SCV Corrupt a wish

Granted you become mod of search......then you get shot

I swish all space colony swishes were good
Granted, but because they are all good now, none of them are. They're just meh.

I swish I could play SC4 online without raging (as it is very frustrating trying to get better with things like lag, spammers, or seemingly great players). :(
Granted now your emo because you can never be as good as my zas who is teh sucks.......and then you get shot

I swish I could JI like warble
NOT GRANTED because you didn't "Swish" for it (We say "Swish" insted of "Wish" now) Oh and Juece shoots you. ^_^

I swish I could not be harmed by Juece trying to shoot me.
NOT GRANTED because you didn't "Swish" for it (We say "Swish" insted of "Wish" now) Oh and Juece shoots you. ^_^

I swish I could not be harmed by Juece trying to shoot me.

granted you have a bulletproof vest. But then he rapes you. and takes it off................ and then you get shot.

(not by the gun)

I swish i knew the meanining of life
Granted, but it is completely subjective and has absolutely no meaning to anybody else.

I swish that there was milk in my house so I could have cereal.
Granted, you have a full jug of chunky orangutan milk. (straight from the teet)

I swish I was finished restoring my Mosin Nagant m44.
That's the rifle that the End from MGS3 uses, right? I'm not a gun expert...I only know the ones I see in games.

RIGHT when you finish restoring it, it breaks.

I swish every MGS boss would be playable, and their perfectly-balanced fighting styles would be in CaS.
Granted but it doesnt matter to you............cause you get shot

I swish summer was over
Granted, but you are shipped to the other hemisphere and have to endure summer again.
I siwsh they'd give us some hints about SC5 already.
Granted, but you are shipped to the other hemisphere and have to endure summer again.
I siwsh they'd give us some hints about SC5 already.

Granted theyre removing all major characters and replacing every1 with guest chaaracters. The game completely unbalanced and has ps2 graphics.

I wish i didnt have to go to school tommorrow.
Granted theyre removing all major characters and replacing every1 with guest chaaracters. The game completely unbalanced and has ps2 graphics.

I wish i didnt have to go to school tommorrow.
Granted. Just go to school and meet your friends, teachers, etc. Enjoy the school life, my friend.
I wish I didn't fight 1,000 Mitsu's a day! People need to learn other char's...

Granted. But what about the 1000 kiliks and 1000 cervantes?

I wish........Achoo!!!
You didn't actually make a wish, so it's my turn now!

I wish it was possible to fuse two weapons from different Soul Calibur characters to create a stronger weapon
granted, but now we have siegfried weapons with setsuka*throws up*

i wish/swish people strted saying swish again
Granted. What? Eh? Wish? Swish? Swish? Okay! I swished a bowl of.....

I swished it......
Everybody got shot oh and your "wishes" were granted.........but you all got shot and DIED for not makin them swishes

I swish for pizza
Granted, it's not crappy because you enjoy being shot... Jeuce learns to clone himself Agent Smith style and there's like 1,000 of him on your block alone.

I swish when Jeuce shoots people he uses castor bullets like in Outlaw Star.