Return of the Jaxel-Dome is this week!

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For those that don't know, The Jaxel-Dome has been the mecca of the Soul Calibur community here on the east coast going back to the last days of when Soul Calibur II was played competitively. It's also where I was first introduced to the community and to playing the game offline for Soul Calibur IV.

Anytime that I come to the Jaxel-Dome, it never feels like I am just at a tournament. For me, it's a family reunion with a tournament as an added bonus. It's been almost 5 months since the last Jaxel-Dome tournament. If you weren't there, then you missed out on alot, but you can click here to check out the videos. So if you are in the Central Jersey area, make sure you come through. You don't want to miss this tournament.

You can find all of the details here. The tournament is on Saturday the 19th and starts with Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 action at 2PM, then Soul Calibur IV at 6PM. If you are unable to make it, make sure that you check out the stream here because it's going to be ridiculous. Hope to see you there.
Oh, I'll be there son. I'll be there with bells on. Not on my pants, however, because I'll likely to have to defend my no pants title.

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