SOULCALIBUR 6: WishList Thread

To be perfectly honest, I don't have a real wish-list, and for SCVI, I probably don't need it either, what I wanted more than anything else really, is for Kilik to be back, I didn't really think of anything beyond that before he was announced, I really like his backstory, but I couldn't even imagine them actually implementing it to his playstyle, so not only did I get what I initially wanted, I got it and THEN some,
there are 3 things I would be very happy to see that I know are realistic and extremely likely, well at least 2 of them are
-one is Siegfried being playable
-two is for character creations being back
-three is Raphael being playable which is not as likely, but still somewhat likely
I already have Kilik, Zasalamel and Nightmare, I know that wishing for minor, bonus characters or older modes is very unrealistic anyways, so I don't even care to do so, if they become a reality in an ironic way like Evil Seed Kilik did though, it would be pretty hilarious.
the way I see it, I'm already sold on the game, I was when Kilik was announced.
My wish list would be something like (and picking on Tekken 7 some cause SC6 is almost certainly built on it as a base):
-More post game balance patch support, particularly one a year or two after launch to deal with anything found later on
-Ability to reconfigure controllers or switch controllers on the character selection screen (particularly for local versus when everyone has a different arcade stick/controller) instead of having to either do it in match or back out to the main menu.
-Bring back either Pyrrha or Cassandra (though I could go back to my SC1 main of Sophitia)
-Remove character creation entirely (I know that won't happen but it would be my preference) or give me an option to disable it locally so I just see default normal characters. I've yet to see a custom character that looks better than the default costumes. Especially if there are going to be hitbox differences between custom and normal characters. Or at the very least, some verification checks against hex edited save games making things like invisible/tiny characters.
-Remove the infinite stages
-Crossplay between as many platforms as possible
-Ability to put a connection speed limit on all online game modes
-Ability to use full training mode (not just the limited system provided in Tekken 7) or play single player while waiting for an online match like Blazblue allows.
-In game frame data in training mode. I found it shocking how little information was present for moves in Tekken 7 vs any Soul Calibur game.
-No unlocking of characters, I hate having to do that on multiple systems (particularly for local versus), just let us play everyone in the base non-DLC game right away.
-Assuming SC6 is built on the Tekken 7 code base, the input buffering system to be restored to how it felt in previous SC games. Moves with an input like: A,A,A+B I find need to be inputted like A[A]b, only pressing the A button twice and holding it hitting B like a slide input instead of actually releasing it to press A+B as the third input.
-Something like Killer Instinct's shadow mode ai that can be trained/adapted to your play style.
-Mechanic wise, I think SC6 looks good, though I haven't had a chance to play it so can't comment too much on it.
Regarding what @Vergeben said about the development team looking for feedback from the community, what the core fans want etc, my personal wishlist is:

- most of the classic cast returning: I can't imagine a SC game without Voldo, and Taki needs to come back big time. Also, Cervantes being DLC is bad, he's been there from the very beginning.

- I'd love a character with a more realistic HEMA inspired sword style: I think there's enough room for it to be unique despite many characters having swords in the game.

- I'm all up for the rumored muscular woman character. She doesn't need to be as big as Astaroth, she could be a spear wielder with a completely different style relative to hilde, more savage and acrobatic, she could be Rock's partner or Talim's mentor or whatever (since Talim is already dark skinned).

- In general, I think it would be better if DLC was reserved for newer characters: it would feel better to purchase something that makes you curious instead of feeling forced to buy a character that you think should have been included from the start.

- I hope the game is accessible but also deep and competitive, so that it can enjoy long standing success;

- I want a good single player experience: Arcade mode with proper endings, even better if there's branching paths with different endings and/or secret endings via input during cutscenes, something that older SE/SC games had.

- Also, a single player mode like Chronicles of the Sword or Weapon Master Mode would be so nice...something to sink time into, maybe attached to extra weapons for the character which, again, are a staple of the serie.

To be honest, I loved SCV for the gameplay but feature-wise it felt like half a game. I want a "full" Soul Calibur game again.

For reference, I've owned every single "Soul" game released. I'd still own them all if I hadn't sold my Dreamcast and therefore my copy of SC. Hope someone for the development team hears this feedback.
I would just love to have multiple weapons with different properties to choose from for each character both for single player and online modes.
So much depth with so little effort!

And Talim. I must have Talim.
Sc5 p1 sc3 p1 and sc1 p2 costumes for Ivy.

Oh yeah pre match quotes absolutely need to come back.

As far as characters, even tho i'd be already way too happy and complete with just Ivy only, but still hoping to see some others, mostly for Sieg and Setsuka, it would be also awesome to see Z.W.E.I. back!! And of course Lord Maxi as well, even tho this last one i'm not too worries about him, since he's quite guarantee to make it.
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Hello there Namco I am really thankful you are making SoulCalibur6 and I can't wait to help support it and the community when it's here.

I'm sure you will make a beautiful game with many of our favourite characters and game modes planned.

I have a few features that I'd really like to see in SC6.

1. Online Training. A fantastic tool to get to practice with another player without having to be in the same room as them.

2. In game frame data listings. This will be extra helpful for beginner players looking to improve and advanced players for more convenient access to this information.

3. Match Replays that record online AND offline games. The ability to pause, fast forward and re wind individual rounds rather than having to watch the entire round to view a particular scenario that might have happened towards the end of the round.

4. I'm a huge fan of Z.W.E.I. from SoulCalibur5 because he was a very cool design and different fighting style. Would love to have him back!

Thank you for reading.
As there's a possibility the opinions will be taken into consideration, I will express mine:

1. Infinite stages. Love training without walls + not a big fan of ring outs.

2. Ashlotte and Amy (counting on Tira's return due to the leaks).

3. Multiple offline modes. Anything new/unique is appreciated but could be something like Chronicles of the Sword, Weapon Master, SC Legends. Team Battle was fun and fighting bosses such as Night Terror or Colossus was awesome too.

4. New finishing poses and quotes for characters, otherwise looks/sounds somewhat lazy (no offense).
-Just to make sure:
Please bring back Taki! My main since Soul Edge, as Natsu in Soul Calibur V, obviously.

Would also be great.

-Thank You, Project Soul
You already fulfilled one of my biggest dreams, making another Soul Calibur, so...
Thank You very much for that :)

-While Landing attacks
They were a really cool addition to the movelists in earlier Soul Calibur editions.
I never understood why they were taken away and miss them.

-Wall interaction
Running up and jumping off the walls like in Soul Calibur II.
I think you could do it with anybody by jumping backwards to a wall.
And with some characters from stances, for example Taki from Possession.
Those also allowed Soul Charge unblockables. Which were super situational and secret(not listed in game command list)
But total fun.

-Please bring back Crawl for Lizardman!
As @Menace mentioned in another Thread, it would be great for Lizardman to get the Crawl stance back.
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1. OPTION TO DISABLE ARMOR BREAK. The costumes are amazing looking it seems a bit ridiculous to not have that effort honored and appreciated. Please have a mode or option to disable this.

2. ONLINE PRACTICE MODE. This will literally be the game changer for fighting games.





Those are my biggest gripes and comments so far that going forward can be addressed.
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Never really gave my wishlist for the topic so guess i'll say something.

- I'd love to get some more things for CAS, preferably Sliders and a choice of what we want to break on each CAS, or custom costume.

- Valeria, Luna, ect. The styles of these characters had great potential but were never built on, which is a shame. While I cannot see them appearing in the base game, can we at least get them as DLC?

- Team battle, a lot of people want it, and I never really knew i wanted it until recently.

- Possibly a weapon creator system? Not anything complicated, just like a choice of the general parts. So like choice of Blade, hilt, handguard, and something on the end for swords for example. It'd just add a bit more character to CAS and Custom costumes.

- Setsuka or her style, same for Viola and Z.W.E.I even if the latter have to be DLC.

- Some little things for just little bits of detail, for example, being able to wear earrings (on men as well), choose a nail colour, have heterochromia etc. Just little things that are not really huge but add to the character.

Either way, whether tese get in or not, I will support the game till the end and probably past that. Bamco looks like they are doing a good job, and i cna't wait to see the final product. Also if you couldn't tell I love CAS
It is obvious that it will be impossible to attend to all characters requests. But would be awesome if we could have all the fighting styles of those who unfortunately will be out from SCVI (or the most requested characters at least) in CaS! I'd love to have that option on disk, but you Namco are counting on taking all my money... it's ok, I'd certainly buy fighting styles that I miss as DLCs
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As far as characters go, my top 4 characters that i'd want to see back are:

As far as modes:
1)Team Battle Mode: Same way it worked in SC2 & SB.

2)Survival Mode.

3)Arcade Mode: Includes character intros & outros.

4)Character Creation Mode: More hairstyles, clothes, costumes, effects, etc.

Other few things i'd like to see:

1-Infinite screams after an opponent loses.
2-The "Ding!" sound effect of Just Frames that was in SCIV.
3-An option to allow or block seeing what character your opponent chooses when playing online.

Those are a few things i can think of right now.
Being able to GI throws removed before release. Unfortunately, I doubt this will happen.
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I have one request NAMCO!!!

Make the game balanced. No more broken shit like Viola, Pyrrha, Hilde etc.
Make every player have an equal opportunity to win with their favourite character. Im tired of this *If you want to win, choose this character" bullshit that is fighting games today. No I dont want to play with Viola, Pyrhha etc etc. I want to play with the character i have an affinity with.
I'm tired of seeing top 8 in tournaments where almost every player uses the same character... For Gods sake.. STOPPPPPP!!!!!
P.S Stop making over powered ridiculous female characters. I see what you're doing there Namco.
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Here's a few quality-of-life things I'd like to add:

-The ability to purchase and select from a set of winposes, intros and taunts, specific to each character (ala Overwatch)
-Better tuned hitboxes for CAS characters so that combos work with both female and male characters alike
-No RNG loot unlocks like Tekken 7 has. I'd like to see a customization and go "Wow, that person was really creative!" instead of "Wow, that lucky motherfucker". Ideally you would grant access to new CAS parts with story progression or if you choose, online level progression
-A little more cultural diversity in the pieces. We've all noticed the hard-on for qipaos and generic ninja shirts

-Cooldowns for RQers and match dodgers
-A functional lobby system. Tekken 7 is in a pretty good place, but it wasn't always so. Let's get this badboy working out the box a proper menu system
-The ability to voice chat your opponent in ranked/quickplay. Banter is a pretty important part of fighting games, let us have it
-A better spectator experience in lobbies. It would be cool to be able to change the camera angle, make clips or even have hype reaction emoticons during fights. Also make it so that if the emotes are a thing, the fighters can press "Select" to toggle them on or off
-For us Steam users, tie in Discord support. Make it easy to bring people into the room that you're in through the in-game faculties
Having played ungodly amounts of SCIV and V, here is my list (in no particular order):

  • Online Training Mode (Somewhat Reasonable)
    • Either as a separate game mode, or (ideally) it would be integrated as a requestable option from the pause menu during an unranked game (i.e. you could pause and then "invite" the other player to enter Training Mode, wherein the current match would be put on hold if the other player accepts, and then either player can choose to end the Training Mode and go right back into where the match left off).
    • If that is not feasible, then I would at least appreciate the ability to enter a Training Mode during the downtime between matchmaking (or when I am not currently matched in the lobby).
  • The Ability to Create, Share, Rate, and Play Against "Ghosts"/AIs (Moderately Unreasonable)
    • The dream-scenario would be to allow players to share their AIs (based on their playstyle; or, softly 'programmed' through weighted preferences like "Grab Emphasis" or "Prefer engagement with 'X' move"). Then, other players could download the AI, play against it on their own time, and rate it (which would then allow sorting of 'Top Rated' Ghosts in given categories like 'Monthly' or 'Memey').
  • Multiple Critical Edges per Character (Slightly Unreasonable)
    • While this would result in a greater balancing burden on the team, I think it would vastly improve the connection that players have to the characters and overall improve the meaningful decision-making at all competitive (and non-competitive) levels.
    • To take it one step further, I would love, love, love if only certain Brave Edges (I guess these are just considered Soul Charged moves now?) were accessible from certain "loadouts" for a given character. This would further reinforce the player-character connection, as players could really focus on a particular form of the character.
  • Armor-Breaking as a Toggleable Option
    • This just boils down to a preference (one which many seem to share). I get that it's entertaining to certain demographics, but as it has no bearing on gameplay, there's no harm in making it a toggleable option.
    • Primarily, the costumes are fantastic, so it bums me out to see them break and then be left with goofy looking undergarments. Secondarily, it's just cringey for armor/clothes to explode.
  • Focus on Combo-ender Variety
    • One of the biggest letdowns from IV to V was the large reduction of variety in combos (particularly with my main: Nightmare). I'm really hoping that there is a greater variety of ways to end combos and, more importantly, that those different enders have distinct consequences. Ultimately, I want there to be more interesting decision-making as opposed to simply going for maximum damage 90% of the time.
  • Access to Prior Costumes
    • Both P1 and P2 Nightmare costumes from SCV were my favorite and would be sorely missed in SCVI.
    • Also, if you include a costume in the single-player content, then make it obtainable (e.g. SCIV Nightmare and Siegfried in SCV)!
  • Maintain the High-Quality Features of SCV: Stage Quality (meaningful transitions, variety), Net-Code, Lobby Systems, Match Replays, CAS depth, etc.
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