Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Keep in mind that Natsu was the sole Soul Calibur representative in the Project X Zone 2 title.
6B+K is Viola. I think removing the no-air-control on AAB, killing off most of her dumb combos and reducing her damage in the process, should be enough. Although, given this is a new game and not a patch, she'd probably have different gimmicks anyway.

Anyway, I just remembered somebody who I would love to see again...
I always see her as the girlish version of voldo since she share so many moves with him.
Definitely want to see her back.
SCVI might be combo heavy?

I hope it isn't. However, since it sounds like 6 will retain the supers and add even more meter-based mechanics, it probably will be more combo heavy.

It depends on what you mean by "combo heavy", though. I would consider Tekken to be combo heavy, since you basically have to memorize a juggle combo on each character in order to be viable. Plus in Tekken 7 you have the stage destruction thing that extends combos even more.

I prefer the older soulcalibur games where there was relatively little focus on juggling. It makes matches feel less one-sided. In Tekken 7 you can get juggled for over 10 seconds, which is a really long time. It also looks kinda dumb in Tekken because the combos are essentially just slapping the air near the enemy's hitbox, and it makes no physical sense. The skill required in the execution is impressive, but it just looks bad.
I would like everyone's thoughts on this; do you guys really think that SCVI might be combo heavy? Viola combos were pretty long....
I asked you to elaborate by what you meant, but here let me make this easier.

Scenario A) SC4 will be our example. In this scenario combos are longer through out the whole cast. Thus one could say this game is more combo focused as combos take up more of one's time.

Scenario B) Lets take the SCV example. In SCV while combos were shorter across the cast, they dealt more damage. In this scenerio fundamentals, like say spacing, become less important. Thus going for "Muh lol big damage combo opener" becomes more important. Thus one could say this is more combo focused as combos become a more integral part of succeeding on a game by game basis.

Which of these two scenarios are we talking about?
I thought Viola's combos were so long because her damage output was relatively low compared to other characters?
Just make sure the combo engines don't replenish themselves (as in rebuild meter too easily) leading to unfun watching your character get juggled with no chance of counter play
How can you be OK with tambourines but not umbrellas? I'd put both of those as "less serious" weapons for combat. Didn't Voldo have tambourines as a joke weapon in like SC2/3?

I don't want an entire soul calibur character fighting with surfboards or a giant shish-kabob, or corn-on-the-cob nunchucks. That's ok as joke weapons.
The soul series needs some more respectability considering the damage done to its reputation as a vehicle for guest characters + excessive cleavage + button masher (for people who don't understand the series like us hardcore fans).
Oh I agree. I really just want it back out of pure nostalgia. Plus with Viola it really seems to fit. But yeah overall it's a silly weapon.
I've liked Soul Calibur mainly because it has strayed away from the "Memorize-a-Combo-String-Combo". The only time I think heavy combos should ever occur is when you get slammed up against a wall since the alternative is a ring out. Otherwise, up to 3 hits is good enough and air control should allow players to escape the air juggle crap - air control is actually something I like very much.

Of course, there are two characters that come to mind that actually have combo BS. In part 4, it was Hilde's "I-Ring-You-Out-Combo-from-Anywhere" and in 5 it was Viola. They just need to tone down the combo potential a little bit when in the open, or at least provide a manner of escape.

And one last thing about the asthetics earlier I was talking about, its about Algol being an ass. The clip I will show is actually of OOof playing vs Algol. Just look at that Bubble just dance around in the front row center like an annoying fly... Slow Bubbles.... piss me off for that reason.

Ok, seems time linking won't work. The offense is at the 1:00 mark. That ball really annoyed me.

And I guess Dampierre is a combo character too... Thats a bit much...
As far as combo heavy games I feel as if SC5 was the least combo heavy next to SC2. Sure you have Viola and Algol but other than that most combos were about 3 hits long and then it ended. In other games it may have been 3-4 hits long but they left you in a good position on wake up to start one up right back again.

My feeling though is I'd actually like to see a more combo heavy game that takes less damage. People LOVE to hit buttons and feel rewarded for completing a string. For example in SC5 Mitsu could hit you with a 3B 236B (BE) into either a CE or 1B (total of 3-4 hits) where as in SC4 you'd get the same damage for a 22A, 11B(A), MST B, MST 4B, 1A (total of 6hits). And you can ask any Mitsu player that felt a hell of lot more satisfying and was a hell of lot more entertaining to watch. The key is to balance the damage scaling but at the same time keep pokes viable so it's not some silly Tekken like juggle session.
As far as combo heavy games I feel as if SC5 was the least combo heavy next to SC2. Sure you have Viola and Algol but other than that most combos were about 3 hits long and then it ended. In other games it may have been 3-4 hits long but they left you in a good position on wake up to start one up right back again.

My feeling though is I'd actually like to see a more combo heavy game that takes less damage. People LOVE to hit buttons and feel rewarded for completing a string. For example in SC5 Mitsu could hit you with a 3B 236B (BE) into either a CE or 1B (total of 3-4 hits) where as in SC4 you'd get the same damage for a 22A, 11B(A), MST B, MST 4B, 1A (total of 6hits). And you can ask any Mitsu player that felt a hell of lot more satisfying and was a hell of lot more entertaining to watch. The key is to balance the damage scaling but at the same time keep pokes viable so it's not some silly Tekken like juggle session.

I don't like rewarding players for memorizing strings and practicing just time inputs for combos/extra damage against a bot that stands still. I prefer players studying their opponents on the fly and adapting accordingly, being rewarded for countering and noting enemies weaknesses. Air juggles in Tekken are the main reason I don't like Tekken to begin with - its "Get Launched in Air" followed by a 20 hit air juggle.
I don't like rewarding players for memorizing strings and practicing just time inputs for combos/extra damage against a bot that stands still. I prefer players studying their opponents on the fly and adapting accordingly, being rewarded for countering and noting enemies weaknesses. Air juggles in Tekken are the main reason I don't like Tekken to begin with - its "Get Launched in Air" followed by a 20 hit air juggle.
Fighting games are about both of those things.
Wouldnt be worried about the costumes. 5 had the best costumes in the entire series.
I highly disagree on that. I found most of SCV's outfits to either look like things we've seen before (Tira's, Maxi's Raphael's, Cervantes's) while others especially most of the 2nd Player outfits looked out of place or just ugly to me. Ivy's Yellow-mink bodysuit, Astraroth's metal body (my least favorite), Siegfried's peasant outfit (pales in comparison to his SCIII second costume). I would say SCII & SCIII had the best costumes because both players had detailed outfits and SCII had the most variety in outfits to date. SCIII also had clothing that looked more culturally reflected on the character's nationalities a bit more which I prefer over unspecific fantasy outfits. SCV seemed to throw that out the window.

That'd be cool, but personally i'm more concerned about nostalgia costumes, i'd love to see costumes from past SC installments in SC6.
I think it should be a tradition to carry over outfits from past games in, kind of like legacy packs. It would be especially appropriate if SCVI does a roster reset. I'd take all the old outfits over the bland generic pieces in CAS.
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