Soulcalibur VI Petition

Do you support an update for SCV and/or SC6?

  • Yes

    Votes: 249 97.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 2.7%

  • Total voters
Hey guys. So, after looking at all the updates and releases they have been doing for Tekken, DOA, SF, Smash, Lost Swords, etc, I figured that it's about time WE (the main SCV make) get something as well. They have time to create swimsuits and thongs for Pyrrha, they should have time to put DLC characters or patches as well.

With that said, I would like to get the entirety of what's known as the Soulcalibur community and tweet to @hoshino_calibur, @Harada_TEKKEN, @JKartje or Namco for a patch, update, or DLC to the mainstream game. We deserve some support as well. I know the French, German, and Japanese community are willing to support this too once this "movement" gets started. You can tweet for a whole new game if you want, the point of this is to speak up for something, unless you're all ok with letting Lost Swords have everything.

Namco can ignore a few people, even a handful, but they can't ignore an entire community across countries reaching out to them for this. Will you guys support this?
so in two days since my post in the atlanta matchfinder, not one post has been posted in ANY of the matchfinder threads. Aside from the video game/art/tournament/and general threads... how is this an active site?

and even looking in the atl post, through the month of October, I don't see SCV at their location of choice. I'm sure you can bring sc5 and play sc5. but no monthly. no weekly?

yeah. Real active community. COME ON BRUH!!! Make a new game, with the spirit of soul calibur. Kill this one off entirely. It's high past time namco calls T.o.D

Look, I don't want to be negative. I would love to be hype. But the prospect of a new soul calibur doesn't excite me. It's like how are they going to fuck this up even more? It's like through each SC instead of adding features they took away.

you say I'm insulting Sc5 players. well to quote a close friend.

"I see you talking....."

and to follow that up with a quote from a random crack head on the streets


Cause I don't see it. oh wait.. it's all online only now isn't it? That's what it is.
it's all online now. gotcha.

*Frank Underwood knock*

Go back to comparing Goku and Superman.
Funny thing is I actually agree that the website is dead. All the significant players are gone and the rest gossip about everything but Calibur.

The second part about the games being worse and the online only thing is waste disposal material.
It's profound how unfair you very few who are against this petition are. You really cant make bold assumptions about whats good and whats bad for everyone.

Some of us still enjoy Soulcalibur and would be excited for a Soulcalibur 6.

Those are literally the only reasons we need to petition.
IMO they need to scrap nearly everything they've done with SC3,4, and 5.
As for the competitive crowd and casual crowd……LOL
tbh, I dont really get the 'against-petition' stance.
You either agree with it and sign it / support it / try to recruit others, or You dont agree with the petition and You simply do nothing. Discussing the demerits of said petition will not change the fact that its already there and others support it, so why bother arguing against?
If you are so passionate to fight the petition, a counter-petition would be better. All the nay-sayers should create ' I demand SoulCalibur game franchise be stopped and dismantled' and post it here and watch what happens
^ That would defeat the purpose of trolling.

(sarcasm;)Oops. Gave myself away. (/sarcasm;)Honestly, if a new soul calibur comes out, so much the better. It activates the community (albeit for a limited amount of time) and that's the most important thing for me. The game, to be truthful I'm done with, but I agree, there's no real harm for the game if it comes out. Chances are it will. Making a new IP is too scary from a business stand point and SC like someone said before has significant support.

If a new one is introduced it'll spark some interest and then like the previous ones, hardcore people stay and chat with the likes of me. casual crowd moves onto the next naruto game.

but am I signing that petition? fuck no. I don't like SC enough anymore to support it. Still haven't bought 5. And never will. but hey. It's love.

also.. goku vs superman? really? that's the best you got? that?! really? all the ammo you have available. and goku vs superman is what you go with. I tell ya.. children. smdh.
Please dont take this the wrong way but WHY ARE YOU HERE?!

You know, I've answered this question before. Still the simple answer is, I have a history here since Soul calibur. in fact way before 8wayrun even was a thought. But it's mostly out of habit these days and the people I know from back then. Still, every now and again one of them pops up and I enjoy a conversation with them. But in reality I've been absent for a very long time, just started back up recently. Too much free time in between freelancing. Once I get a more solid job, or more contracts. I'll be gone again.

that suffice?

besides. Why can't I be? some rule against someone who isn't a fan of the game being here? Well let me be clear. I loved Soul calibur. I loved soul calibur 2. I hate to see what it has become now. Does that mean I should leave because I dislike your game? why? Soul calibur to me is that family member who you saw as someone great who has fallen on hard times, and you hate to see what he has to do now to get by. But you stick around because he's your family.

I'm sorry i'm not the dickriding fan who's blind to all the mistakes, and flaws and seeing it now as this broken, piece of shit that's barely clinging to life. oh does that insult you? People can argue with me and tell me it's great. That's their opinion. they're entitled to it like I am mine. That doesn't mean I don't have feelings for it, or stopping you from enjoying your game. You like this soul calibur. that's fine. I don't. And because of that I should leave? fuck you. You ignorant ass.

When I have no love for THIS community. then. and only then will I leave. Till then. hugs. But if you want me to leave this thread. that's fine. I understand, and I said my piece.
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You know, I've answered this question before. Still the simple answer is, I have a history here since Soul calibur. in fact way before 8wayrun even was a thought. But it's mostly out of habit these days and the people I know from back then. Still, every now and again one of them pops up and I enjoy a conversation with them. But in reality I've been absent for a very long time, just started back up recently. Too much free time in between freelancing. Once I get a more solid job, or more contracts. I'll be gone again.

that suffice?

besides. Why can't I be? some rule against someone who isn't a fan of the game being here? Well let me be clear. I loved Soul calibur. I loved soul calibur 2. I hate to see what it has become now. Does that mean I should leave because I dislike your game? why? Soul calibur to me is that family member who you saw as someone great who has fallen on hard times, and you hate to see what he has to do now to get by. But you stick around because he's your family.

I'm sorry i'm not the dickriding fan who's blind to all the mistakes, and flaws and seeing it now as this broken, piece of shit that's barely clinging to life. oh does that insult you? People can argue with me and tell me it's great. That's their opinion. they're entitled to it like I am mine. That doesn't mean I don't have feelings for it, or stopping you from enjoying your game. You like this soul calibur. that's fine. I don't. And because of that I should leave? fuck you. You ignorant ass.

When I have no love for THIS community. then. and only then will I leave. Till then. hugs. But if you want me to leave this thread. that's fine. I understand, and I said my piece.

You stay here not the series, but for the community? That some heart-warming shit...

But, I ask politely, what don't you like about the newer Soul Calibur games?
I'm sorry i'm not the dickriding fan who's blind to all the mistakes, and flaws and seeing it now as this broken, piece of shit that's barely clinging to life. oh does that insult you? People can argue with me and tell me it's great. That's their opinion. they're entitled to it like I am mine. That doesn't mean I don't have feelings for it, or stopping you from enjoying your game. You like this soul calibur. that's fine. I don't. And because of that I should leave? fuck you. You ignorant ass.

This is where i quit. You put a ton of words in my mouth. Reread my posts.

My only point is if youre anti-petition then why post? we're trying to get something done here. There are still plenty of fans and plenty of people who want this.
I say I'm goin to leave the thread. And then you quote/alert me to bring me right back. You guys sure you want me to leave the thread?

I mean if it's about me. Thanks I can use the ego boost. But let's run that to a more pm thing. As I'm Much obliged but if it's actually a topic discussion we can get discuss a bit more

Anyway my take on the series as a whole, tho I'm sure many will disagree with me is that with each iteration they refined too much. You started with something great soul calibur then refined it more with sc 2. Thing is sc2 oversimplified and made things a chore in high level play because it was simply turtle matches. but that's what made it fun. The options they gave you, moves flowed into one another, feints, delay attacks, while rising, while leaping, while landing attacks. Soul charge useless in gameplay but people found ways to work it in, if only for a taunt. Guard breaker moves and really a huge freedom of movement. It was broke, but when you just let go, the speed if the game was fun. At the end of the day I had more fun with sc2 then tekken 5 and hell, even TTT2. But as the series continued they refined more and more, taking away options while adding others while in my eyes they were fixing what wasn't broken. And like any work or piece of art that you continually fix and tweak, you lose sight of the original vision. You lose sight of what made it. "It". Soul calibur to me became soul calibur in name only. It is a completely different game then what it was. And like any respectable artist should think, sometimes the best way to grab what you lost after over tweaking is to scrap the whole thing and start over. Now there's pleanty of folks who disagree and that's fine. Some people say sc3 was the best, some say 4 and 5 and I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't like. I'm not your keeper. But there is always a special place in my heart for sc2. Because that was when I had the most fun playing this game. I hope there will be a future installment of the game that recaptures that fun. Right now in my eyes, sc is nothing but tekken with weapons. It's the same game. You approach it the exact same way. You can tell me no it's not and tell me your reasons and I shrug. I'm hardheaded that way. Because even when I sat and played it. Not for just a quick second either, but gave it that chance. That was the conclusion I came with. Open mind and all. I had fun when I played it, but it wasn't my cup of tea. If I want to play tekken, I'll play tekken. If I want to play sc. It's either plug up the dream cast, or play sc2hd

@dime. Careful girl. I enjoy you. But careful.

@Goose I'm sorry I was generalizing. It wasn't just you I was addressing. To be clear I'm not arguing for others to not sign it. Please if you like the game, sign it. I'm saying I'm not signing it myself. But then to answer the question why am I here. In this thread. Because muh fuckas keep alerting and quoting me got damn. You wanna talk I'm game.

Anyone else I missed?
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You love SC2
Madnis, you know I love SC2 about as much as anybody, but I played that game for millions of hours already. I don't want a band to make the same song over and over again, I want something new.

If SC5 was just SC2 with more characters and updated graphics, yeah that would be cool but it'd also be stagnant. What I like about SC is that the series stays the same at its core from game to game while making huge changes to the overall system as it goes along. Is it a perfect way to do things? No, it creates some inconsistencies that are sometimes huge (VC, Hilde's doom combo) and sometimes big but manageable (Amy, Viola).

I wouldn't have it any other way though, because I want to play something new. SC2 will always be there, and you will never go to a gathering for SC where someone, if not everyone, is willing to play it. But I think SC5 is a great game, one of the best in the series, and I'd love to see what they come up with for a sequel.
@dime it just flew right over your head and you tried to catch it. Good going drax. But thank you for the advice.

@chuck I feel you. I understand where you're coming from. My point is that the game shouldn't be like sc2. It's that when I play a game called soul calibur. I should feel like I'm playing a soul calibur game.

See this is taking it into deeper conversation that's going beyond simple game mechanics.

See you're saying that the core is the same in all sc games but that's not necessarily true. You see when someone sees a tekken game they know it's tekken. Doesn't matter what iteration. Tekken has that identity. Vf, doa, sf, kof, all these games have their identity. Soul calibur is recognizable to the layman in that it's a 3d fighter with weapons. Again that's grazing the surface. Other factors such as mechanics that people saw as identifying factors are gone from the game as it stands now or been changed radically. How you even play the game is similar to tekken. You setup for a hit that stuns or launches. Land it. Juggle/combo. Beat ass on the ground. Rinse. Repeat. Side steps even look like tekken now. Where as you had 8wayrun or 2g to get you around, now you have that windy super side dash. Which is remarkably like tekken's side steps. And while you have seen each version as different. I've been seeing this since 3. So at the end of the day, soul calibur literally not just figuratively, became tekken with weapons.

And I'm necessarily saying that's a bad thing. Just that it isn't my cup of tea. SCv was fun. I admit it. But it's not soul calibur for me. It's just a game trying to be soul calibur and that's okay because at the end of the day who really gives a fuck about my thoughts and feelings but me?

So to that end, I'm not stopping folks from liking their game. They like it, more power to them. But me? I can't support this. It hurts. So I'm one of those dudes who stay in the past it seems. Like one of those guys who can't listen to today's music because of nostalgia and having that "it's not and never will be as good as it used to!" Mentality. Maybe I'm just old. I don't know.

If you're gonna make a soul calibur game. Make it soul calibur. That doesn't mean make it more like sc2. It means make it a game with the essence of soul calibur. But again that's a deeper conversation.

Madnis be leaving them walls of text boy. You goin read or say fuck that shit. That's that madnis right there. People must have forgot. I'm a windy motha fucka
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Thank you @Mage I appreciate it. Could you include in there the tweet addresses as well? I know you redirected them to this site but some of them can't read in English

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