sc5 trailer!!!!!!


Only confirmed characters on this list, except Dampierre.

I think this is all the characters revealed or not... cuz it's 3o spaces. ehh. something like that who knows. lol
I counted the list. That's 30 slots. Look at the first one. Bagam- here is a stretch, but are these anagrams or something? There's one that starts with a Z and one that starts with a YHo. The stretch is that they are giving clues for Bangoo, Zasalamel, and Yoshimitsu, among others.
Well I'm glad it's someone like this unlike star wars who have no business in calibur!
Why don't Star Wars characters belong? You don't think that they could travel to a galaxy far, far away? Do you know what kind of disturbance in the force the evil seed produced? No. You're not a jedi master.
Are they capable of intergalactic travel in Star Wars? Even if so, what about to a galaxy that's "Far far away?"
Oh come on, man. The SW characters were *obviously* out of place. The atmosphere of the game is not at all conducive to sci-fi laser swords and space ships.
Are they capable of intergalactic travel in Star Wars? Even if so, what about to a galaxy that's "Far far away?"
A) yes. B) That's just the question. There's no way to know how far, far away they were and what their intergalactic starships could handle.
Mhmm right. Makes as much sense as your sig.
Thanks :) I thought so too.

I been working on deciphering the code for the list of names. And so far I have ascertained that Hwang will return and a new character named Blome Ho.:sc2ass2:

Hmm, I think those random ones are incrypted and they include character names in them somehow. I tried to decrypt them with some online tools but it didn't work so, I'm gonna try some other way....

.... It think I'm playing L.A Noire too much :D
Well once i explain it so that unsophisticated and jeuvinile minds can comprehend it (oops --can understand it) then it will make sense to you. I'd hate to leave anybody in the dark. (That means I would like you to know what I am talking about.) SC2 stands for Soulcalibur 2. Its a sequel, or second edition, to a game called Soulcalibur. Thats what the 2 is for. By "SC2 Kilik move set" I mean to indicate the set of commands that was animated for the character Kilik found in Soulcalibur 2. I bet i lost you already. Nevermind. Have your mommy explain it to you when she is done making your bowl of cereal.

Lol trust me I know more about every SC than you.