Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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It seemed too good to be true for them to announce DOA 6 so soon after SC6 announcement.

Oh well. DOA 5 has had 5 years of support. They are working on something but we don't know if it's DOA, Ninja Gaiden or Nioh/whatever else.

Honestly Its for the best. Soul Calibur VI needs the spotlight completely to itself! 2012 was way too crowded with SC5 VF5FS TTT2 and DOA 5 all releasing so soon together and cannibalizing sales
The way they made it sound was that DOA is DEAD. Lots of people upset. Me, I am just hoping they are making a fighter, just with a different name.
To be honest I have a feeling it's either a Nioh 2 (seeing as it was pretty successful) or NG4, as previous game was nearly 5 years ago. And announcement will be spring/summer 2018.
DLC support for DoA5 just ended, it's too early to announce DoA6 yet. Most probably it's gonna happen (if it will at all) closer to end of 2018 or beginning/middle of 2019.
Oh please. DOA is not dead. There's not need to be so dramatic. The series will get a sequel in two to five years, mark my words.

After hundreds of DLC costumes, isn't it a good thing for them to let it sleep for a bit?

There's something else. This NEC tournament was DOA's biggest event of the year, and they are not doing it anymore. They want to work on something else, fine, but why stop the tournament? Even if the community can still keep holding their own tournaments, today has left a serious bitter taste for a lot of fans.
Oh please. DOA is not dead. There's not need to be so dramatic. The series will get a sequel in two to five years, mark my words.

After hundreds of DLC costumes, isn't it a good thing for them to let it sleep for a bit?
Way to step out on a limb, lol. "See, it only took them ten years to make a sequel! It was never dead!"
Is it safe to say that no one gives a shit about Rock anymore?
Well, considering Rock never really evolved much throughout the series (both character and gameplay) and has always been outshined by Astaroth it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if only a small number of people cared if he returned or got the boot. Hell, Rock himself isn’t even in SC2, (though his fighting style is there so...yay?).
Oh please, drama queens, did you guys truly expect another DoA? I already found weird that they would announce another game when the latest skin for DoA5 was released 2 seconds ago. Its not dead, its just taking a long overdue break, something that this franchise deserves more than most considering the insane ammount of DLC content they added.
Is it safe to say that no one gives a shit about Rock anymore?
People stopped giving a shit about him when Astaroth was introduced. Astaroth is Rock, except with a better moveset, personality and relevance. Since all SC games after Astaroth's introduction failed to give Rock any more value, he may as well get deleted. Bring Ashlotte back and give her a new moveset, she is a better choice for a grappler/heavy character.
People stopped giving a shit about him when Astaroth was introduced. Astaroth is Rock, except with a better moveset, personality and relevance. Since all SC games after Astaroth's introduction failed to give Rock any more value, he may as well get deleted. Bring Ashlotte back and give her a new moveset, she is a better choice for a grappler/heavy character.

Except for the fact that Ashlotte was a one-off bonus character with marginally less relevance than Maxi (which is not a lot to begin with) and about as much as goal-oriented motivation as Mitsurugi; the series needs neither of these.
Except for the fact that Ashlotte was a one-off bonus character with marginally less relevance than Maxi (which is not a lot to begin with) and about as much as goal-oriented motivation as Mitsurugi; the series needs neither of these.
Okay, first off: one-off bonus character can be dealt with by simply going "Hey, guest artist, what do you say we give you lots of money so we can use your character again?" Second, nearing the same relevance as Maxi is great, because he is very relevant as an ally to Kilik and Xianghua and rival to Astaroth. Also, Ashlotte has the unique aspect of being the only souless character in the entire series and, like you said, she was a bonus character, and I must add, a bonus character in ONE game, while Rock was a main character in three or four games.

You'd think a reboot would at least give the developers incentive to trim the cast and get rid of the filler, no?
She definitely would not be a filler now that we're gonna get a story focus starting in SC1. This is when Astaroth is created, which means that the Fygul Cestemus will play a big role as villains, and when Astaroth rebels, it makes sense that Ashlotte acts as their retaliation.
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Except for the fact that Ashlotte was a one-off bonus character with marginally less relevance than Maxi (which is not a lot to begin with) and about as much as goal-oriented motivation as Mitsurugi; the series needs neither of these.
They could just rewrite her story and give her more relevance to the main plot, if that's so much of an issue. I'd personally like to see her back because I thought she had by far the most interesting design and weapon of all the bonus characters in SC4. That seems to be the case for most people who want to see her come back. She could just be treated like a new character.
trim the cast and get rid of the filler
They already tried that in SCV, lol.
So no, they will do the opposite if anything. As reboot is done not to do a story that will make more sense, but to have an excuse to add more characters from old games.
Story itself is secondary. Gameplay, roster and content is what truly important.
most interesting design and weapon
Her weapon looks more like spear than a hammer or axe (as which she used it, being a moveset clone of a Rock) - it would be very interesting if she will get a proper moveset and gonna use her weapon as actual spear/glaive. Spear/glaive wielding grappler could be interesting.
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