Step Killer Anaylsis


[09] Warrior
Will try to update this.....

I spent quite a long time playing around with his movelist yesterday to collect my thoughts.

Seeing how everybody complains how Raphael is so vertical... sometimes makes me a bit annoyed.... it's true to a CERTAIN extent but not the way how everybody whines about it.... most of the time i find myself stepped when i'm in Prep/SE.... but then i ask myself... if i didn't go into the stance in the first place I would've been able to punish my opponent back... but here's my general analysis....

keep in mind... because of Raph has one of the best (if not the best) range vs speed ratio.... which makes him a great spacing character.....

a few notes on spacing and anti-step

Spacing is really knowing your opponent character's move's range vs your own move's range and optimizing your range vs their character's range.... although this seems like common knowledge to most.. however most beginner and intermediate players tend to play a "one-style" and use the same strategy/spacing strategy against all characters... then they later complain about their character sucking against another character because they can't do the same thing they were doing before.... unfortunately.... the truth is... anybody good will realize that you pretty much need to play differently against different characters to take full advantage of spacing.... some characters have it easier than others.... like Nightmare... his general move he needs to use for spacing works against most characters... making him one of the best spacing characters... fortunately I see Raphael share some of the same qualities in this aspect as well....

Sometimes the best thing to do for anti-step/spacing... is to wait for the opponent to come to you... and waiting doesn't really mean just standing there... it also includes... moving around sideways or backwards... or sometimes even forward (but still outside their range).... keep in mind... MOST of the moves in SC do NOT have TS properties..... so... if they whiff you can use your superior range to whiff punish them.... if they are also waiting for you... since raph generally have superior range/speed compared to most characters... you should have an advantage provoking them one way or another......

there's really too much scenarios what you can do or what you don't have to do.. but it's important to be patient at all times meaning sometimes you shouldn't be pressing buttons.


A good step killer have several important elements...
A. Speed
B. Range
C. Reliability
D. Safeness on block
E. Extra notes: like does it have TC or TS property, can it go into stance, can it be ducked/stepped on second hit.

I'll generally list moves I consider a good step killer on top and the more bottom it gets the more 'insignificant' i find them.... The order IS NOT PERFECT.... but like any list sometimes it's vague to put one move over another because different

+ This is arguably the best or one of the best horizontal move Raphael's got... It's got speed, it's got coverage, it's got range, safeness on block and it's reliable... if opponent step to their left sometimes it'll expose Raphael's back but they will get hit before that happens making it completely safe.
- The only weakness I will complain about this move is that it high... however if you do get hit out of it because it's high and they TC you.... are they hitting you out of it because they are stepping AND TC at the same time? Because there aren't too many TS + TC moves out there that can do that... if it's only doing TC... then it means you guessed wrong... As far as anti-step goes... this move does it's job really well

+ I honestly don't know if this deserves the #2 spot but it's a move I was really surprised myself for not using before testing and potentially can be a top 10 overall move.... Despite what the animation and the motion suggests.... this moves range is only second to 66A, although it seems short range it's actually extremely long range, better range than moves like 22A or 33A... To give you an idea how good the range is... you need to use 66B blocked at the tip of the tip follow by 44AB for it to whiff against someone who's stepping... if it's not at the very tip it will still connect....

It's natural combo that gives 30 damage, pretty much the highest as far as anti-step goes, and can lead to Prep. And best of all it's horizontal.

- Biggest weakness of this move is the speed.. but for the range it covers... it's ok... it's also not as safe compared to other moves raph has... but when you mix it up with Prep and no-Prep and the fact that nobody really looks into how to anti this move, you probably will never be punished for it if you don't go into stance.

+ fast, good range, TC bordering STC because of SE, covers both sides, reliable, safe on block (and leads to good JG bait)... if it weren't for going into SE to access it.. this will be his best move.
- There really nothing to complain about this move other than you need to go into SE which is difficult...

I have a tough time deciding SE A or SE K is better... in the end SE A is better because it can get you out of punish situation where SE K can't.
+ fast for a low, good range, reliable, covers just as well as SE A, quite safe on block with a few exception that could generally be ignored, creates a reason for people to duck.
- same as SE A you need to be in SE... and the fact it's slower and you need to be in SE... it means you're gonna get out speed and get hit out more often.

Throw/Step forward a bit then Throw
+ Throw is the universal Step-Killer... so if your character got a good throw range that'll automatically make him have a natural good step killer close range... fortunately Raphael throw range is quite decent.. Keep in mind when they do break the throw, you're still at advantage most of the time...
- The weakness is the throw is very obvious.

+ i15, -14 on block making it safe to majority of the cast, -2 on hit sets you up for WS B, decent range, very reliable until at the tip range then it's possible to step, at close range it's pretty much impossible to step. It's a low move meaning they can't TC you as well. Gives good frame advantage against downed opponent.
- damage sucks, at tip range can get a little unreliable and it's possible to get stepped at that range.... you might want to consider 1A at that range instead for step killing.

+ good range, decently fast, safe on block, it's reliable and covers both sides well
- crappy damage, leads to nothing on hit or counter... basically it's just a poke and set you back to neutral again...

2A/FC A (although two different moves can be used similarly)
+ i13 TC (i12 but no TC for FC A) the ultimate close range step killer, gives +8 frames on hit, and -6 on guard making it a decent JG bait. Leads to Raphael's awesome crouch game.
- Range is so crappy on this move.

+ quite fast low, longer range of 2K, basically should be used as a long range 2K, covers both sides
- at tip range, the horizontal coverage is a bit unreliable and can be stepped just like 2K at tip range, unfortunately at -16 it is significantly more unsafe but then again you're supposed to be using it outside of 2K range so... hopefully that'll make it a bit better.

+decent speed for a low, reliable, covers both sides, gives you 0 frame advantage but from animation makes you look like you have major frame advantage, can set you up for some horizontal autoGIs if that's the type of stuff you like.
-biggest complaint is really the range, at that range you got other options, like throw or 2K, it puts you at super close range on hit which is another reason why i don't really like this move... on block it's highly punishable to anyone who knows their block punish game well.... although there are some characters that can't punish you heavily for it... so you might want to take advantage of that.

+ decent range, decent speed, TS, reliable, tracks both sides
- fairly unsafe on block but might get away with it, so use it on certain matchups, crap frames on hit but at least leaves you at a decent range, and crap damage.

+ fastest mid i14, which happens to be a horizontal as well, safe on block (can't exactly count natsu in... all the time), pretty good move on hit and CH.
- kinda a bit unreliable at times, because the range of this move in general is quite good, however the range when used as a step killer is kinda unreliable making it possible to whiff... because of that I place this move here.

+ horizontal mid, reliable, covers both sides.
- the range is mediocre for the speed, crappy on block but might be able to get away with it unless you're against those few characters, low damage for the effort.

+quite fast, covers both sides, decent range for the speed, TC, leads to nice and easy combo on counter.
- It's super unreliable, despite covering both sides, it doesn't cover both sides reliably at time it'll whiff against someone who steps... you really need to know your setups for this move well for throwing it out there.... finally to make things even tougher it isn't safe on block... at -16, and the block animation you're gonna get punished most of the time.

Prep A<B
+ his one and only delayable move, covers both sides, fast, NC, his ONLY horizontal from Prep, considering Prep K LOOKS horizontal have minimal side coverage...
- it's only good and reliable at close range, otherwise it suffers from the same fate as 3A but since this is high as well it makes it even more horrible because one of Prep weakness is TC moves....

A(A), A(B)
+ fast, can cover both sides, NC regardless of which version you use, yields decent frames on hit.
- unreliable at further range especially when sometimes after the first hit connects second might whiff, duckable on block after first hit connects making AA extremely dangerous to those who have the reaction to duck it.... making AB overall a safer choice, so at far range you should just use A if you really want to use this move...

+ more or less similar to 1K but shorter range and safer but more importantly more reliable compared to 1K.
- suffers from slower speed, no TC, and less

Prep K - Thanks to Heaton.... for the sub-text/spoiler please read his post on page 2



Haven't looked into enough and will add....

-steppable if not at tip
basically is not reliable because you cannot control distance when you use it.
Also advantage on hit is really too low considering that as said most player will prefer to abuse raph lacks of mid threats rather than linearity.
The move is bad....but its all we have in many circumstances....
Most players knows how it works btw.

AB: afaik it doesnt track left at all...B is straight as hell (it tracked in scIV)
AA: each hit can be stepped on a diferent side, basically our AA is almost like mitsu/pyrrha BB, but high with worse frames -.-

2K: also steppable at ANY distance and very risky...still its range can interrupt many mixups.

44AB: B is steppable, really unsafe on block.
One of the most nerfed moves from scIV -.- expecially losing his 60 damage and good frames on block.

1K: tracks left

11K: imho worth all the risk, damage is huge, after hitting you have access to many reverse mixups i consider it one of raph best 3 moves.
It isn't even that short imho.
Raph is good at changing distance and some strategies makes him good at short distance also, having frame advantage.

Worth mentioning IMHO:
33KB: considering 33 will align you to opponent, its easy to hit a stepping opponent as long as he is not advancing.
BE version will dissuade them from abuse step considering the damage.

22B is still old 22B except for damage.

A+B,A at short range is awesome, tracking both side nicely.

4A it used to be a great mixup killer: now with character like mitsu tracking 90° with his verticals (236B for example) its less effective.....
Still quite good to escape some mixups/stances
Good write up. Agree with most, and the ones I disagree with i'll try more in my game to get a feel for. 44AB as a gap closer sounds pretty cool though.

Brief comments : I love the frames on wsA. Great on hit and block. i16 frames from crouching and tremendous reach. This is what A should have been. Deals only 12 damgage (twelve!), but you'll be scoring his on CH and on hit the frames will freeze your opponent up. This kills step because it changes momentum and is reliable and fast.

The problem is how many times is raph in FC (from force crouch on block situations to manually using iWS moves). I think Raph is in prep more than in a FC state.
Just to clear up a few things..... so people can understand me better.

What a consider safe might not be what other people consider safe.... I consider 2K as safe... however I get stabbed by the sisters and 3aB by Alpha.... on block.... but i consider that safe... simply because... it's not easy to punish on block by majority of the cast and even if they have a move that they can (FC A) it might be out of range......

66A at -12... is safe... for more or less the same reason... there aren't that many i12 moves out there... i'm not exactly fighting against LX, Natsu, Raphael all the time.... not to mention... i'm not doing it when they are in front of me and with their back to the ring... most of the time... after i do it at FAR range.... its far enough for the punisher not to punish... and if they do punish it.. most characters can't once again... so it's safe.... against the few match ups where it's not... just adjust and don't use it if you don't feel fit.

My testing method is not perfect.... there are many holes... i posted this up to start on something... if you got a better way to test... feel free to post your results. but in general

I set the CPU on block first.. then quick step left/quick step right.. I used NM and Pyrrha as my opponent... NM because his step is good... Pyrrha because she's what's consider standard.... but i didn't use all moves on both characters.. because of time... and because this is an INITIAL test.... once again.. if your results are different feel free to express.
The moves i use to block then do the move includes and maybe i don't use ALL the moves all the time... so... the results may vary... ..

(after blocking.....)

this is why... SOME moves i've listed "unreliable" because... i see them stepped.

once again.. this isn't a thorough test.. and it's just a preliminary list.. if i really wanna do a thorough test.. i will need to test quick step, regular step and 8WR.... but unfortunately i only have limited time and testing gets boring.
I'm sure what you say is true.... as well... if you can give some solid examples might actually help my list out.. but like I said.. under reasonable use... example.. you said 66A steppable unless i use it near tip... thing is.. why am i not using this move near tip in the first place?

2K steppable at any distance.... might be true too.... however... i think MOST of the time it tracks well enough for me.... and i find it quite reliable with exception to what i mention above... however if you strongly disagree you can find some examples

1K... thanks i know it tracks better one side than the other.. from my test it works with both.. but like you said one side is much better than other.... that's why i put down as unreliable.

11K: since i wrote it up.. it's just my opinion... and opinions can change over time and experience.. hopefully you feel the same way with some of the stuff i mention.

44AB: is a new move to me... so will definitely look more into it.... i don't care if it's nerfed or not.. because i'm playing SCV now and i don't dwell onto the past with any characters i play.... as of now.. it's a move i don't use much and might try to use more.

33KB... i agree with you the reset... and was playing around with this as a step killer.. but it's unreliable.

22B.... unfortunately i don't have as great of a result compared to 33KB in comparison.


yeah... the list above is just the first list to get things started...
as for getting into FC.. yes its unfortunate... i do use WS A sometimes.. but not enough... and ever since i realized WS B is i13... i haven't been using WS A enough... but recently i've been finding myself doing iFC 3B or sometimes even find myself purposely whiffing something like 2K or 2A and hit them with WS B

66A at -12... is safe... for more or less the same reason... there aren't that many i12 moves out there... i'm not exactly fighting against LX, Natsu, add phyrra phyrra omega patsuka

I'm sure what you say is true.... as well... if you can give some solid examples might actually help my list out.. but like I said.. under reasonable use... example.. you said 66A steppable unless i use it near tip... thing is.. why am i not using this move near tip in the first place?
opponent doesn t stand still like cpu, in real play it happens quite often to have 66A stepped because opponent moved and then stepped, or used a TS advancing move etc etc etc.....
So you have to fear move inconsistency plus it being an high.
I asked to change that thing in wishlist before scV was released....
They didn t fix it :(

2K steppable at any distance.... might be true too.... however... i think MOST of the time it tracks well enough for me.... and i find it quite reliable with exception to what i mention above... however if you strongly disagree you can find some examples
i use 2K a lot at melee and at distance...until opponents start to step it.....i do the same with their 2K (2K tracks on one side).

1K... thanks i know it tracks better one side than the other.. from my test it works with both.. but like you said one side is much better than other.... that's why i put down as unreliable.
its supposed to track left if i recall this game some moves slightly tracks where they shouldn t...
That is the case for right maybe it won t track QS for sure on the wrong side.

11K: since i wrote it up.. it's just my opinion... and opinions can change over time and experience.. hopefully you feel the same way with some of the stuff i mention.
never said you are wrong, i said i love the move, after all i liked scIV Teleport also :D and hate cantarella needless with passion.

As i said i change distance often to avoid getting answered easily due to raph holes in moveset/mixups.

Having A+B,A ; 1K and 11K

33KB... i agree with you the reset... and was playing around with this as a step killer.. but it's unreliable.
it was for me also...yet i liked the move so much and i didn t stop trying...
It seems that you can make it work almost as scIV version but with a very different timing.
I think delaying it could whiff only on advancing moves at close.
In the fixlist i think it suffers the same issue of 4B...second hit should be longer than first and not shorter :|
yea you cant step the b part of 44ab if u block the a. ive really been loving that move lately, its greats for those opponent who ract to ur movements by stepping
As much as Prep~K is weak, it does track better at range than ~A (well since ~A can't hit). ~A and ~K both can be stepped to raph's right, with the exception of ~k(BE), which at tip range tracks right step pretty well. Although, the auto tracking of prep makes this all hard to make concise. Also it may be worth mentioning that AB will not jail.
Even non-tracking moves like B can track through prep, that said a delayed ~A is also reliable and is slightly faster (but can be ducked).
delayed prep b for tracking is mad unreliable, prep a is better but if ur trying to stop step then delayed prep k or se k is the way to go
guys thanks for your input will retest some.stuff however if you disagree with something please test it and let me know how you test it.... by saying this tracks well or this doesn't it doesnt help... i'll find a better way to test as well

i tested prep k by setting a pyrrah to all block and then qs left and right. did 3b wait till raph takes a step forwards and then prep k
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LAU said:
I set the CPU on block first. then quick step left/quick step right
I would use the record command and do the evades yourself, when using present commands there may be issues with timings. Things that may be worth mentioning: 2_8B+K. SEB will realign about 45 degrees to either side, so usually a full QS is needed to evade. 22A CH gives +10.
just tested by having dummy do 3b prep k at various delays. only a full qs with no attack would make prep k whiff and that was only for certain timings.
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SEB will realign about 45 degrees to either side, so usually a full QS is needed to evade.
This is what they meant when they changed the tracking.

I wish i could dig up my old post about "three factors that makes moves track" and in this case, the only thing they changed is the maximum angle that SE B can re-align. If you're out of the maximum angle (ie you QS too far) raph will simply try his best to re-align (and you can see that SE B's re-alignment is about 30 degrees top).
11K: imho worth all the risk, damage is huge, after hitting you have access to many reverse mixups i consider it one of raph best 3 moves.
It isn't even that short imho.
Raph is good at changing distance and some strategies makes him good at short distance also, having frame advantage.

11k definitely has better range than it looks like, you can certainly use it outside of throw range and it's more reliable than 2k when catching step. And 21 damage from a relatively fast low is a big deal at the end of a round.

Close range isn't too bad for Raph if you're the one making the choice to go in. 3A, 2A, long as you have an idea of what to do after it's not the worst place to be.
some stuff that i'll look into after reading.. and playing more

prep K



just want to note my own guide really has been helping my own game haha... been using more 4A, 44AB and been showing some good result... and really put the scare in people who just steps without thinking.

Note that even if 44AB will hit step, if the opponent is getting hit too far to the side then Raph will align himself backwards and whiff the second hit. Really annoying.
Note that even if 44AB will hit step, if the opponent is getting hit too far to the side then Raph will align himself backwards and whiff the second hit. Really annoying.

the unreliability of that move scared me from using it more in "pressure" situations.
2K for me tends to track to raph's strong side (by realignment). 1A for me tends to track to raph's weak side (his right) very well (except at range 0). 1A manages to hit steppers because the weapon path covers his side (kinda like 6A) more than raph actually re-aligning with the opponent's movement. Only weakness aside from not tracking at close range (which you could have use 2A, grab.. or anything) is that it does 12 damage on CH and then is -4!. With properties like that, 1A should track both sides with re-alignment.