soul samurai's creations

soul samurai

[08] Mercenary
Happy new year for all !
Here's a creation and re-creations for some characters.
If you want leave me a feedback.
Thanks :)

King Arthur
King Arthur 01.jpg

King Arthur 02.jpg

King Arthur 03.jpg

King Arthur 04.jpg

King Arthur 05.jpg

Chie (Li Long's wife from "Soul Edge")
Chie 01.jpg

Chie 02.jpg

Chie 03.jpg

Chie 04.jpg

Keres (from "Soul Calibur 3")
keres 01.jpg

keres 02.jpg
keres 03.jpg

keres 04.jpg

Black Lotus (from "Bushido Blade")
Black Lotus 01.jpg

Black Lotus 02.jpg

Black Lotus 03.jpg

Black Lotus 04.jpg


  • King Arthur 03.jpg
    King Arthur 03.jpg
    930.2 KB · Views: 338
Hi, The egyptian coiffe/hat build is clever but consider larger stripe and blue/gold colors for more pop. Juste une question de gout bien sur :)
bonjour, je suis français également.Je viens de m'inscrire....J'espère pouvoir partager ici sur ce site quelques créations, malgré mon anglais approximative.Bonne continuation à vous.
Even though King Arthur looks quite simple but he looks pretty badass with that custom mustache.

Osiris looks pretty cool... he looks somekind of an Egyptian god. And i love an Egyptian characters like the few ones VC had as well.

WTH is Zorn?! is she a bat demon or something? either way she looks pretty weird yet intimidating.

Well, those 3 are my favorites so far.