Ready to be molded into a fighter


[09] Warrior
So here's the breakdown:
I got into this game maybe...three months ago? Yeah. I became attached pretty quickly and decided to focus more on the fast-paced fun of the game. Of course, I never considered actually becoming a serious player of SC until last week.

Now, I know the basics and some remedial strategies, but I think I'll have more fun if I'll get better. And that'd be saying something, because blasting through story mode while playing upbeat Sonic music is how I usually play.

I'm only 14, and with my experience, I can be turned into a player of almost any style. Currently, my strategy leans more towards speed and agility and I really prefer the more blissfully ridiculous characters in general. They go better with the music.

I've heard that this place isn't bad at all, and I'm excited to get started.
Welcome to the forum, is kind different to see someone so energetic around, hope you enjoy the site, see you around.
Welcome Skip. Glad that you are into the game. Soul Calibur is a lot of fun. But be sure to check out the Soul Arena for character discussions and such. I am also happy to help in anyway that I can. So don't be afraid to PM me.
See you around
Welcome to 8wayrun. For strategies and technical knowledge of the game in general, you should visit the Soul Arenas for your specific characters, then you can ask questions there. Have fun with Soul Calibur :)
So here's the breakdown:
I got into this game maybe...three months ago? Yeah. I became attached pretty quickly and decided to focus more on the fast-paced fun of the game. Of course, I never considered actually becoming a serious player of SC until last week.

Now, I know the basics and some remedial strategies, but I think I'll have more fun if I'll get better. And that'd be saying something, because blasting through story mode while playing upbeat Sonic music is how I usually play.

I'm only 14, and with my experience, I can be turned into a player of almost any style. Currently, my strategy leans more towards speed and agility and I really prefer the more blissfully ridiculous characters in general. They go better with the music.

I've heard that this place isn't bad at all, and I'm excited to get started.

Good luck getting better at the game and welcome.
Welcome to 8wayrun!

If you have any questions or can't find something, be sure to ask in Chat or PM me.