Soul Calibur V: World first to unlock Platinum Trophy

I have like 10 achievements to go before i 100% it. Unfortunately one of them is the damn just guard one.
How did you even get the Wind of Battle trophy?

Here is my way on getting the Wind of Battle Trophies.

(1) Go to arcade mode

(2) Set arcade mode to Standard routes

(3) Put it on easy Mode

(4) Now On stage one, look for hilde or tira, they are on a good stage where you can't
fall off and you can walk for ever, if you start arcade mode and they are not there,
restart it by hitting on select character, or exit out.

(5) Now that you are on that level, hook a Rubber band to your controller and make it so
your character is walking backward.

(6) Now if you got a wireless controller you can leave the room with the controller
and watch a movie, tv, or play a video game while you wait. But don't forget to keep
the controller by you and don't forget to tap the (X Button) around every 3 minutes.

(7) To get the Trophies it will take around 12 hours or so to get it, have fun.
That's what I did!!!
That's unbelievably lame. Who does that? 12 hours? Forget that garbage. I'll get it eventually the normal way. I'm missing that one and the max soul one.