Saying the F word 100 times in 1 match


[10] Knight
Ive been playing MTG since almost 12 years in RL and online, but
thats the first time I have ever seen a player like this.

Wow. Over MTG??!? That's hilarious. Someone needs to take his pills.

I started MTG about 6 months ago, specifically because IT'S RELAXING. No reflexes or frame data. Great way to kick back and have fun. My girlfriend got me into it, and now we play in local tournaments all the time.

Also, couldn't he just switch to a rush down deck (white weenie?) and beat the eldrazi while you're still setting up? Nothing in that game is unbeatable.
I've never seen a more blatant definition of the word "butt-hurt," dude seriously needs to get a life. I played magic back in the day (the actual card game, sucked horribly at it so I gave it up) and I never EVER heard of anyone getting that pissed at it before.
I counted, he used the f-word 41 times.
Not to mention the countless uses of a horrible racial slur that only someone with problems would ever use.
It sounds like we have a case of someone being either A.) A poor sport , B.) A person is obviously screaming for attention so he feels the need to say the F word along with all those other slurs just to feel like he is wanted in the world, when in fact he is just going to get the wrong kind of attention or C.) He was possibly in a trolling mood and wanted to act out for the hell of it just.
Option C isn't the case so you can do the math.
You need Jesus.
yall mothafuckas need jesus.jpg