of her armor, she looks fucking disgusting. I seriously feel creeped out by her flat boyish chest and frail frame. It absolutely screams pedo and is kind of unnerving to look at, so I made a custom that doesn't look so bad when someone breaks my armor.

Anyone else create a custom amy for that reason alone?
You could give her the Belle Dress, so if your armor breaks, she doesn't reveal too much.

I think people play Amy CAS for the range increase, but I wonder how big is that increase.
i was wondering the same thing if the hit boxes change with custom characters. i use a custom yoshimitsu and he's bigger than the reg yoshi. i was told that if you leave the body type alone in character creation everything remains the same the weapon range doesnt increase and the hit box shouldnt change
I'm not entirely sure how not changing the body type would keep the hit boxes the same if it's the body type that determines them since, if I'm not mistaken (which I very well might be), the body type is randomly generated for you at the beginning of character creation and I don't think we know any of the numbers for Yoshi's body type.
An extrapolation on this question: Do custom weapons, even if used in normal versus where their special abilities dont apply, have different hitboxes than their normal versions? I mean if I custom a normal character with just a different costume then give them a non 1p or 2p standard weapon, does that affect their reach in some cases? This needs to be monitored, I think.

RE: In chat, Boringryu indicated that alt weapons do not effect reach issues in normal versus.
