
Shenmue 1 was simply ahead of its time and its a shame that Yu Sazuki will be remembered for the game being a dud instead of it being remembered as a great piece of software.

Shenmue 2 not so much but it was still a fun game and it sucks that I will never have closure as to how the trilogy will end.

BTW, Does anyone here know where i can find sailors?
Shenmue 2 not so much?!

Whatever problems Shenmue 1 had, Shenmue 2 fixed. You didn't have to wait around for an appointment (you could just skip the time required to wait), you were in a city that felt alive with a TON of people (and this is before GTAIII), and you could freakin man your own concession stand.

You could freakin man your own concession stand.
Whatever problems Shenmue 2 had... Yakuza fixed...

Playing YAKUZA 2 right now...

How about a game of Lucky Hit?
I want to go to Hong Kong.

Shenmue 1 was great...but I think I spent more time playing those minigames at the bar than playing the actual game. It was a great concept, but it lacked something.
And that race at the docks was retarded.

At least the final scenes (with the massive combat) was great.
issac said:
Whatever problems Shenmue 1 had, Shenmue 2 fixed. You didn't have to wait around for an appointment (you could just skip the time required to wait), you were in a city that felt alive with a TON of people (and this is before GTAIII), and you could freakin man your own concession stand.

my beef with shenmue 2 was that it was not as detailed as shenmue 1 (you couldn't open up EVERY closet or walk into any store), and the end of the game was super lame and rushed. The fight against wolf, that fat guy, and that building with the planks totally took away from the experience. It totally took away from the realism the game was trying to achieve.

I still loved 2 to death, but i can put 1 above 2 and not think about it twice.
what do ya mean? i know yakuza is made by mostly the same people that did shenmue so i'm sure Jaxel was referring to things like the menu system and minor graphical glitches.
my beef with shenmue 2 was that it was not as detailed as shenmue 1 (you couldn't open up EVERY closet or walk into any store), and the end of the game was super lame and rushed. The fight against wolf, that fat guy, and that building with the planks totally took away from the experience. It totally took away from the realism the game was trying to achieve.

I still loved 2 to death, but i can put 1 above 2 and not think about it twice.

I know what you mean. And unfortunately, I think it's because Shenmue II is three chapters of Shenmue compacted on one disc. So normally there would be just as much detail as the first game (if not more), but that amount of detail had to be cut into thirds. All the things you didn't like about it were towards the end of the game. It was obvious they were either pressed for time, didn't have much more funding, didn't have much raw space left, or were just exhausted. I wasn't a big fan of the ending either.

To be honest though, there was just something about Shenmue II that I still preferred to I. Maybe it was the city atmosphere, or the more comfortable pacing.
issac said:
I know what you mean. And unfortunately, I think it's because Shenmue II is three chapters of Shenmue compacted on one disc.

actually.....2 was originally released on the dreamcast in 3 disks. It was here in america where we got it on 1 disk. but that was a 4.5GB dvd compared to 3 1GB GDroms. So i dont think it was a space issue, especially since SEGA went all out budget wise.

I think the lack of detail is actually excusable because you traverse a city that for 2001 is pretty damned detailed. I was thinking about it today and there are alot of hidden paths and alleys and what not. That didn't exist in shemue 1, but it was replaced with that amazing attention to minute detail. So now that i've thought about it, it seems like it was a trade off.

Overall I grew up on point and click adventures like myst so I think thats why i liked shenmue 1 more.
actually.....2 was originally released on the dreamcast in 3 disks. It was here in america where we got it on 1 disk. but that was a 4.5GB dvd compared to 3 1GB GDroms. So i dont think it was a space issue, especially since SEGA went all out budget wise.

I think the lack of detail is actually excusable because you traverse a city that for 2001 is pretty damned detailed. I was thinking about it today and there are alot of hidden paths and alleys and what not. That didn't exist in shemue 1, but it was replaced with that amazing attention to minute detail. So now that i've thought about it, it seems like it was a trade off.

Overall I grew up on point and click adventures like myst so I think thats why i liked shenmue 1 more.

Oh I know... I actually imported Shenmue II for DC when it came out :-D

While I do agree there was a trade-off, I still think that had they devoted Shenmue II to one chapter instead of splitting it into three, they could have spent more time (not necessarily space) on the details. So sure there would be a section of the game not there anymore (to be devoted to Shenmue III), but the minute details of Shenmue I would be in II also. It would have the large scope and back alleyways, and the ability to inspect freaking everything like the first game. And in a city like that, analyzing every unique tomato from the local vendor and whatnot would have been fun as hell... for me at least.

For the love of god why wont they just make a shenmue 3!? make it crappy, rushed, short and overpriced! I dont care, I just want some goddamned closure!!
or even the Shenmue Online they were gonna put out... I mean that would have made things a little better, but nooooooooooooooo
ehh....but Yu had nothing to do with online and it wouldn't have been canon in the series, you probably already knew that tho...but again, i agree with ya, it woulda been better than nothing.