Something Interesting or am I seeing this wrong


Steamed Buns!!
So I was just messing around in training mode and I realized something weird. If you press 6321478 and then a move like A+B it will execute the 22_88 version of it (22A+B) without the step (I believe). I might be just imagining things but doesn't that mean not you can do 8wayrun moves without the 20+frames of step previous to their execution?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
If the motion is buffered, it won't perform a double tap direction move. It works if not buffered, but that's because your character actually moves around and thus enters 8-way-run normally.
It's the same reason why you can hold :2: to execute a :2::2: attack, or why you can do :6::6::2: or run and then slide the stick to :2: to perform a :2::2: attack.
I think your missing my point here though, It wasn't buffered and the character doesn't go into 8wayrun. I know that you can hold a directional button and thus execute an 8wayrun move but this isn't the case; when you do the almost full circle [move] the character doesn't step in any way and just executes the move. This isn't buffering either because there is nothing really that you are buffering it with.

8wayrun moves require an extra 20 or so stepping frames to be executed in SC5, but it seems that if you use 6321478 + move it bypasses the step period and goes into the move. Again unless Im doing something wrong.
Yeah, somewhere in another thread possible one of the 2 listed above a guy explained how you can buffer 8 way run moves in. I belive the post I read was simply like 66(6A+B) and instead was canceling a dash, but it also contained info about that. Essentially if you have to do 8way4 or 8way6, you can even do 236 or 214 but a full half circle is the best. The only time I use quarter circles are when doing 22/88 and even then it's mostly for 22's which are in themselves easy to execute.