Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

He's pretty much Necric Algol.
I personally don't mind this too much, I just think the 180 by alot of people is funny.
I talk about someone like Cassandra, who is a unique character by all accounts, and a horde douche of monkeys crawl out the wood work calling her a mimic.

Cass is not a mimic. Her style is based off of Sophi. Azwel's movelist is pulled from everyone else in the cast (like I said, with the exclusion of a couple unique moves).

You keep misusing and confusing your own terms. Cass is considered a "clone". Inferno is a "mimic".
You keep misusing and confusing your own terms. Cass is considered a "clone". Inferno is a "mimic".

You'll have to forgive me. My lack of shits to give impedes my memory. A clone sounds like a character that copies another's move set, yet, that's not how it's used generally here? Honestly, these terms aren't old. Like, they just kinna popped up recently for me. At first hearing they generally sound like they have the same meaning.
Everywhere you go people keep trying to randomly attribute things to the budget lol. KOFXIV was a true budget title from a top developer, FEXL is a budget title. SCVI in no way is, and there's nothing lending itself towards believing that is, whether it has the random costumes or modes or stages or characters you want or not.
People's expectations for SOULCALIBUR are different than any other fighter outside of Netherrealm offerings. So even if the budget is higher than what KOF had, Project Soul probably feels just as squeezed trying to deliver on the fandom's unrealistic expectations.
You'll have to forgive me. My lack of shits to give impedes my memory. A clone sounds like a character that copies another's move set, yet, that's not how it's used generally here? Honestly, these terms aren't old. Like, they just kinna popped up recently for me. At first hearing they generally sound like they have the same meaning.

Clones and mimics as terms have been widely used in lots of fighting games for a long time, but whatever keeps you up at night I guess.
Clones and mimics as terms have been widely used in lots of fighting games for a long time, but whatever keeps you up at night I guess.
To be fair when taken literally it seems like they should be reversed. A mimic gets close to copying someone else, while a clone is an exact copy.
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Clones and mimics as terms have been widely used in lots of fighting games for a long time, but whatever keeps you up at night I guess.
Not saying they haven't bud. Im saying the TERMS haven't. Ryu and Ken are clones (at least thats the legace term that was used to describe them). I haven't heard "mimic" until recent years. And honestly both terms if taken at face value look to mean the same damn thing.
Having reviewed the trailer a fair bit, I'm just going to ask purely for curiosity's sake genuinely: What moves can you identify, input included, and say with certainty and examples that they're taken from other characters, be it perfect or near-perfect copy? I ask as I can't say the trailer looked like it displayed much of his movelist, much less a clear indication of how the full thing will be, and I'm not seeing it. It looks purely or almost purely unique to me, given lack of apparent copies of animations and their properties. But, in spite of more time with each character than I care to admit over the years, there is an easy chance I'm just forgetting what some older animations looked since I haven't played SC in 3+ years.
The difference is that the mimic imitates characters (one at a time) without making one style their own. A clone is a copy of one style (with possibly a few variations). Azwel is neither.

These terms are really common and have been used for years, there is no way these terms are "recent".

Now, can we move on from these pointless battles of "who speaks better" and focus on the game?
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Well, that battle director comment made me even more interested than I was. I feel like that could make for a quite complex and interesting character to master depending what that all means in practice.

That sounds spam-friendly... uh-oh. I said it before but i dont think most players will like fighting this guy, same as Algol bubbles.

Right now, i'm undecided about him. I'll need to play him and go through his whole moveset to see what i think but my first impression is that he would have been more likable as a female. That might be some of my gender role preferences coming out but i generally see "magician/ranged" types better as women while physical characters better as men.

Algol had a more dominant, boss-like personality. Things like the throne. Its comparable to Bison from Street Fighter with arm crossing during scissor kicks and stomps. The attitude came out in his moveset which he used his weapons to primarilly physically swing on opponents. Implying he had skill and knew how to fight in addition to ranged bubble options, teleports and an offensive flip. That is a real boss.

Azwel has the derranged wizard personality who just knows how to float around several objects. Its not particularly intimidating because of his obvious mental weakness. He comes off like a sub-boss or lackey to the real one that has everything together upstairs for intelligent planning and tactics.