RE5 Playstation Demo

It is resident evil. The controls allow more than in the past so let us be happy.

Why are you responding to every negative opinion

and yeah I played co-op with my friend. I dunno just wasn't feeling the controls too much myself either

Big improvement over the first(4) though. and with Co-op I might actually finish this one.

but I don't think I'll be dropping 60 for this on release. but I'm no RE fan.

If you liked 4 you'll probably love this one
Played it and loved it. The connection was smooth when my brother and I played online, and the headsets picked up clear, with only about a 1 second delay. Keeping in mind this is just the demo, Capcom seems to have done right. One baseless concern I have is the length of the game, I just hope it's plenty long enough.

I used the B type control set which used L1 (hold) to aim and R1 to fire. I play a lot of Uncharted so that was comfortable to me. Other than that I have no problem with the RE4 style controls.
I thoroughly enjoyed RE4, but I'm definitely having my doubts on this one, particularly on the control scheme. The setup feels extremely limited, and you move at a crawling pace, further increasing the tedium (in before "go back to Halo").

If they can make things a little more fluid come release, I'd be more likely to purchase it.