Random Post Thread

]I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”[/SIZE]

Translation: I just watched FnF 7 and I love it. I was amazed with the Paul Walker appearance because I thought he was dead. God resurrected him. Atheists, open your eyes, science can't explain that.
Just want to rant...

people complain about reused animations, lazy game making, etc. seriously, what do you know of game production?
What is a budget to you? How much does it cost for a motion capture session? how much does an army of animators, programmers, game testers, directors, and all those involved cost? For the program licenses that you need to use, rent and office space...

The fuck do you really know about game production to bitch about reused animations? If you were in the producer's chair, and you're looking at the price tag of all things involved, do you really think you can convince people by telling them you need all new motion capture sessions for this character, when you already spent how much on a previous character. Knowing full well these companies are not all billion dollar companies that can shoot that kind of shit out on a yearly basis. You'd bet your ass those people you're trying to convince will look at you and say "I'm not giving you more money than you already have, so make it work or it doesn't happen." And if they say no, then guess what? You're going to reuse animations that you already have in your already extensive library. But no.. instead of being read as budget cuts making use of all the dollars you have, you fuckers call that shit lazy.

You fuckin entitled bitches. All you do is bitch and moan without even knowing the full breath of what it takes to even play the game you so lovingly call shit. All the hard work that these niggas slaved over, you shit on because it doesn't meet your expectations. Fuck you.

How many of you are actually capable of making your own video game on the same scale as these triple A titles. My guess is not a lot. But instead of appreciating something, that could easily get cancelled simply because, reasons. You sit there and continuously put yourself in the producer's chair acting as if you really know what it means to manage a budget. Actually have the nerve to complain about the staff without really knowing a single soul who actually works on the project, and they have to sit there and listen to your stupidity.

Most of you fuckers are just fucking children. Even as grown ass adults, you take yourself to the level of a child, because you simply don't know shit about anything, but you want to talk as if you know everything.

There are times where I hate working in the entertainment industry simply because I hate dealing with fuckers like you. Ugh... It's truly disgusting.
*snip of truth*
Though a bit vulgar on the words, but you're absolutely right about this generation of today. Appreciation isn't as common, and some people can't even say thank you despite the flaws of say SCV. Heck, even some peeps on this forum have no sense of gratitude. We all suggest tons of ideas(myself included), but there are times we need to kiss up to the peeps who worked hard. Sometimes do a bit of labor for ourselves.

Anyways, what's it like in the entertainment industry? I'm kinda juggling between 3 career paths(namely culinary, mechanic, or video game stuff) to commit one of them, but I at least want to know what I'm getting into for the entertainment industry. I have no knowledge on how things work, so help a person out when you got time.
For me it's really hard. The way my career path went it put me in such a niche that it's difficult to land jobs, so I'm currently practicing and working on building my other skillsets up so I could be of more value, and land positions on a regular basis.

As for quality of life, it's good when I'm working, but absolutely horrid when I'm not. I'm maintaining as an adjunct professor of animation at a local college but that doesn't really hold me through the rough patches, so I'm also working on building my clientele. But because of the way my work life fluctuates I have to constantly budget my funds. I can't go out and buy stuff like I used to, I always have to maintain my budget and worry if I can make it through the next month.

Plus side though, is that when I see stuff I did on TV or on the app-store I get a little giddy. Other plus is I get to find out about stuff as I have friends who work in all sorts of companies that show me playblasts, test renders, or just tell me things that are upcoming and to look forward to. Or if I'm working on a show, I get to see all the episodes in animatic format and if the animatic is good (depends on the studio) then I enjoy it more.