SC Controversial Topics and General Shitposting Thread

It's Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV 😊


Isn’t he fabulous?!
Hell yeah he is

He's one I'd love to see as a SC guest, though obviously it's never gonna happen. I'll have to settle for Kain in Dissidia itself (not to be confused with our 8WR friend here, lol) and I'll also have to settle for shitty CaS recreations of Kain.


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There were actually some decent equipment selections to get you close to a half-way decent Kain in SCIV.


Of course nothing is really ever going to thematically replace a true dragon helm, which is always going to be the main sticking point until the in-game tools grow substantially.
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For the curious, if they were to be gracious and allow us to use the umbrellaless weapon for Setsuka legitimately, this is what an umbrella attack used with it looks like. I actually don't find it terrible, since the hitboxes are still clearly established by the visual effect:


As it is, it doesn't have a name, so it's clearly meant to be unobtainable, and if you want to know how I got it, it was by memory editing the PC version.

(I posted this here because hacks and mods are forbidden on the creation threads.)
yeah but his floating stance with a non-parasol is gon' look goofy
Not as bad as you’d think. Partially helped by the health bars covering where the parasol would be most of the time anyway for that particular animation. It’s not a very long float, either. Is it perfect? No. But it’s far from the worst thing animations-wise, even among things you can do legitimately.
Can we petition Namco to replace Setsuka with this guy? Because he's got the best taunt I've ever heard:
What the actual fuck!!! :( Seriously, who does that shit?
(Trolls and racists, ofc)
What blows me away is that someone bothered to load this on to Twitter and more than a dozen comments later, all that is being discussed is his shitty game play, and no one has taken the step of throwing an @ to Okubo or Namco or whatever platform this happened on to get the racist, terrorist-supporting asshole blocked... The OP even warns him about the consequences--we can assume to try to get him to voluntarily stop using the offensive thing, but...why even give him the choice?
What blows me away is that someone bothered to load this on to Twitter and more than a dozen comments later, all that is being discussed is his shitty game play, and no one has taken the step of throwing an @ to Okubo or Namco or whatever platform this happened on to get the racist, terrorist-supporting asshole blocked... The OP even warns him about the consequences--we can assume to try to get him to voluntarily stop using the offensive thing, but...why even give him the choice?
I agree, Rusty. I find it extremely surprising that no one seems to give a shit after the initial shock, and then it decompensates into a discussion of gameplay. It's ironic that there are so many voices in society demanding justice regarding race and racially inflammatory content right now, and then something like this happens and no one seems to care enough to shut this down. Even if someone insists "well it's just someone being an asshole online in a video game," it's still a manifestation of all this provocative shit that's been getting people really worked up lately. I agree, why give this fuck the opportunity to use that stupid CaS? Someone should say something. (I don't have Twitter so I can't be of any use here, hypocritically, smh).
What blows me away is that someone bothered to load this on to Twitter and more than a dozen comments later, all that is being discussed is his shitty game play, and no one has taken the step of throwing an @ to Okubo or Namco or whatever platform this happened on to get the racist, terrorist-supporting asshole blocked... The OP even warns him about the consequences--we can assume to try to get him to voluntarily stop using the offensive thing, but...why even give him the choice?
I agree, Rusty. I find it extremely surprising that no one seems to give a shit after the initial shock, and then it decompensates into a discussion of gameplay. It's ironic that there are so many voices in society demanding justice regarding race and racially inflammatory content right now, and then something like this happens and no one seems to care enough to shut this down. Even if someone insists "well it's just someone being an asshole online in a video game," it's still a manifestation of all this provocative shit that's been getting people really worked up lately. I agree, why give this fuck the opportunity to use that stupid CaS? Someone should say something. (I don't have Twitter so I can't be of any use here, hypocritically, smh).
Don't let me get in the way of righteous indignation, but isn't it entirely possible that this person just thought it was funny that the game lets you make this? Or thought that it makes for a good villain in a farcical tour of history fighting game?