Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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I think you missed the part where I said Natsu only got used a lot online because she was easy to spam, not because she was genuinely popular. Considering online didn't last very long I don't think that means much anyways. This was apparent when Taki beat Natsu on the poll #2 to #27 and later whooped her ass directly in the matchup.
Except there is nothing that can be considered truly spammable with Natsu. The only moves that I can think of off the top of my head that are close to spammable are her A+B and 3KK, and even these are easy to bypass if you know what you're doing.
I think you missed the part where I said Natsu only got used a lot online because she was easy to spam, not because she was genuinely popular. Considering online didn't last very long I don't think that means much anyways. This was apparent when Taki beat Natsu on the poll #2 to #27 and later whooped her ass directly in the matchup.

Are you seriously making a judgement based on online spam?

As for Natsu, I don't care if she comes back or not since she comes back or not since she shares the same personality traits as Naruto. The most important things to me are the gameplay and balance. It doesn't matter who they bring back if the gameplay sucks or if Taki sucks 6 dicks like she did in SC4 balance wise. People will just continue to ignore her.

Every game since SC2 has been divisive because of gameplay changes, so SCV is no different. SCV was designed around newer players who haven't played SC in a long time by shortening movesets and nerfing backdash, and the Street Fighter crowd with 2D mechanics and Viola/ZWEI, so it's going to be interesting to see which direction they take this next game, which I'm worried about because of how long it's been to make an announcement.

I know everyone is hoping for their "baby" to come back. I just want a fun game to play. If the gameplay and balance are great, then everything else will work itself out. Otherwise people will be asking for SC7.
Except there is nothing that can be considered truly spammable with Natsu. The only moves that I can think of off the top of my head that are close to spammable are her A+B and 3KK, and even these are easy to bypass if you know what you're doing.

I don't want to fuel this discussion any further, but key phrase here is "if you know what you're doing". There will always be easy, spammable characters that are easy to overcome if you lab them a bit. That doesn't change the fact that they are easy and spammable and are noob-killers since most players won't take the time to learn them.

I'm not agreeing with Nyte, just illustrating his point.
Are you seriously making a judgement based on online spam?

As for Natsu, I don't care if she comes back or not since she comes back or not since she shares the same personality traits as Naruto. The most important things to me are the gameplay and balance. It doesn't matter who they bring back if the gameplay sucks or if Taki sucks 6 dicks like she did in SC4 balance wise. People will just continue to ignore her.

Every game since SC2 has been divisive because of gameplay changes, so SCV is no different. SCV was designed around newer players who haven't played SC in a long time by shortening movesets and nerfing backdash, and the Street Fighter crowd with 2D mechanics and Viola/ZWEI, so it's going to be interesting to see which direction they take this next game, which I'm worried about because of how long it's been to make an announcement.

I know everyone is hoping for their "baby" to come back. I just want a fun game to play. If the gameplay and balance are great, then everything else will work itself out. Otherwise people will be asking for SC7.
What else was I suppose to make the judgement on? You're the one who said "Natsu has been far more popular", and I could only assume that's what you were referring to seeing as how it's been proven that is not the case on at least two separate occasions.
It's a better representation than the same people complaining about the same things everyday on social media. I try to look for the middle because most people are biased on what they want.
Any data based on usage, especially tournament usage, is heavily influenced by how the character performs. There's a lot of Natsu online because she's easy to pick up and win with against other new players, not because they necessarily like her, especially if you factor CaS into the equation.

Any character can be made top tier, but not every character can be made a fan favourite.
Remember when SC was on The Big Bang show?

@Malice I see you are a Juri guy, too. A man of culture, I see.

Or maybe you can tell him to just be relevant and not repeating the same unconstructive thing over and over and over. I like to think there is a chance of him start actually making contributions to the threads, but as an admin, you're the only one who can influence him in any way.
If we banned every poster that made contributions we didn't like, there'd be a lot less people allowed to post. We don't silence people for being disagreeable.
I wonder what the timeline is. Maybe it'll take place between SCIV and SCV, kinda like how SFIV did to SFIII. Or they'll use time travel (established as possible in SCV's story) to go back to that era. Kilik returning to the staff, plus Xianghua returning as playable (I highly doubt they'll let her be 37) in the place of their successors presumably makes me wonder about the whole thing.
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