Shit IdleMind says that pisses you off

Should IdleMind be banned?

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While Idle is a cool dude in person, online he can be a douche.

When he was a SA mod "leader" he tried to force people to do unnecessary stuff like require our signatures to state that we're mods and that we have "mod voices".

I made a thread bringing up the Devil Jin ban issue. Of course he voiced his opinion against it, eventually shutting down my thread.

A while back before the game came out there was a debate as to what notation we should use for Brave Edge. I and some others suggested that we just put BE after the move (66B BE for example), he was against it and decided to take charge and made a poll for it that would decide the "community standard". The poll was clearly biased, and he even left out the option that I just mentioned.

I also wasn't happy with how he stated his opinions and then one time he literally stated that he speaks for the whole community. That little "admin" title really got to his head.

Figured someone like that would go on a power trip. You can judge someone's character by how they act in positions of power.

All the people that are butthurt and dickriding him haven't even commented on these. lol
Seriously though, he is might a bipolar asshole at times, but overall he's not a bad person and banning him is definitely not the answer. It's this simple, I don't know what people are arguing so much about.
I once bought a new puppy. It was a pure breed Siberian Husky. One blue eye, one brown, beautiful gray coat. Ever since my little sister died I was really starving for love of some sort. This dog became my closest companion and we would run outside and play every single day.

Then IdleMind stole him and cut him up into pieces to decorate his lawn. Ban that sucker!
Figured someone like that would go on a power trip. You can judge someone's character by how they act in positions of power.

All the people that are butthurt and dickriding him haven't even commented on these. lol

I can:

Mod voices thing? Completely silly to require. So no, I never agreed with that, and I'm glad he didn't have the authority to completely enforce it, TBH.

DJ ban thread? Idle was right. #1) It's not open for discussion. DJ is banned because of CaS issues. If they were to make a selectable DJ, then everyone can feel free to debate. Granted - there are very few voices in the community I'd actually want to have input on the issue, and it's also something that should mainly be discussed between TO's and not the community as a whole, anyway. So if I were in his position, I would have closed it too. But we're not going to have that debate right now.

The BE notation thing, I mean, come on. It's a poll. This is not something to be upset at Idle about. If the poll feels biased, mention it. I've fixed several polls on this forum when people said that they thought it didn't include options correctly.

And TBH the last part is taken out of context, and doesn't really fit into an argument.
I asked Idle back then to take a picture of himself making a Voldo impression whenever we reached 1000 pages in that awful thread and we did and he never took the goddamn picture so fuck him
....this thread lacks logos and ethos...all see is a bunch pathos...
At this rate idle wont be post more and I want to see logos and ethos.

I'm bored
I hate how he shows up at a community event saying he supports the scene and then goes on rants about how he fears for the games competitive lifespan because of gamebreaking glitches, to every other person he sees. Pick a side, don't say you support just to turn around and spout hate in an offbeat manner that feels justified... or do you want to be another SC3 Jaxel?
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