Strider Hiryu


[08] Mercenary
a few pics of this Character. If there is any custom part worth using instead of the armor that I unlock, i'll test it out and post again. enjoy.

Used Zwei Style



Well, he does hold it sideways from time to time, but I just don't see the style fitting. It's like when people gave Scorpion Ivy's style :/

Well, he does hold it sideways from time to time, but I just don't see the style fitting. It's like when people gave Scorpion Ivy's style :/

That's a badass toy

But yeah, it's really doing the best with what we're given. I admire the imagination and effort involved :)
ah you guys figured it out lol. It would've been cool to try it and make Mageto, but i don't see any suited parts to do the job. maybe if i keep leveling up in this weird ranking system, i'll find them(maybe).