Soulcalibur VI Team Battle

Should Team Battle be a mode in Soulcalibur VI?

  • Hell yeah!!

    Votes: 50 87.7%
  • Nah.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
Especially if they implement tag mechanics, yes. The biggest weakness of Team Battle was that you could do 8v8, and if the first player was good enough, would essentially make it 1v8, because there was no way to toggle your team aside from losing to move on to the next character. Make it where when someone is KO'd / Rung Out that the match resets to avoid chains like could happen in SoulCalibur IV's singleplayer, but otherwise do it this way.
Yes. Especially if they give it an online version as well.
Team Battle would be such a fun feature online and further give players incentive to learn to play multiple characters, which I think is only a good thing. I've found it really disappointing that it hasn't been a thing in the recent games.
Hard to tell without having played the game, ASSUMING it's not adjustable, seems like the easy answers are:
1. Everyone starts with full meter. 8v8, gotta be quick!
2. Each team shares meter. Puts a lot of pressure on your opening character, as well as pacing your team.
Meter fills pretty slowly right now, if I'm not mistaken. Trying to keep that in mind.
It'll work the same way. Where's the issue? If character n.1 dies, character n.2 carries on with whatever amount of meter has been built. I'm sure you can built at least 1 meter in round 1 depending on how the match goes.
That's a good mode BUT I prefer they spend time on MULTI ENDING, CINEMATICS, SOLO playable Conquest mode etc... but it's a good mode.

I think we really have to work together to centralize a sort of whishlist and prioritize it with numbers and gives them before things are too late.
@Vergeben saying was very interresting, they are lurking around to see what fans want, so lets do more poll, and centralize and adress a message.
Ok so maybe continuation of meter isn't such a bad thing.. you die next char gets the meter left. Maybe the anchor (last char alive) gets an extra bar - that could create some hype in this mode - it's also similar to how 1v1 works right? (when you are 2 rounds down etc.) :)
An Online Team battle would be simply pure kreygasm.

And i mean mostly like Up to 8 VS 8 would include Up to 16 different players. Maybe it will be hard to implement but that would be awesome.
I don't see how it would work with 8 vs 8, you're talking about having 16 characters assets being loaded into memory which might be limited given that the textures will surely be of high fidelity, plus the absolute insane load times that will come with it. Anyone who's played an Unreal Engine 4 fighting game like Tekken 7 knows the load times are agonizingly long just for two characters on console. Even if the likes of the PS4 had SATA3 natively it would still be insane load times, it would be like waiting for the old game cassettes to load.
I don't see how it would work with 8 vs 8, you're talking about having 16 characters assets being loaded into memory which might be limited given that the textures will surely be of high fidelity, plus the absolute insane load times that will come with it. Anyone who's played an Unreal Engine 4 fighting game like Tekken 7 knows the load times are agonizingly long just for two characters on console. Even if the likes of the PS4 had SATA3 natively it would still be insane load times, it would be like waiting for the old game cassettes to load.
Maybe they can just reduce it from 8v8 to just 3v3. or 4v4 if thats the issue. 8v8 was pretty big for a team, even now.
Wouldn't they just load the first couple and have the rest pre-loading in the background? I think they'll be a way around loading it all upfront.
Wouldn't they just load the first couple and have the rest pre-loading in the background? I think they'll be a way around loading it all upfront.
Ideally yes but when you go into that realm you have to have the engine coded a specific way to hide those load times (parellel vs serial processing). One of the main reasons UE4 is being used by Team Calibur might also be the same reason the Tekken Team used it. Harada mentioned that UE4 is excellent for getting code up and running quickly when developing, but as Tekken players have noticed, overheads such as load times and latency have popped up as well as less spectacular visuals (quality of the hair most noticeable). Considering this is the engine side there are obviously going to be limits to what the team can do to make a more streamlined experience.

Or perhaps I'm taking out of my backside and there's no issues at all and it's all the game developers fault for not coding efficently. Someone who's programmed on UE4 will no doubt give a better understanding where it's short comings are.
Yes including a online mode and championships too, is boring see the same player playing always the same char...
Especially if they implement tag mechanics, yes. The biggest weakness of Team Battle was that you could do 8v8, and if the first player was good enough, would essentially make it 1v8, because there was no way to toggle your team aside from losing to move on to the next character. Make it where when someone is KO'd / Rung Out that the match resets to avoid chains like could happen in SoulCalibur IV's singleplayer, but otherwise do it this way.
Tag battle is a completely different mode. I prefer the strategy involved with being committed to a specific order.
Someone who's programmed on UE4 will no doubt give a better understanding where it's short comings are.
UE4 has some optimization cap, but it is so high it shouldn't be an issue. In 99% cases it's just bad code written under hard deadlines while it's usually not possible to predict how much time creating a feature will take.
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