Regarding FSAK

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I'm not quitting SC4. Just like IdleMind, I have no desire to travel to tournaments in the states anymore. I'll still play SC4 competitively and support my local scene.

PS - You won't be missed at NEC.
So you show your true colors. Didn't know you had a second face. =\
OOF I'd just like to say your reasons are bullshit to the oof degree

Collusion and the throwing of matches between friends has been going on forever like before you or I even knew that soul calibur tournaments even existed. And it happens in ALL games not just SC. And I know this because I've seen it plenty of times in plenty of tourneys.

Since we're doing examples. How about top players A, B, and C from region 1 travel to a tourny in region 2. But the tourny organizers in region 2 know that their top players X and Y can't beat A and B but player Z can. So they will intentionally make the brackets so that players A and B will HAVE to play player Z to have a chance of advancing in that side of the brackets while players X and Y will have a better chance in the bracket of player C. This happens often unless its random seeding and I know this because I've done it at some tournys I've ran and I've seen other people do it at tourneys they run. And the most common collusion happens between the top 3 or 4 players especially if they are from the same region because they'd rather split or not play because they play each other all the time.

Or example 2 country U goes to country F for an international tourny and it is well known that country U and country F are the top 2 countries in the world but for some reason they play each other first round in a single elim tourny?

And since we all support our scene as we can depending on our own individual circumstances no one really gets mad. Or if you are mad then get better and beat those that consistently make it to the top. No one playing soul calibur is sponsored our tournys aren't sponsored and compared to other communities our percentage of elite players and player base is woefully small.

The fact that you would use the example of MALEK WOAAHHZ and S-U as your reasons for quitting SC4 in the U.S.A is WEAK.

Don't get me wrong though OOF I still <3 you and I like you plan on going hard for SC5 whenever it does come out.
how could people at this event let that shit happen? i would've been all on the stream calling em some bitches for stupid shit like that.
Its even funnier when you think about that Player M suppported player S financially to come to Country F just a few months before and then gets betrayed by player S so Player M doesnt get his deserved Money...:P

Sad story, even though i knew about this for quite a time now....good somebody who was there puts this on the table so everybody knows what happened.

This right here is what really gets to me.
I actually left early and heard nothing about it til after. Yes it's bad but you aren't a saint either oof with your instant ring out find. Besides, this isn't the first time something like this happened. It's happened at a tourney once where we both were at before and even a couple times other than that. Just cuz your not in the know doesn't mean stuff don't happen. Also happens in other games like halo where the top ppl literally take prescription drugs to focus and aim better.
thugish_pond, like I said, regardless of what people's opinions are on it, with the Liz VC glitch I was winning with something that was tournament legal at the time. I wasn't lying my way to victory. And just because stuff like this has happened in the past, and happens in other games, that doesn't make it right. Just speaking up about it is all we can do for now. And that's at least better than doing nothing.

To quote BR from Javachat;

BoringRyu said:
It speaks volumes when ALL sporting events do use a round robin system, and can abide by it even with all the obvious corruption in their system. And we can't.
I can see how everyone is hurt and defensive and all, but getting into a giant mudslinging contest or taking some holier than thou stance won't accomplish anything. I suppose it would help if this were some type of certified national sports league and things could be renounced or redone but it isn't. I suppose people acknowledging it is the best we can come to honestly. I don't know much about the SC community's past and honestly don't want to know because you all seem rather jaded about anything and everything. All I know is that we have too many people who are good at the game or just good people in general to lose people over cash.

Now, maybe it's because I'm not hurting for cash (And I can honestly say that, spending 1,400 dollars+, I probably paid more cash than anyone in order to make the event), but especially with things not even being reflected in the ladder, I see little reason to do anything beyond plan for a better future with this information. Like I said, acknowledgement may be too little or too much to ask from the parties involved. But, as far as I'm concerned, if you knew about the shit while it was going on and didn't say anything at the tournament, you have no reason to be bitching now, as many people didn't and you cheating them just as much as anyone else, regardless of your own beliefs.

Still, my whole mindset has been to get things better for SC5, if there is one. From what I've seen only, this community has never had much of a foundation (or lost it). And rather than destroying what little we've achieved in this time, we should all just bear with these growing pains and learn from it. When we've got the numbers and the resources, then maybe we can talk about some type of '8wayrun Judicial System', though no one can be forced to do anything.

P.S. I myself can attest to Player W being a great person. I'm sure if he saw his actions having an effect such as this that he wouldn't have done it.
Nobody can lie to victory unless everyone was in on it. It was only 1 person. Either way, it was tournament legal since that's your favorite term lol.
seriously get the fuck off you high horses...if you quit...we wont miss you...if you stay...then fine!

morally its wrong and YES EVEN I DID SOME SIDE PLANS WITH PEOPLE and im not afraid to say i did

but there was no RULE on not helping a friend...just like there was no rule on ur VC bullshit Oof... stop QQing all of you...start looking forward...

shit with it...or GTFO! on to the next tournament!
This is stupid.

Asking for honor and respect or whatever is borderline retarded.

This is a FG community such things don't exist, the difference between a player that mains Mina and one that mains Hilde should be sufficient evidence on what people's ideals are.

If this bothers you so much in a word, you're a hypocrite.

What do you think the Koreans did in all those Tekken finals, throwing fights against each other, so that they come in 1st and 2nd. It's your own fault and lack of skill if you let them do that. People play the game to win. Some play with honor; most players want to win with any means accessible.

By the way OOF you're the last person that should complain about a lack of honor.

In my understanding shit like this happens in a lot of other tournaments, in FSAK it's just more obvious. That's why you need a crew.

Get man power son.
Stop acting like children, you'll be fine. Keep playing that Calibur baybee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty sure you're misinterpreting what he meant, but, if not, people scoop to other players more often than you think. I honestly believe the only reason there's any controversy is because it was make or break for the placings and, unlike in an elimination format, the other person in the running had no say. I guarantee way more people than just these players either forfeited or whatever yet no one cares though it's the same situation

. Only logic I can see behind complaining about it, honestly (especially consider, as was said, some people didn't even finish all of their matches or did the same for matches they didn't finish with other players because time was running which case, how you could fault SU with that knowledge is because me except for...) is the sympathy angle in which Malek did choose to fly out to the States and who knows how badly his wallet was hit for it. He did work for whatever victories we got (as far as we know) and may have been banking on taking first to pay for the trip. Still, one could more than easily argue that it's his own fault for not doing better.

Like I said, the best we can all do is work to prevent these things. Honestly, the way you all are thinking now, no match should be recorded unless we can actually say every player is trying their absolute best. What of a player like Bubbles who said he stopped playing seriously halfway through the tournament and just went to random for the rest of it? Should we not count any victories his opponents get for the second half of the tournament? What of the many people (myself included) who just couldn't play at some point in time for whatever reason? Hell, what about the COUNTLESS tournament game players who agree beforehand to splits and whatnot (not to mention fuckin' teams!)? Hell, what if, for arguments sake, SU just went into the match and paused the game 6 times? Would any of you whine any less?

I understand that everyone wants to rally to some just cause and whatnot, but you all are taking a pretty juvenile approach to this whole thing. Malek is the only person who has the right to feel the least bit wronged in this case, to me. Even then, if he hadn't lost to Woahhzz, he would've won it. It's not like he stuck a gun to anyone's head and it's not like he bribed everyone in the tournament to go against Malek.

Like I've already stated, we should use this as a learning experience if anything. I don't think there should be a rule against forfeiting matches (every tournament for anything where we'd have to face each other eventually, I've scooped to my brothers just because...and hell, if someone doesn't want to play they shouldn't have to). That's where, unfortunately, as god knows Idle worked hard, to TOs come in again. I would say that we could've simply struck SU vs. the top two's results from the record, but Woahhzz stills wins, which you all obviously aren't content with. Either way, you all are making a mountain out of an anthill.
Damn...I didn't think I typed that much. >_>

Still, I'm just here as a mediator. <_<
friends throwing the matches for each other is one thing; intentionally rigging it to ensure another player DOESN'T win is fucked up. if it was a contest over 1st/2nd between two pals, it'd be understandable if not forgettable. that's pretty fucked that you'd jip someone like that (a person that fought all his matches and got to 2nd place honestly, nonetheless).
It's pretty simple to me really; the attitude to acceptance that "it will happen" seems to cloud people's judgement to the key point that it is infact cheating.

Don't shit where you eat. Remember this phrase, your gonna see it alot.

By doing this, the cheaters have basically caused the following things:

1) Newer players who bore witness to this now have the attitude that tournaments players are like this. They saw this happen, hope it's an isolated incident and then see people in this thread with the giant "WADDYA GONNA DO" shoulder shrug. Good job guys.

2) People cloister into their own little corner hoping not to offend people by talking about "It didn't affect me directly, therefore I have no opinion". That indifference might as well be greasing the wheels for it to happen again. In addition to having rules to prevent this; you need literally a mindset change; and that doesn't happen unless people get ANGRY.

3) They soiled the integrity of the event, and by exstention the results. It's a slap in the face to the hard work people in. I picked people up from the airport, housed a bunch of people out of my own pocket. I ran the event, rounded up the resources. Alicia and Hackermike worked frantically to get all the info in to keep it running as best as they could. You undermined them and me, and for that I give you a hearty "fuck you".

So my attitude is this: given the general attitude of the community towards cheating and the cheating players in question who by accounts "don't give a fuck and would do it again", I feel like the best approach is the understanding that Indifference tacitly supports the cheating players.

Here is a bone for you trolls: I'm content to ride my high horse off into the sunset over this.

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