SCV Character Creation Discussion

Seeing uneducated and/or unenthusiastic people do these videos piss me off!!! Smh they don't even realize how lucky they are to be able to play SC5. (Do I sound crazy??)

I'm a recolor freak when it comes to Soul Calibur, I made close to 10 for Ivy in SCIV lmao. 50 slots are fine with me, I just think people enjoy complaining and its the only thing they can do while they wait.
A lot of the people who are crying for 50+ slots are probably the type who seem to put random pieces together, color all the parts black(or *GASP* black and red, screw originality!) and call it a day.

Not Necessarily. I like to take my time with creating my own characters and I do more then use one solid color (very hideous to do) or the popular black and red option. I like to experiment and so on. While I think 50 is enough for my tastes after looking at my SCIV characters (I used up all 50 creating my own characters but I only gave them each 1 outfit), I can see why people would want more.
Derp I thought it would be fun to post my thoughts on the 50 CaS slots finally.

I have actually been thinking about the 50 slots a lot lately. I like to make up my own stories often and thus I like making my characters in SC or I like making more than one costume for a specific character, which leads to the slots filling up quickly ^ ^; I always thought more slots would be nice so that I could create to my hearts content without any worry of running out of space.

Unfortunately with more than 50 cards to scroll through I could see the problem with adding more than 50. It would take forever to scroll through too many character cards for the CaS option. Howeverrrrrrrr I think a good way around that would be if you pressed R1/L1/RB/LB or any of the triggers really while in the CaS option to switch to like a second page of 50 slots. If you applied that to all the triggers than you would get something crazy like 5 pages of 50 slots (250 chars in total, just think of how much data that would take up...). That is the most sensible way I could think of even having that many chars without too much clutter... It would be cluttered but not as cluttered as mashing a large amount of CaS chars together onto one list. I am fine with 50 slots thought but this is just me dreaming happy thoughts :3

On a side note, I wish that they wouldn't make costumes for the normal cast part of the CaS list. I think they should get their own list that wont take up our beloved CaS list. It would please CaS fanatics like me very much ^ ^; it prolly wont happen though.

Oh yea and sorry for the long wall of text O////O ~goes back to observing~
Yup, what I wanted
I'd buy the additional slots, but mainly because I just like to throw my money at worthless crap. In SCIV my slot usage peaked at around 35ish, with customs and their 2Ps, 3Ps and recolors for standard characters, etc. Personally, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so if a CaS I'm working on doesn't look legit or has too many parts in common with a standard character/already existing custom, I won't save it. A lot of the people who are crying for 50+ slots are probably the type who seem to put random pieces together, color all the parts black(or *GASP* black and red, screw originality!) and call it a day.

I'm glad you're a perfectionist, but unfortunately I'm not. As a collector (hoarder) I prefer to keep every single outfit. A lot of them are tacky, sure, but I think they're pretty and that's all I care about. I want a thousand CaS slots!
If you look at the video again, the darker colors are actually gone for that option

Dude there were never dark colors. It was a massive array of colors and their brightness depended on the alteration of the brightness parameter. I bet you the bottom right color at the lowest brightness will satisfy you. That same exact color was always officially darker than black on the lowest brightness in SC4.